Parish Council News
Parish Council: Notices and Minutes of Meetings
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2010 Meetings of the Parish Council

15th December 2009 - Meeting of the Parish Council
17th November 2009 - Meeting of the Parish Council
20th October 2009 - Meeting of the Parish Council
15th September 2009 - Meeting of the Parish Council
18th August 2009 - Meeting of the Parish Council
28th July 2009 - Meeting of the Parish Council
16th June 2009 - Meeting of the Parish Council
19th May 2009 - Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
21st April 2009 - Meeting of the Parish Council
17th March 2009 - Meeting of the Parish Council
17th February 2009 - Meeting of the Parish Council
20th January 2009 - Meeting of the Parish Council

Archive - Meetings of the Parish Council 2008 and 2007

The Giddings St Georges weekend St Georges weekend
St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend
St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend

15th DECEMber, 2009
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Parish Room, Village Hall, Great Gidding at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hayden, Hodson, Byard, Howden, Foster, Hill, clerk and two members of the public

408.09 Apologies for absence
received from District Cllr Garner

409.09 Members Declaration of Interest

410.09 Minutes of 17th November 2009
Agreed and signed

411.09 Matters arising from the minutes
(information only)

412.09 Vehicle parking on Main Street
Two meetings had taken place with the Highways Department and they had produced a plan for yellow lines to break the line of parked cars and allow a space for vehicles to pass. The Parish Council agreed in principle to this suggestion but funding for this work would need to be found.

413.09 Recycling bins
HDC had visited the village and confirmed that the hall car park would be a suitable location for the bins if required.

414.09 Parish Paths Partnership (P3) 2010/11
deferred to January agenda

415.09 Request from PCC for donation towards repair of Church wall
Parish Council funds had already been earmarked for this and it was agreed to donate the £200 allocated from S137

416.09 Parish Plan
ACRE had offered advise on reviewing the plan, to be discussed at January meeting

417.09 Planning Application
- 0901577CAC Demolition of farmhouse and outbuilding, 61 Main Street – recommend approval
- 0901576FUL Proposed residential development (3 dwellings), 61 Main Street – recommend approval

418.09 Reports

• Planning -
• Tree Warden - Michael Trolove – HDC planting and fruit trees awaited
• Allotments - Chris Howden -
• VH & RG - Chris Howden – VH toilets are next for refurbishment followed by the heating. RG toilet plumbing to be completed
• Highways & Police - Robin Hayden – Gains Lane had a blocked drain and the Library and Post Office van were causing damage to Chapel End. Police speed checks had taken place on four occasions between 8.30 – 9.30am
• Finance & Charities - Paul Hodson – Budget review, Bertha Green bequest had now been fully allocated and S137 had £56 left. Charities amalgamation was completed and registration of land was being pursued
• PR & School - Julie Byard - The next edition of the Clarion would now be produced in the New Year. The school had stated that they would move cars parked on Main Street on request to aid access to adjacent properties for service vehicles.
• Rights of Way - Rose Foster – Work delayed on Footpath from Mill road to Chapel End due to illness of contractor

419.09 Bank Reconciliation agreed and payments approved

- Acrabuild (sewer connection) £1650.25
- S Dalley (salary + backdated pay award and increased working hours) £452.92
- St Michaels PCC (S137) £200.00
- Anglian Water (rec. ground) £10.95

420.09 Correspondence received

- Andrew S Campbell Associates Ltd re Residential development, 61 Main Street - noted
- Letter from parishioner re allotments and village hall. Letters read out, clerk to reply concerning allocation of allotments
- Cambridgeshire County Council, Provision of Salt Bins – 3 bins already provided and all have salt in.
- Neighbourhood Engagement in Huntingdonshire – next meeting 20th January 2010, 7pm Sawtry Infant School
- Cambridge Core Traffic Scheme – Stage 4 - noted
- Cambridgeshire Community Services, Keeping in Touch - noted
- Luminus News and invitation - noted
- CPALC information from AGM – noted

Date of next meeting Tuesday 19th January 2010


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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend

17th November, 2009
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Parish Room, Village Hall, Great Gidding at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Alexander (chairman), Hodson, Foster, Howden, Hill, District Cllr Tuplin and clerk.

394.09 Apologies for absence
received from Cllr Hayden

395.09 Members Declaration of Interest
for agenda item 400.09 Cllrs Hill and Hodson

396.09 Minutes of 20th October 2009
Agreed and signed

397.09 Matters arising from the minutes
(information only)

398.09 Jointly Funded Minor Improvement Bid.
Our bid for a drop kerb opposite the village hall and traffic calming had both been highly scored but just missed out on funding for next year

399.09 Vehicle Parking on Main Street.
A site meeting had been arranged for 24th November with the CC Highways Department

400.09 Allotments, allocation, rental and water connection.
Following lengthy discussion it was proposed by Cllr Alexander and seconded by Cllr Howden that holders of plots not being used as allotment gardens are given notice to vacate. This would take effect from 1st April 2011. A vote was taken 5 for and 1 against. The clerk to contact Anglian Water re connection of water supply to the allotments. Rent review still to be agreed.

