Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 18th September 2012 at 7.30pm.


Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Trolove, Giddens, James, clerk and County Councillor McGuire


947.12 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Hodson and Howden and accepted

948.12 Minutes of 21st August 2012 were approved and signed

949.12 Matters arising (information only)

950.12 Members declaration of interest for agenda items – none

951.12 New Standards Regime and Code of Conduct – adoption of the code.   Under the Localism Act 2011 it was agreed to adopt the Huntingdonshire District Council new Standards Regime  and Code of Conduct ( taking out reference to ward and cabinet members and amending para 4.2.4 in accordance with Section 33)

952.12 Register of Members’ Interests (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests).   A copy of a letter received by Shailesh Vara MP from Bob Neill MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State explained the requirement to complete this register.   The Parish Council agreed to accept this and members to complete forms and return to the clerk for forwarding to the District Council

953.12 Public Telephone Box – removal of Phone Box due to accident and inactivity – public notice displayed and any comments to be forwarded to HDC by 1st October

954.12 BT account review – it was agreed to consider paying the line rental in advance to give a saving of £40.   Agenda item for the next meeting.

955.12 Rural Broadband – Get Cambridgeshire connected   Chris Burton had agreed to attend the networking event on 19th September on behalf of the village

956.12 Road safety figures – Lutton road crossroads.   Cllr James had obtained more details on RTCs in this location but it still only produced a possible four incidents.   It was agreed that this would not be enough to warrant requesting the Highways department improving the signage.

957.12 Appointment of External Auditor, Littlejohn LLP – noted

958.12 Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) – membership renewal.   It was agreed to pay the membership fee for the clerk.   Local Training sessions are attended and prove very useful which is of benefit to the smooth running of the council


959.12 Representative reports

Rights of Way – Cllr Giddens reported that a second cut of the footpath had now taken place

Tree warden & Jubilee wood – Cllr Tolove reported that he had cut the paths in the wood and requested permission to cut back the boundary hedge – this was agreed.  It was noted that Mrs Jarvis would be carrying out a survey of the wood under the OPAL scheme

Highways & Police – the road sweeper had been through the village on 17th September.   The Jitty and pavements are still in need of clearing.

Finance & Charities – no report

Village Hall & Recreation Ground – the grass cutter had difficulty in gaining access to the field (key did not fit padlock) Julie Trolove asked to investigate

Allotments – Cllr Trolove offered some new pipe to help fix the leak – Cllr Alexander agreed to fit replacement lock and chain to the gate.

School Liaison – Cllr Alexander reported that the new term had started but there had not been any news received.


960.12 Reconciliation of accounts and payment of cheques approved

S Dalley (clerk)                                                                  £295.70

S Dalley -postage 12 x 2nd class stamps+amended

audit postage 90p  and copier paper £3.99                          £10.89

Paul Burgess (newt signs)                                                   £25.30 Lottery

SLCC                                                                                   £83.00

Sawtry Parish Council (ESPO) padlock and chain              £19.44 Charity

D Garner (Clarion Delivery – Molly)                                 £10.00


961.12   Planning – Cllr Trolove reported that Planning Application 1201153FUL erection of general purpose agricultural building following demolition of existing had been approved by the District Council

962.12   Correspondence received

.   Ameycespa – details of Recycling Open Day 22nd September at Waterbeach

.   ACRE AGM including the launch of new fire safety service and programme of seminars 25th September.

.   Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust Annual General Meeting 27th September

.   Local Plan – notice of public meetings, the nearest in Sawtry on 11th October

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