Minutes of Great and Little Gidding Parish Council Meeting

Held on Tuesday 19th November  2019 at Great Gidding Village Hall

PRESENT:  Cllrs Hill, Hodson, Hebb, Dear, Page, County Councillor Gardener and 1 member of the public

99.19                Chairman’s Welcome – Cllr Hill welcomed those present

100.19             To receive apologies and reasons for absence:

                        District Councillor Alban – ill health              

101.19             Member’s declaration of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda –

                        There were none.

102.19              Public & Press participation session with respect to items on the Agenda –

The member of the public was interested to hear of any developments regarding the proposed installation of the mast in Main Street and was advised that this matter would be discussed later in the meeting.

103.19              To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 15th October 2019

                        Acceptance confirmed by Cllr Hodson and Cllr Valderas, signed by Cllr Hill

104.19             COUNCIL ISSUES TO NOTE:

Cllr Hill advised that no further correspondence has been received regarding the mast.  Last indication from Noel Oliver at Harlequin was that they were looking at “alternative options”.

Cllr Hill advised that a Village Hall committee had been formed – see 113.19

Cllr Hill advised that Cllr Pudney was researching risk assessment policies for the Parish Council and these would be circulated for review prior to the January Parish Council meeting.

To receive reports from Councillors:

County Cllr Gardener reported that he attended the meeting at Huntingdonshire District Council Planning Department with parishioners, including Cllr Hebb, where it was indicated that this application would fall under permitted development rights.  Cllr Gardener had also enquired of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Highways Department if they had been made aware of the proposed application.  They had not, and requested sight of any future correspondencedue to the proposed location on the grass verge adjacent to the footpath alongside Main Street.

 Cllr Gardener advised that a section of the new A14 would open on 9th December.  Also that permits were now required for trailers entering CambsCC waste disposal sites.

County Councillor Gardener and member of the public left the meeting at this point.

Cllrs Hill, Hodson, Hebb, Valderas, Dear and Page had nothing to report.

104.19             FINANCIAL MATTERS:

                        a) to note Barclays Bank statements

b) to note the Budget control statement

c) PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNTS – to approve and sign cheques in respect of the following:

1)  CGM Group – grass cutting in August/September £261.94 (43.66 VAT)

2)  CGM Group – grass cutting in October                  £261.94 (43.66 VAT)

3) Manor Farm Tree Services – fallen ash trees          £720.00 (120.00 VAT)

4) Donation to British Legion – Section 137               £25.00    (no VAT)

5) J R Trolove – Clerks working hours for August        £xxx        (no VAT)

6) HMRC tax in respect of August salary                    £16.40    (no VAT)

7)  J R Trolove – Clerks working hours for September £xxx       (no VAT)

8) HMRC tax in respect of September Salary              £5.80 (no VAT)

9)  to approve Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 30th October – signed by Cllrs Hill and Hodson

9) Precept for 2020/21 – Proposal to accept and complete return.

The precept will remain at £11, 052.  This was proposed by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Page

105.19             Cllr Hill proposed renewal of the contract for internet and telephone provision, due for renewal in January, which had been guaranteed to remain at the same amount for the next 18 months.  All Councillors agreed and Cllr Hill will implement this.

106.19             Cllr Hebb had attended a Village Hall Networking meeting, which she found extremely useful and informative and, as a result, proposed that the Parish Council join Cambs ACRE, this was seconded by Cllr Hodson.  A cheque in the sum of £57.00 was signed at the meeting.

107.19             Planning application – full details available at meeting

 Reference: 19/02052/HHFUL            

Demolition of existing conservatory and single storey side extension. Proposed single storey replacement orangery extension.
Site Address: 16 Gains Lane Great Gidding Huntingdon

Cllrs agreed there were “no observations either in favour or against the proposal”.  Clerk will submit the return to the Planning Department.       

108.19             Recreation Ground updates:

Annual Safety Inspection – Clerk proposed that Wicksteed be instructed to carry out the annual safety inspection – Cllrs agreed.