401.09 Village pond, Main Street.
The contractor who had carried out the work on Chapel End Pond to be contacted again for a quote for work on this pond. An environmental survey would also need to be completed

402.09 Recycling Bins.
HDC had been contacted to see if the village hall would be a suitable alternative location for the bins if needed.

403.09 Clerks Salary and hours
Cllr Hodson proposed the clerks hours be increased by half an hour a week to cover attendance at meetings, all agreed The 2009.10 National pay award for local council clerks was also accepted.

404.09 Precept budget for 2010/11
Cllr Hodson had produced a proposed budget for next year; this was discussed and agreed. Amount of precept required for year commencing 1st April 2010 is £10,533

405.09 Reports

• Planning – no report
•Tree Warden - Michael Trolove, Fruit trees and Parish Planting Scheme trees ordered
• Allotments - Chris Howden see agenda item 400.09
• VH & RG - Chris Howden, work was progressing well with double glazed replacement windows fitted, new flooring in small hall and new shed erected. Next stage would be the modification of the toilets and improved heating system. Transfer of £5000 from allocated PC funds was requested to pay for work to date, this was agreed. Recreation Ground, sewer connection was planned for the end of the week.
•Highways & Police - Robin Hayden, no report
•Finance & Charities - Paul Hodson, budget on track
• PR & School - Julie Byard, dialogue with the school had now been opened up. It was hoped to produce a Clarion in the next few weeks.
• Rights of Way - Rose Foster, footpath No 6, all landowners had been contacted and improved gates agreed

406.09 Bank Reconciliation and approval of payments agreed

•SLCC (clerk training day) £109.25
• Clerk salary £273.24

407.09 Correspondence Received

• CPALC AGM 21st November 2009 - noted
• Huntingdonshire CAB - request for donation, budget already allocated
•Cambridgeshire Horizons - email details to Cllrs

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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend

20th october, 2009
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Parish Room, Village Hall, Great Gidding at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hayden (Vice-Chairman), Hodson, Howden and Foster, clerk and 3 members of the public.

Members of the public expressed their concern over the parking along Main Street. This was causing all traffic to use only one side of the carriageway, which was having a detrimental effect on properties on this side of the road.

379.09 Apologies for absence
Received from District Cllr Garner and Tuplin

380.09 Members declaration of interest for agenda items

381.09 Minutes of the meeting held on 15th September 2009
agreed and signed.

382.09 Matters arising from previous minutes
(information only)

383.09 Film night in village hall, request for financial contribution.
It was agreed to allow up to £25 per showing for 2 film nights. The organisers would be required to show shortfall to claim this allowance

384.09 Recycling bins rental payment.
It was noted that the recycling credits received Oct/Mar of £179.16 was significantly less than previously received. The first half rent instalment of £225 to Mrs C Hill was agreed. A further payment of £225 would be due in Mar 2010.

385.09 Village ponds update
The work carried out on the pond at Chapel End had been very successful, HDC and contractors had done an excellent job and the clerk was thanked for her work towards this project. A quote had been requested from the contractors for work on the pond in Main Street

386.09 Disposal of redundant equipment at Recreation field.
It was noted that payment of £50 had been donated to the VH & RG committee for the removal of this equipment

387.09 Society of Local Council Clerks membership renewal.
It was agreed to pay the annual subscription fee of £82

388.09 Training – Code of Conduct Course, bursary and funding.
The clerk had applied for a bursary towards a training course. A bursary of £47.50 had been awarded (50% cost of the course) It was agreed that the council fund the other 50% cost of the course.

389.09 Parish Council Office furniture and security.
It was agreed to purchase blinds for the office, as the replacement double glazed windows would be clear glass.

389.10 Vehicle Parking, Main Street – letter from resident.
Concern was expressed over the constant use of one side of the carriageway due to the parking on Main Street. A meeting had been arranged for 17th November with the County Council to discuss this problem

390.09 Sewer connection, Recreation Field
Building Control permission had been required at a cost of £115 inc. VAT

391.09 Reports

• Planning - District Cllr Garner had informed the clerk that the application for 76 Main Street had been refused by HDC. A copy of a letter sent from the developers to HDC reference 6 Main Street had been received.
• Tree Warden - Michael Trolove had completed an application for fruit trees and it as agreed to spend £94 of the £100 allocation for this project. The Parish Planting Scheme in conjunction with HDC was also being worked on.
• Allotments - Chris Howden agreed to look at the rules and regulations and report back to the next meeting.
• Vhall & Rec. Field - Chris Howden reported that the flat roof had been re-felted, replacement windows ordered along with new flooring for the small hall. Plans were also being drawn up the refurbishment of the toilets.
• Highways - Robin Hayden reported potholes in Chapel End A letter had been received from the RAF Commander at Alconbury in response to our letter concerning vehicle speeding.
• Police - Robin Hayden receives regular contact from PC Paul Sykes and speed checks continue in the village.
• Finance & Charities - Paul Hodson updated Councillors on the budget and adjustments to date.
• PR & School - Julie Byard – no report
• Rights of Way - Rose Foster was working with John Nicolson from the County Council and progress was being made on improvements to footpath No 6.

