Parish Council Offices, Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding Huntingdon PE28 5NU

Tel 01832 email:


Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 16th July 2013 at 7.30pm.

Prior to the meeting Councillors had met at the site of the village pound – this item will be on the next agenda for discussion.


Present: Cllrs Alexander (chairman), James (vice-chairman), Hayden, Hodson,  Howden, Trolove, Giddens, District Cllr Tysoe and clerk


121.13 Apologies for absence were received from County Cllr Bywater

122.13 Minutes of 18th June 2013 were agreed and signed

123.13 Matters arising (information only)

124.13 Members declaration of interest for agenda items – none

125.13 Update from County and District Councillors – County Cllr Bywater had sent a written update on Cambridgeshire Future Transport.   District Cllr Tysoe gave an update on his response to HDC Local Plan and asked for support of ‘One Leisure’ in Sawtry

126.13 Huntingdonshire District Council Community chest fund award – Cllr James application had been successful and £1,851 had been awarded to regenerate equipment at the Recreation Ground.   Cllr James agreed to obtain quotes for the proposed work.

127.13 Risk management review – Cllr Howden recommended several changes which he will  forward for agreement at the next meeting.

128.13 Lone Working Policy and Grievance Policy – clerk had produced a draft Lone working policy and risk assessment for Cllrs to consider for agreement at the next meeting.   Clerk is working on the grievance policy and would be forwarding for consideration at next meeting.

129.13 Cambridgeshire Future Transport – the timescales for the proposed changes are behind the original schedule and there will be no withdrawal of services in September 2013.   Briefing meetings are still to take place ahead of forming working groups for each area.

130.13 Fields in Trust Land Registry paperwork completion had now been received and a copy would be kept in the office with the original placed in the archives at Huntingdon Library.

131.13 Village noticeboards – Cllr James had assessed the board outside the school and offered to treat with wood preservative before the winter.   Cllr Hayden had previously agreed to do the same to the board attached to his property.

132.13 Archives – minutes for 17th January, 9th May and 27th September 2006 were missing from the Parish Council records.   Cllr Hayden was unable to provide copies so it was agreed to archive the records annotated with these omissions.

133.13 Smartwater – Proposal to purchase and mark Parish Council Property – it was agreed that Cllr James would obtain the smartwater and be reimbursed by the Parish Council (£29.50).   Items would then be identified for marking and appropriate signs put up.

134.13 Clerk’s Appraisal – Cllr Alexander gave a report of the appraisal to the meeting.

135.13 Reports of Councillor Responsibilities

Rights of Way – Cllr Giddens reported that several signs had gone missing again and she was working with the County Council to have these replaced

Tree Warden & Jubilee Wood – Cllr Trolove expressed concern that residents were removing trees from properties within the conservation area and it was agreed that an article be put in the next Clarion reminding people that they should seek approval from the District Council before carrying out any changes.   The moth evening at the wood had been very successful, there is a good habitat for such a young wood and a full environmental audit is to be carried out.

Highways & Police – the newt sign from the wood had been removed but has been reclaimed and the sink from the pavilion has been taken – both incidents should be reported to the police by those who found them missing.

Finance & Charities – Cllr Hodson had produced a budget update

Cllr Hodson informed the meeting that when the charities were merged the rules for running the hall had been changed.   The Parish Council will be required to provide 2 members to serve on the management committee in 2014 when the existing members complete their 5 year term.

Village Hall & Recreation Ground – Cllr Howden reported that the line marking carried out on behalf of the school appeared to have killed the grass.   Cllr Howden to contact the school to ask the contractor if weedkiller had been mixed with the marking paint.

Allotments –Cllr Howden reported that some allotments were suffering with lack of work and were being monitored

Community Liaison –    Several residents of Mill Road had complained to a member of the council about the smell and smoke from a recent bonfire lit in this location.   The clerk was instructed to write to the person concerned.   It had been brought to the council’s attention that the path leading to the dipping platform at the village pond in Main Street required attention as it was now covered in weeds and the bark chippings needed topping up.   Clerk to ask the grass cutting contractor to look at the work and give a quote for the maintenance

136.13 Payment of accounts

S Dalley Clerk payment June                           £295.70

Anglian Water (Recreation Ground)                   £25.56

Anglian Water (Allotments)                                  £7.59 (Charity)

CGM grass cutting June                                   £180.54

Village Hall & Recreation Ground S137           £44.10 (insurance for Gala event)

J R Trolove (Gala event) S137                   £114.33

137.13 Planning – The building control office had visited 61 Main Street and informed the owners of the potential hazards the building now posed with loose roof tiles.

138.13 Clarion – Cllr James had delivered the Clarion to all properties in Great & Little Gidding

139.13 Correspondence received

. Peterborough Cycling Club road race Sunday 25th August – noted

. Rural Cambs Citizens Advice Bureau request for grant form – no further action agreed

. HDC Extended permitted Development rights – noted

. Cambridgeshire Community Champion Scheme – it was agreed to place information on noticeboards


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