Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 20th  October 2020

Present:  Cllrs Hodson, Hill, Cotton, Maciag and Pudney and the Clerk

098.20 Councillor Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed all to the meeting

099.20  Apologies and reasons for absence:

            County Councillor Gardener

            District Councillor Alban – another meeting

            Councillor Dear – unable to access internet  

100.20 There were no Member’s declaration of Disclosable Interests in respect of items on   the Agenda

101.20 No member of the Public or Press has requested to join the meeting         

102.20 To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 22nd September 2020

            Councillor Hill proposed acceptance, seconded by Councillor Cotton                                  

103.20 Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item:

                        There were none


Councillor Hill advised that nothing further has been received from the County Council regarding the LHI bid or speed camera

Councillor Pudney had nothing to report

Councillor Maciag had nothing to report

Councillor Cotton had nothing to report

Councillor Hodson – all allotment rent renewals have been paid.  There is a new allotment holder – the boundaries of his allotment had been brought back into alignment with other allotments.  There is one person/family on the waiting list for an allotment.

Cllr Hodson also advised that Michael Trolove has been undertaking work in the Jubilee Wood to cut back blackthorn and, in the near future, a chipper will be hired in to deal with the trimmings, the resulting mulch will be used for the orchard site.

Clerk advised that a Remembrance Service on Sunday 8th November would be held, subject to COVID restrictions, and Cllr Cotton offered to lay the wreath on behalf of the Parish Council (exact details of the service to follow).  Following a request from a parishioner, large poppies have been obtained and these will be displayed on the tree guards on the green, opposite the shop.


a) to note Barclays Bank statements

b) to note the details of the Cash Control forecast

c) PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNTS – to approve online payments in respect of the following:

 WhoWhat forAmountVATAuthorisedAuthorised
38J R TroloveWages for August – 34 hours£xxxNONEJRTPH
39Bradgate FencingGrass cutting Invoice no 837599.6616.61JRTPH
40Catalyst DesignWebsite update and accessibility requirement288.0048.00JRTPH
 Chris Knott Insurance BrokersCHARITY – Insurance for allotments85.00NONEJRT + PH PAID prior to meeting 
 J R TROLOVE paid by credit cardCHARITY -Buckingham Nurseries – infill plants for Jubilee Wood199.99NONEPlants ordered 15/10/2020, to be delivered when lifted 

d)  to approve Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 30th September (32 hours)

106.20 Precept – discussion of the annual budget to allow precept application to be sent to Huntingdonshire District Council

            A copy of the budget had been sent to Councillors and was available to view during the meeting – discussion followed as to spending requirements for the coming year and the updated budget forecast is attached.

            As regards the precept, it was agreed by all Councillors that this should remain at £11052 for the 2021-22 financial year.

107.20 Planning matters:

65 Main Street – removal of hedgerow – report from Andrea Dollard, Enforcement Officer at Huntingdonshire District Council.  She will request the householder to replace the hedge.

7 Mill Road – removal of 2 x oak trees – Parish Council had made comment on this application and, as requested, only one tree has been felled.

Blocked public footpath between Chapel End and Mill Road reported online – The Footpath officer has requested further information and details to be added to a map to enable her to pursue this matter.  Cllr Hodson has recently walked along Footpath 6 and cut back vegetation and advised that, as before,  there was a rope securing the gate.

NALC document on Planning Policy reform – Cllr Maciag had written a resume of the documentation which will be forwarded to Councillors.  He suggested that a Neighbourhood Plan and Design Guide might assist future planning considerations within the Parish.

Cllr Pudney enquired if anything further had been heard regarding the proposed mast and base station site in Luddington in the Brook – Clerk advised that as this was outside our parish boundary we would be unlikely to receive further correspondence.  District Councillor Alban has offered to liaise with East Northants District Councillor if required.

108.20 NALC website accessibility statement requirements.  Catalyst Design have sent an outline of options for the website and, in the mean time, have updated the Parish Council website pages and added a statement in respect of accessibility updates.  The preferred option for updating the website, agreed by all Councillors, was option 2 – to make necessary amendments to all pages on the website.  Cllr Maciag suggested that a new website could be budgeted for in say 3 years’ time.

109.20 Recreation Ground Update:

Multi Use Games Area – Cllr Pudney advised that the next step was to submit a planning application to Huntingdonshire District Council and Cllr Macaig will complete the necessary paperwork to be viewed at the November meeting. 

110.20 Charity update – Cllr Hodson advised that the Charity was now a standalone entity, the Charity Commission website has been updated, showing Cllrs Hodson and Hill, and the Parish Clerk as Trustees of the Charity.  The next step will be to obtain insurance cover and devise a constitution and financial regulations, together with all other necessary administration.  In the future members, and more Trustees, will be sought to join the Charity

111.20 The Clerk and Cllr Pudney had made a start on the next issue of the Gidding News, which will include suggested tasks for volunteers, information regarding bonfires, general updates of Parish Council activities.  A draft will be circulated to Councillors for amendment/approval by email as soon as it is available.  This will be sent to Inkwell Printers of Barnwell.              

112.20 Correspondence received since 22nd September 2020 (other than that discussed in agenda items above). 

Clerk:   NO letters have been received since the last meeting.  Due to COVID 19 restrictions emails have been shared almost immediately.

113.20 Items for decisions at next meeting: 

            Vice Chairman’s role

            Update on all planning matters, including adjacent to 21 Mill Road and 2 Gains Lane

114..20  Date of next meeting – Tuesday 17th November 2020,

starting at 1930 hours.  It is likely that this meeting will take place online due to virus restrictions, details will be confirmed on the agenda.

Meeting closed at 21.00

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