392.09 The following payments were approved

• HDC Building Control Fees £115.00
•SLCC membership renewal £82.00
•S Dalley (clerk salary) £273.24
•Christine Hill (recycling rental) £225.00

393.09 Correspondence received

• Building Control Acceptance – Recreation field
• Anglian Water Sewer connection agreement
• Development Panel Meeting – 76 Main Street
• Parish Council Precept request by 11th December
•Funding opportunities – Small Scale Environmental Improvement Scheme 2010/11. – It was agreed to submit an application for improved pedestrian access to the Village Hall.
• A14 between Ellington and Fen Ditton – proposed improvements
• Planning – Parish Council Forums - noted
• Cambs. ACRE Impact Report 2008/09
•Future Cambridgeshire – Response on the Regional Strategy

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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend

15th September, 2009
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Parish Room, Village Hall, Great Gidding at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hodson, Byard, Howden, Foster, Hill, clerk and one member of the public.

366.09 Apologies for absence
Received from District Cllrs Tuplin and Garner

367.09 Members Declaration of Interest
for agenda item 374 Cllr Foster

368.09 The minutes of 18th August 2009
were agreed and signed.

369.09 Matters arising from the previous minutes
(information only)

370.09 JFMI bid -Traffic calming, interactive sign annual cost £300
It was agreed to budget for this cost should the bid be successful

371.09 Chapel End Pond Environmental Improvement Scheme
A drawing of the scheme had been produced by HDC and was agreed. Clerk to contact HDC to see if any funds not used on this project could be made available for the village pond, Main Street HDC also to be requested to contact Cllr Hill re siting of proposed bench at Chapel End Pond.

372.09 Village pond
For further discussion at next meeting

373.09 Sewer connection Recreation Field
3 quotes had been received and it was agreed to accept ACRAbuild quote of £1,435.00 exc. VAT. Payment of £206+VAT for Anglian Water application was agreed.

374.09 Grass cutting of the green
It was agreed to ask the present contractors of the Recreation Field to include the cutting of this area for the remainder of this season. This area will be included in the quotes obtained for the next growing season.

375.09 Water connection to the allotments
This provision could be funded from the Charity Account. Clerk to contact Anglian Water.

376.09 Request by Village Hall committee for donation of £10,000 towards the building improvement project in conjunction with grant applications
Following discussions it was proposed by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Byard that up to £10,000 be allocated to the Village Hall refurbishment project from S137, Bertha Green Bequest and General Reserves. This funding would not be dependent on any grants received by the Village Hall Committee. All agreed.

376.10 Reports

• Planning - 61 Main Street, hearing outcome awaited
• Tree Warden - Michael Trolove had agreed to take over this work from Ian Stapleton. It was agreed to allocate up to £100 for fruit trees to be planted in the Wood
• Allotments - Chris Howden
• Vhall and Rec Field (Chris Howden) - Toilet had been purchased for the Recreation Field and will be installed once the concrete base is down.
• Highways (Robin Hayden)
• Police Liaison (Robin Hayden)
• Finance & Charities (Paul Hodson) - The Charity Commission had agreed to amalgamate the 3 parish charities in to one. The name of the charity is The Great Gidding Charity. Great and Little Gidding Parish Council is the Trustee of the charity. The object of the charity is the general benefit of the inhabitants of the area of benefit in such charitable ways, as the trustees think fit. The clerk was asked to look at parish records to see if any deeds were held to assist Land Registry.
• PR & School - Julie Byard agreed to produce article for inclusion in Parish News.
• Rights of Way - Rose Foster had met with John Nicolson from CCC and problem areas identified. John will look in to possible improvement work and will be contacting landowners to improve access.

377.09 Bank Reconciliation and payments were approved

• Moore Stephens (Audit) £172.50
• Viking order £46.48
• Steve Parnwell (pond survey) £200.00+VAT £230.00
• Anglian Water (sewer) £236.90
• S Dalley (clerk salary) £273.24

378.09 Correspondence received

• HDC Development Management Process Questionnaire – Julie Byard agreed to complete and give a copy to clerk
• Victim Support – request for donation. Budget had already been allocated, clerk to contact with decision.
• Sustainable Communities Act Amendment Bill request for support. For individuals to respond
• Copy of letter sent to HDC re 61 Main Street from a resident - noted

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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend

18th August, 2009
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Parish Room, Village Hall, Great Gidding at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hayden (Vice Chairman), Hodson, Byard and Howden, District Cllr Tuplin and Clerk.

351.09 Apologies for absence
Received from Cllr Foster and District Cllr Garner

352.09 Members Declaration of Interest for agenda items
Cllr Hayden, 76 Main Street

353.09 Minutes of 28th July 2009
Agreed and signed

354.09 Matters arising from previous minutes
(information only)

355.09 Planning Applications

• 76 Main Street, redevelopment of site – Recommend Approval but concern expressed over vehicular access on to the B660 especially for service vehicles, and siting of refuse bins.
• Request for S106 allocation for Village Hall Improvements.

356.09 Jointly Funded Minor Improvements Bid
It was agreed to submit two bids, one for traffic calming and the other for improved pedestrian access to the village hall.

357.09 Chapel End Pond Environmental Improvement Scheme
A site meeting took place on 13th August. The District Council are to draw up a scheme of work and it was agreed that they would project manage the work.

