Minutes of the Meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th May 2016 at 7:30pm

Present: Cllrs A Alexander (Chair), R Giddens, L James, P Jarvis and E Richmond

In Attendance: L Ellis (Clerk), District Cllr D Tuplin and three members of the public

CCC = Cambridgeshire County Council
HDC = Huntingdon District Council
PC = Parish Council

57.16 Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

58.16 Apologies and reason for absence
Cllrs R Hayden & P Hodson (holiday).
County Cllr S Bywater (other commitments)

59.16 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

60.16 Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
A resident reported that he had received details from Paul Cole (Cambridgeshire Police) on the speed watch kit that could be purchased. This would be at a cost of £2,400 + VAT. He also reported that a fourth village were now involved in the scheme, this means that Gidding will only have the equipment once each month for a period of a week. Independent funding should be considered to purchase one.

61.16 To confirm and accept minutes of meeting held on 19th April 2016
To take the minutes as read and approve them as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr Giddens and seconded by Cllr Richmond. The minutes were then duly signed by the Vice Chairman.

62.16 Matters arising from minutes
It was noted that the recent edition of the Clarion had contained errors, it was agreed that this item be debated further at the June meeting.

63.16 Communication from Councillors
Cllr Tuplin reported that Jason Ablewhite had been elected as the new Police & Crime Commissioner, he has therefore stood down as Leader of HDC. It is understood that Robin Howe is to take on the role of Leader of the Council, a panel election is to take place shortly.

Cllr Tuplin agreed to investigate why Sawtry receive a weekly litter pick and this service is not carried out in Gidding.

Cllr Tuplin and one resident left the meeting at this juncture (7:45pm)

Cllr Giddens reported that the gated byways at Bullock Road and Gypsy Lane should be open between April – October for larger vehicular access, as yet they are still locked. It was suggested to CCC that a key could be held.

Cllr James reported that she had met with the new Highways Officer and had discussed numerous matters:
The cost for triangular horse warning signs, both ends of the village would cost £600, however the cost of £600 for traffic management would not be charged.
The pot holes near the recreation ground will be repaired
The footpath near the school in Main Street will be re-surfaced
Pot holes in Luddington Road are classified as a minor issue due to the nature of the road, however due to the forthcoming cycle race some pot holes will be repaired, there are insufficient funds for a complete job.

64.16 Volunteers and funding for a new speed watch monitor
It was noted that a new speed watch monitor had not been budgeted for in the 2016/17 budget.
Cllr Jarvis stated that the goal is to reduce the speed of traffic in the village and is there anything else that could be considered. It is imperative that driver behaviour is changed and this could be helped by introducing new initiatives.
Cllr James reported that the residents of Old Weston have introduced 30mph stickers on their wheelie bins. The Clerk to contact Old Weston to obtain information on their availability and the financial liability of operating the speed flasher signage.

65.16 Review of the office equipment
Cllr James reported that due to other commitments it had not been possible to obtain printer prices. The Clerk reported that a resident had offered, free of charge, an HP printer. It was therefore agreed to defer any further discussion on the subject at this time.

66.16 Burning of horse manure
Cllr Giddens reported that horse manure appears to be being burnt in residential areas. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact Environmental Health to ascertain whether or not it is allowed and if a licence would be required to do so.
It was also agreed that residents should personally report issues to Environment Health if they have a problem.

67.16 To review the current standard of grass cutting
Council agreed that the current standard of grass cutting was poor. The Clerk to contact the contractor to ascertain whether or not they had an issue on the day of cutting.
It was noted that the School have requested the use of the Recreation Ground on 19th July and have requested that the grass is cut during w/c 11th July

68.16 Correspondence
Correspondence duly noted.
Planning Application 16/00612/FUL St Michaels Church, Main Street – To change the roof covering of the north aisle from lead to terne-coated stainless steel. No objection – strange to use an expensive material such as stainless steel.
Email from resident concerned that a ditch in Chapel End needs clearing. Resident to be referred to Luminus for them to clear the ditch.

a)Payment of accounts
£211.20 – CCC(100945)
£305.21 – Salaries (100946)

b) Annual insurance policy renewal

All payments were unanimously approved and all associated documentation was initialled by two signatories.

Cllr Hayden and the Clerk to liaise and progress the matter. Council agreed that if a competitive quotation was obtained then this should be accepted as the due date for payment was 1st June 2016.

70.16 Items for discussion at the June meeting
Dog fouling
Traffic calming

Date of next meeting
Tuesday 21st June 2016

Meeting closed The Chairman thanked everyone for attending, the meeting then closed at 8:38pm

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