358.09 Village Pond, Main Street
To be discussed at next meeting.

359.09 Sewer Connection Recreation Field
One quote had been received, two more awaited.

359.09 Village grass cutting
Quote still to be received.

361.09 Viking order
It was agreed to place an order for office supplies.

362.09 Reports

Tree Warden - Ian Stapleton - no report
Allotments - Chris Howden - provision of water to the site to be discussed at next meeting.
VHall & Rec Field - Chris Howden – Minor improvements had already been made to the décor of the hall. A grant for £2500 had been received and would be used to purchase toilet for Rec Field.
Highways & Police - Robin Hayden – The highways department had visited the village and assessed and graded the roads for repair. The next Neighbourhood Police Panel Meeting is to be held on 2 Sep at Stilton.
Finance & Charities - Paul Hodson – Budget updated
PR & School - Julie Byard – August Clarion had been distributed. Liaison with the school had been started.
Rights of Way - Rose Foster – A meeting to be arranged with the County Council Rights of Way Officer.

363.09 Bank Reconciliation and payments agreed

Clerk Salary £273.24
M Read (Clarion delivery) £10.00

364.09 Correspondence received

Annual Return had been received from Moore Stephens and notice of completion of audit displayed on noticeboards.
Cambridgeshire Together requests the pleasure of your company at an evening or rural debate entitled ‘Rural Cambridgeshire: Ensuring a Vibrant Future’.

364.09 Date of next meeting
September 15th at 7.30pm in the village hall.

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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend

28th JuLY, 2009
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Parish Room, Village Hall, Great Gidding at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hayden (Vice Chairman), Howden, Byard, Mrs Foster, District Cllr Tuplin and clerk.

District Cllr Tuplin informed the meeting that the District had been split in to 5 areas which would hold quarterly meetings to include Police, PCT, CC, DC and PC members. The next one would be held in Sawtry in Dec

337.09 Apologies for absence
Received from District Cllr Garner and Cllr Hodson.

338.09 Members Declaration of Interest for agenda items
Cllr Hayden 76 Main Street.

339.09 Minutes of 16th June 2009
agreed and signed

340.09 Matters arising from previous minutes
(information only)

341.09 Casual Vacancy
Mrs Foster was co-opted on to the council and declaration of acceptance of office signed

342.09 Jointly Funded Minor Improvement Scheme 2010/11 Bidding.
Cllr Byard agreed to look at submitting a bid for traffic calming and would report back at the next meeting

343.09 Proposed changes to grassed area and repositioning seat, The Laurels, Main Street.
It was agreed that the resident needed to obtain permission from the County Council Highways Department before agreement to move the bench could be given

344.09 Grass cutting of the green.
It was agreed to obtain quotes for having this area of grass cut on a more regular basis to the present 4 times a season

345.09 Village ponds
A site meeting is to be arranged to proceed with the restoration of the pond in Chapel End. Advice on how to proceed with the upkeep of the pond in Main Street was still being sought.

346.09 Highway maintenance.
It was agreed that the condition of roads within the parish were not acceptable especially Luddington Road Back Lane and the road leading to Little Gidding. The clerk was requested to write to the County Council Highways Department with a copy to County Councillor Viv McGuire pointing out these concerns

347.09 Reports from representatives

347.10 Highways – Cllr Hayden A gully was blocked in Main Street – clerk to report. Cllr Foster requested that we write to USAFE Alconbury asking them to assist us in our aims to reduce speeding within the village.
Police – Cllr Hayden – speed checks still being carried out
Finance – Cllr Hodson – no report
Charities – Cllr Hodson- no report
Rights of Way- Cllr Foster agreed to look at taking on this role
Public Relations – Cllr Byard had produced a Clarion which would shortly be distributed to all households
Village Hall – Cllr Howden updated the meeting on the work list for the hall and applications for grants. It was agreed to adopt the new Financial Regulations for the hall and rec.field.
Recreation Ground – Cllr Howden informed the meeting that the path from Chapel End surface would be improved.
Allotments – Cllr Howden agreed to report on these
Village School – Cllr Byard was in the process of talking to the school about working together on various issues
PCC – no report

348.09 Bank reconciliation and payments approved

Clerk Salary July £273.24
SLCC (new edition Local Council Admin) £55.60 (inc postage)
Ibbetts (lawn mower) £319.00 (inc VAT)

349.09 Correspondence received

Planning Application - 0900885CAC to demolish buildings at 76 Main Street – Application for new build awaited, both applications to be discussed at next meeting.
Consultation Invitation, Rural Cambs - Ensuring a Vibrant Future – 9 Sep at Bluntisham 2 – 5 pm - noted
Fen Adventures Partnership – information given to Cllr Howden for possible village hall/recreation field use.
Appeal at 23 Gains Lane – correction notice. information noted
Cambs County Council – request for volunteers to help at Antiviral Collection Centres.
CCC Position Statement – Children’s Centres Development.
Nationalgrid – High Pressure gas pipeline.
East Northants Development
CPALC – summary of services and support. – noted

350.09 Date of next meeting
18th August at 7.30pm in the village hall.


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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend

16th June, 2009
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Parish Room, Village Hall, Great Gidding at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hayden (Vice Chairman), Hodson, Byard, District Cllr Tuplin and 4 members of the public.

Comments and observations by members of the public.
A request for regular cutting of the grass on the village green was made. It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting.

316.09 Apologies for absence
Received from District Cllr Garner, Cllrs Hill and Howden.

317.09 Members Declaration of Interest for agenda items
Cllr Hayden for 61 Main Street.

318.09 Minutes of the meeting held on 19th May 2009
Agreed and signed.

319.09 Matters arising from previous minutes
(information only).

320.09 Casual Vacancy Co-option
The statutory notices had been displayed and the Council could now advertise the vacancy.

321.09 Chapel End Pond restoration and village pond upkeep
The pond survey had been received and would now be forwarded to the District Council for the next stage of the environmental improvement grant. The council agreed to look at a programme of regular upkeep of ponds.

322.09 Lawn mower quotes
Three quotes had been requested, two had responded in writing, one verbally. Ibbetts quote for £319 inc VAT was accepted.

323.09 Trustees of Village Hall
Charity commission had agreed that Parish councillors should be the sole trustees.

324.09 Leeds Day Invoice
Merger of 3 charities to Great Gidding Charity had been agreed by the Charity Commission. Payment of Leeds Day invoice was agreed.

325.09 Independent Internal Audit Report
This was read out and recommendations accepted.

326.09 Request to purchase toilet for Recreation Field from Bertha Green Bequest
Quotes were being sought for the purchase of toilet and the Parish Council agreed to use the remaining Money towards the purchase. Parish Council to obtain 3 quotes for the connection to the sewer.

327.09 Request for the Parish Council to pay water/sewage bills for Recreation Field
It was agreed that the Parish Council pay the water bill for the first year when it would be reviewed.

328.09 New Charles Arnold Baker 8th Edition Local Council Administration £53.60
It was agreed to purchase this new edition at the discounted price offered.

329.09 Reports from representatives

Planning – Appeal decision 23 Gains Lane allowed planning permission for the erection of two dwellings.
- 61 Main Street, both parties have agreed that the appeal be dealt with at a ‘hearing’.
- Application 0900632FUL Erection of cat boarding units, Gidding Grove Farm – Parish Council recommended approval.
Highways – written response received from Anglian Water stating no plans to replace main water pipe along Main Street. It was agreed that the provision of traffic calming be looked at now that the school was no longer providing this. Clerk to contact the Highways department for advice.
Police - speed checks had been carried out locally, volunteers needed for speedwatch training.
Finance – budget review in September.
Charities – agenda items.
Rights of Way – no report.
Public Relations – Parish News and Clarion. Cllr Byard had agreed to help produce a summer edition of the Clarion.
Village Hall – Draft Financial Regulations to be agreed at next meeting.
Recreation Ground – water connection now complete.
Tree Warden – Tree survey 26th June, this was cancelled by District Council, new date to be arranged.
Allotments and rented land – it was agreed to review allotment rents in January 2010.
Village School – Cllr Byard to make contact.

330.09 Village Shop, post office closure
Date of post office closure had now been received, 15th July with outreach starting 17th July.

331.09 Councillors Allowances and Expenses – noted.

332.09 CPALC Best Practice Guides

333.09 Annual rent Parish Council Office
It was agreed to pay the £500 rent for the use of the Village Hall.

334.09 Bank reconciliation and approval of payments

Leeds Day (charity account) £2,070.00
Clerk Salary (June) £273.24
Canalbs Ltd (internal audit) £49.50
Gt Gidding Village Hall (rent) £500.00

335.09 Correspondence received

HDC credits received (recycling) Oct/Mar £179.16
Letter from parishioner concerning smell from village pond, Main Street. – The council agreed to seek advice on clearing the area of the pond causing this problem.
Highways Agency Area 8 Service Provider – Change of Address – noted.
Huntingdon West Area Action Plan – noted.
Model Code of Conduct – Registration of Financial and other interests – All councillors to review and complete forms as necessary.
Cambridgeshire ACRE – Services user survey.
Local Development Framework – Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2009 Revision & Call for Employment Land Sites.

336.09 Date of next meeting
Due to holidays it was agreed to meet on the 28th July in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend

19th May, 2009
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Parish Room, Village Hall, Great Gidding at 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Alexander (Chairman), Hayden (Vice Chairman) Hodson, Hill, and two members of the public

295.09 Election of Chairman
It was proposed by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr Hill that Cllr Alexander be re-elected, all agreed. Cllr Hayden proposed a vote to thanks to Cllr Alexander for his work during the previous year.

296.09 Election of Vice Chairman
It was proposed by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr Hill that Cllr Hayden be re-elected, all agreed.

297.09 Apologies for absence
Received from Cllrs Howden and Byard and District Cllr Garner

298.09 Members Declaration of Interest for agenda items
Cllr Hill item 310.09

299.09 Minutes of the meetings held on 21st April and 6th May 2009
Approved and signed.

300.09 Matters arising from previous minutes (information only)

301.09 Casual Vacancy
A letter of resignation had been received from Cllr Titmus. Clerk to write thanking him for his work as a councillor. HDC to be informed and casual vacancy to be advertised.

302.09 Specification for pond restoration, Chapel End.
It was agreed that the existing fence be removed and replaced with a post and rail fence; the hedge, brambles and branches be cut back; the pond to be dug out, spoil removed and the Parish Council sign relocated. Once the survey had been completed and received 3 quotes to be sought.

303.09 Request to purchase mower for VH & LA use
It was agreed to purchase a mower for use by the VH & LA committee from S137 up to £300. Clerk to obtain 3 quotes for a Honda Izy 415.

304.09 Insurance Renewal
It was agreed to pay the renewal premium

305.09 CPALC membership and annual subscription
It was agreed to pay the annual subscription

306.09 The Giddings Website Hosting and updating
It was agreed to pay the annual cost for hosting and updating the village website. It was suggested that we invite Paul Crank to a future meeting to discuss any further help required

307.09 Request to level ground and raise bench at crossroads
A verbal request had been made to Cllr Hodson. The Parish Council had no objections in principle but it was agreed the clerk write inviting the resident for specific details in writing.

308.09 Request for sub account email address for Village Hall
It was agreed to set up a sub account.

309.09 Parish Council liaison with Village School
It was agreed to nominate a Councillor to liaise with the school over use of village facilities, working together over car parking, traffic calming etc. Cllr Byard had offered to take up this role – all agreed.

310.09 Recycling Bins proposed rental agreement to site at Village Pub
It was agreed that the Parish Council pay an annual rent for use of the pub car park to house the recycling bins and for keeping the site clean and tidy. It was agreed to pay £450 for the financial year 2009/10 in two instalments (Sep and Mar)

311.09 Adoption of Annual Accounts 2008/09
The annual accounts were adopted by the council and signed.

312.09 Reports and update of committee representatives

Planning – 23 Gains Lane hearing had been held - outcome awaited. 61 Main Street had gone to appeal
Highways – letter sent to Anglian Water requesting a survey of the water pipe on Main Street. Verbal reply received that there are no plans to replace the water mains in Great Gidding. Clerk to ask for a written response. Clerk to contact Highways department concerning the repair of the path to No 4 Luddington Road and to write to resident on progress. Residents who live adjacent to the school are experiencing problems with parked cars making access to their properties very difficult
Police – nothing to report
Finance – budget review next agenda
Charities – FBT had been signed by both parties
Rights of Way – vacant
Public Relations – Cllr Byard had agreed to take on this responsibility
Village Hall – A new committee had been formed
Leisure and Amenities – as above
Tree Warden – no report
Allotments – one on the waiting list
Village School – no report

313.09 Agreed approval of payments

Paul Crank (including website hosting with Fasthosts) £264.60
CPALC membership £87.16
Allianz Insurance renewal £534.07
Clerk salary (May) £273.24
Parish Meeting refreshments £5.15

300.09 Correspondence received

Cambs CC re the ‘Big Lunch’
Public Sector Duties – Equality and Human Rights - noted
Current Enforcement Cases with the Parish - noted
Cambs Play Pathfinder Project: Year Two
Standards Committee attending meetings - noted
Freedom of Information DVD

315.09 Date of Next meeting
Tuesday 16th June 2009

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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend

21 April, 2009
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Parish Room, Village Hall, Great Gidding at 8.30pm

Present: Cllr Alexander (Chairman), Hayden (Vice Chairman) Hodson Hill, Byard and Howden

272.09 Apologies for absence
Received from District Cllr Garner and Tuplin

273.09 Members Declaration of Interest for agenda items
Cllr Hill declared an interest in item 227.09

274.09 Minutes of 17th March 2009

275.09 Matters arising from previous minutes (information only)

276.09 Village School update
The proposed new school was now not expected to be built.

277.09 Recycling credits
It was proposed that the credits received from HDC are paid to the licence holder and tenant of the village pub for providing a site for the bins and keeping the area well maintained. It was also proposed that the PC pay rent to have the bins maintained at the pub.
The PC agreed to pay the credits with one voting against and review future payments at the next meeting.

278.09 Compost Giveaway Scheme
It was agreed to have the bags delivered to the allotments with any bags left over used on the allotments

279.09 Small Scale Environmental Improvement Scheme
Agreement to fund survey of pond for protected species. The PC had been successful in their application for a grant, it was agreed to look in to getting 3 quotes for the work.

280.09 Appointment of Internal Auditor
It was agreed to appoint Canalbs Ltd as the internal auditor

281.09 Notice of Annual Audit
Notification had been received and advertised on Parish Noticeboards

282.09 Reports

Planning - Retention of 8 and 2 bay mobile classroom building at Gt Gidding C of E Primary School - approved
Tree Warden - no report - Ian Stapleton
VHall & LA - AGM to be held on 29th April
Steve Smith to be thanked for replacing the broken steps at the play equipment - Andrew Alexander
Highways & Police – Clerk to report loose manhole cover on Main Street and pothole Milking Slade Lane
Following problems with the repair of the water leak in Main Street it was agreed to write to Anglian Water expressing concern over the old pipe work and copy it to the Highways Department - Robin Hayden
Finance & Charities – Charity merger still awaited and FBT ready for signatures - Paul Hodson
PR – no report - Adam Titmus
Rights of Way – no report - Julie Byard

283.09 Bank Reconciliation and approval of payments

Clerk Salary £273.24
Old Crow (bench and sign restoration) £565.00
BDP supplies (water pipe etc) £110.88
SmithsGore (land valuation) £358.88 (charity acc.)
Petrol for Flail mower/strimmer £5.00
Anglian Water connection £1110.33
Admin (stationary, postage, keys) £27.62

284.09 Gidding History
New date for meeting still to be announced

285.09 Fruit Trees for Wood
It was agreed to plant fruit trees at the wood. Clerk to contact Michael Trolove and to invite the school to become involved in is project.

286.09 Correspondence received

Jointly Funded Minor Improvement Scheme
A guide to help you through the economic downturn
East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice request for donation – Not approved
Speedwatch scheme – information to go on noticeboards
Development Control Panel dates
Play opportunities for young people - workshop

283.09 Date of next meeting
Tuesday 19th May – Annual General Meeting

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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend

17 March, 2009
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Parish Room, Village Hall, Great Gidding at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hodson, Howden and Byard and two members of the VH & LA committee

Comments and observations from members of the public

257.09 Apologies for absence
Received from District Cllr Tuplin, Garner and Cllr Titmus

Members Declaration of Interest for agenda items

To approve and sign the minutes 17th February 2009

260.09 Matters arising from previous minutes
(information only)

261.09 Village Hall & Leisure & Amenities Committee
Mary Reed and Debby Garner informed the meeting that the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer would be standing down from the committee at the AGM in April.

262.09 Recycling
HDC had informed the PC that bins for cans are being withdrawn as they can now be put in household recycling waste.

263.09 Clerk Salary
Backdated national pay awards - agreed

264.09 Leeds Day invoice
This was agreed for payment from the charity account.

265.09 Power of Well Being
The council agreed not to pursue this at moment.

266.09 Letting agreement footpath to the recreation field
Milton Estates had agreed to the placing of a water pipe under the strip of land rented to the Trustees of the Village Hall and Recreation Field. (£1 per annum) Agreement signed by Trustee Robin Hayden.

267.09 Reports

Planning - HDC had refused planning application 61 Main Street
Tree Warden – Trees Gains Lane – Clerk to contact HDC for advice on trees - Ian Stapleton
VHall & LA – Andrew Alexander
Highways & Police – Water on Luddington Road may be a leak, Councillors to monitor. Police had been carrying out speed checks – Robin Hayden
Finance & Charities – PCC request for donation (17th Feb) It was agreed to donate £250 towards the upkeep of the village churchyard. A further £200 may also be available and the PCC invited to make a further request.
The FBT acreage and price were agreed - Paul Hodson
PR – it is hoped to produce another Clarion shortly – Adam Titmus
Rights of Way - Julie Byard

268.09 Bank Reconciliation was agreed and payments approved

Clerk Salary (February) £273.24 (March) £226.68
Leeds Day (Charity Account) £2,875.00

269.09 Gidding History
New date for meeting item for next agenda

270.09 Correspondence received

. Disabled Parking Spaces
. CPALC bulletin
. CPALC affiliation fees 2009/10
. Parish Council Insurance – CPALC members offer
. Allotments questionnaire
. Standards Board newsletter
. Jan Maciag, Architects
. County Councillor’s Annual Report
. Countryside Access Issues

271.09 The Annual Parish Meeting would be held at 7.30pm on 21st April
HDC Environment Team to be invited to speak. Refreshments to be provided and purchased from the Village Shop. This would be followed at 8.30pm by a Parish Council Meeting

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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend
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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend

17 February, 2009
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Parish Room, Village Hall, Great Gidding at 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Alexander(Chairman), Cllr’s Hayden, Hodson, Dr Byard and co-opted Howden, District Cllr Tuplin, Jan Maciaq(architect), Martin Bagshaw(planning consultant) and 3 members of the public

Comments and observations from members of the public
A short presentation was given on proposed plans for development at Laurel Farm.
Clarification was requested on donation made by the Parish Council in support of Village Pantomime.
Allotment enquiry.

237.09 Apologies for absence
Received from District Cllr Garner

238.09 Member’s Declaration of Interest for agenda items

239.09 Minutes 20th January 2009
Agreed and signed

240.09 Matters arising from previous minutes
(information only)

241.09 Casual vacancy
Chris Howden was co-opted to the council

242.09 Grass cutting quotes – Recreation Field
Two of the three quotes requested had been received. It was agreed to accept the quote from the County Council who already cut the grass at the school.

243.09 Old goal posts at recreation field
It was agreed that these should be removed. It was also agreed that the gang mower should be disposed of unless the Recreation Field committee had reason to retain it.

244.09 Water supply at recreation field progress and letting agreement
Milton Estates had written agreeing in principle to a water pipe being laid along the footpath. The agreement to be between Milton Estates and Trustees of the Village Hall & Recreation Field Charity.

245.09 Annual report, annual meeting date and guest speaker
Annual report to be the next issue of the Clarion, annual meeting date 21st April.
It was agreed to invite a speaker for an update on the proposed new school.

246.09 P3 application
It was agreed to review the village public rights of way with a view to making a P3 application next year

247.09 PCC Insurance premium increases
Due to the increased insurance premium the PCC requested the PC consider making a contribution towards running costs. Paul Hodson agreed to look at the figures provided and report back to the next meeting.

248.09 Cambridgeshire ACRE renewal and Playing Field Association
It was agreed to renew membership and include Playing Field Association.

249.09 Recycling credits
Received £230.30 – to be paid in to current account for the present time

250.09 Reports

Planning - S106 payments – District Cllr Tuplin explained the current procedure and the proposed new scheme
21A Chapel End – Not in accordance with a permission,
complaint received by HDC – site visit to be conducted – noted

Tree Warden - Ian Stapleton – no report

VHall & LA - Andrew Alexander-Committee had agreed to have the land registered. The initial part of a Donarbon grant application had been accepted. The next part of the application will require detailed work and commitment by the committee

Highways & Police - Robin Hayden – Potholes Main Street and Chapel End to be reported to the Highways Dept.
Outcome of application for funding to renovate Chapel End Horse Pond still to be announced.
Local distraction burglaries had taken place in Great Gidding and neighbouring villages

Finance & Charities - Paul Hodson – Budget review was discussed and agreed.

PR - Adam Titmus – no report

Rights of Way - Julie Byard – inclement weather had delayed review of paths

251.09 Bank Reconciliation and approval of payments agreed

Clerk salary £273.24
Replacement printer (PC OK) £99.99
ACRE subscription £35.00

252.09 Application for a scheme to merge 3 charities in to one
Charity Commission had agreed to merge 3 charities in to one. Application for a scheme signed by Robin Hayden and Andrew Alexander.

253.09 Post Office update
The Action Group had decided to hand over any further correspondence to the Parish Council

254.09 Correspondence received

1. Jan Maciag, Architects – Laurel Farm, Great Gidding
2. SmithsGore – Terms of business and request for information
3. Cambridgeshire Transport Commission
4. 2008 CPALC – AGM Minutes (Draft)
5. Council Tax – Precept 2009/10 level of charge
6. New sites proposed for mineral and waste development
Through the recent Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste (Preferred Options 2) Plan consultation

255.09 Items for next meeting agenda
Donation to PCC

256.09 Date of next meeting
17th March 2009

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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend
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St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend St Georges weekend

20 January, 2009
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Parish Room, Village Hall, Great Gidding at 7.30pm

Present: District Cllr Tuplin, Cllr Alexander (Chairman), Cllr Hayden, Cllr Hodson, Cllr Dr Byard and Cllr Hill

Comments and observations from members of the public
Noise from Molesworth (music played by the USAF at cease work))
Dog Fouling in the village
Post Office closure, support for those who will have difficulty in accessing other facilities

226.09 Apologies for absence
Received from County Cllr Walters and District Cllr Garner.

227.09 Members Declaration of Interest for agenda items
Cllr Hayden planning 61 Main Street and Cllr Byard planning 23 Gains Lane

228.09 Minutes of 16th December 2008
Approved and signed

Matters arising from previous minutes (information only)

230.09 Casual Vacancy
this would be advertised and filled by co-option at the next meeting.

231.09 Donation of vegetables to parishioners.
It was agreed to thank Mr & Mrs Fuller for their kind and very much appreciated donation in the next edition of the Parish News

232.09 Request for hire of Flail Mower for maintenance works at the Wood.
It was agreed to hire a Flail Mower for this work to be carried out. This would be funded from the Allotments for the Labouring Poor charity account

233.09 Reports

Planning - Application for development 61 Main Street resubmitted – no objections subject to the monitoring of the rebuild of the house in reclaimed materials.
Notification of Appeal 23 Gains Lane had been received
Tree Warden - Ian Stapleton to continue in this role
Village Hall - no meeting
Recreation Field - A site meeting had taken place between Cllr Hayden and Mr Craven from Milton Estates. The clerk to write requesting permission to lay a water pipe along the footpath. Cllr Alexander to confirm length of pipe required and costing.
Highways - The potholes on Luddington Road are considered dangerous,clerk to write to Highways Department expressing concern. Drainage Chapel End still a problem, clerk to check if gullies had been cleared. The water leak on Main Street had not been repaired, clerk to contact Anglian Water - Cllr Hayden
Police - Nothing to report, Cllr Hayden
Finance – Budget review produced by Cllr Hodson and discussed. The office printer was causing problems and due to its age it was agreed to order replacement - Cllr Hodson
Charities – Names for the FBT had been confirmed between Troloves and Trustees A J Alexander and R P Hayden. Awaiting land valuation from SmithsGore and agreement of Charity merge. Rural Payments Agency SBI No received, Forestry Commission payment claim submitted. – Cllr Hodson
PR - nothing to report, Cllr Titmus
Rights of Way – Parish Partnership P3 Application, for discussion at next meeting - Cllr Byard

234.09 Bank Reconciliation and payments approved

Clerk Salary October £273.24
Village Hall (Panto) £300.00
Security Lock (allotment gate) £11.99
Ink cartridge (yellow!) £14.65

235.09 Correspondence received

Gypsy Traveller Sites – District Cllr Tuplin updated the meeting on the 25 sites required and the unspecified transit sites along the A1/A14 corridor.

236.09 Date of next meeting

17th February
Items for next agenda – PCC Insurance Premium increase

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