Cllr Hill will remove the broken part from the multi-gym equipment.  It was agreed that several of the tasks highlighted in the last safety inspection had been addressed and resolved.

109.19             Grass cutting contract for 2019/20:

Clerk had obtained 3 quotes for the cutting of the Recreation Field and the Green (between Luddington Road and Winwick Road) and shared details with Councillors (copy attached).

Cllr Hebb requested Clerk to enquire if Bradgate (one of the contractors) would reduce their price, and report back to the December meeting to enable a decision to be made and a contractor to be appointed.   The Clerk had misread the email from Bradgate and was to present revised figures.

110.19             Clerk shared a summary of incidents of burst pipe/loss of water supply, dating back over 10+ years, and correspondence with Anglian Water (copy attached).  Cllr Hill,  as a result of a discussion with former Parish Councillor Hayden, will write to Anglian Water, copy to be sent to Environmental Health Department of Huntingdonshire District Council.

                        Cllr Hodson advised that there was water running constantly from a drain outside the Old Chapel and this has been running for some weeks – Clerk will complete online report to Anglian Water.

111.19             Cllr Hebb had circulated her thoughts on communications between Parish Council and parishioners (copy attached).  As a result the following actions will be taken:

                        Minutes – will be added to (village website) with immediate effect, starting with October 2019 approved minutes.

                        Facebook – a “closed” group has already been set up by Catalyst Design.

                        Clarion – needs to be updated and renamed.  A bi-monthly A5-size document is planned: this will be used to raise the profile of all groups/organisations in the villages, seek advertisers and parishioners to submit articles, include children’s item, in addition to Parish Council matters.  Cllr Hebb will compile and edit this communication, production will start in early 2020.

                        Clerk was asked to produce a Clarion, ready for distribution in early December – articles should be submitted by 30th November to enable editing, printing and distribution.

112.19             TO DO list – the most recent version was shared with Councillors (copy attached).  No further actions required at present.

113.19             Cllr Page reported that the Village Hall sub committee has been formed, members are Cllr Page (Chairman), Cllr Hebb (Vice Chairman), and Cllrs Dear, Pudney, Valderas.

                        Administration and Village Hall bookings remains with Parish Clerk and Cllrs Hodson, Hill and Parish Clerk are bank mandate signatories.

                        Meetings will be held monthly, the Trustees meeting will remain bi-monthly.

                        Cllr Page advised that the electrician will complete required works in the Parish Office and the Village Hall tomorrow (20th November).

                        Door locks will be changed, therefore new keys and a keysafe to be installed in the Parish Office.

                        Bookings on the website – Clerk requested to advise Committee of all bookings and update village website immediately.  Cllrs Page and Hebb will request Catalyst Design (village website host) to enable them to post items on the website.

                        Cllr Hill requested that he and Cllr Hodson be sent copies of meeting minutes, a copy to the Clerk for filing, and a copy on the village website.  He reminded that the Constitution needs to be signed and dated as soon as possible.

114.19             Correspondence received since 15th October 2019 (other than that discussed in agenda items above) was made available to view at the meeting, including the following:          

  1.  Citizens Advice Rural Cambs – request for financial support/donation  
  2. CambsCC funding – Innovate & Cultivate Fund -details and deadlines
  3. Neighbourhood Watch – cyberhood watch campaign – Cllr Hodson will obtain a supply of “Little Book of Scams” for distribution.
  4. Cambs & Peterborough Authority – bus service review survey – Clerk will display the poster adjacent to the bus pick up point.
  5. Huntingdonshire DC – Adoption of Local Plan to 2036

115.19             Items for decisions at next meeting:

Grass cutting contract – appoint contractor for 2020 season

Cheques required to transfer funds (in respect of Games Club (Section 137) and Orchard Project) to Village Hall and Charities account

Remembrance Day/Poppies/VE Day event – parishioner’s request

                        Clerk’s salary review for 2020/21(in accordance with Financial Regulation 4.4)      

116.19             Date of next meeting – Tuesday 17th December 2019,

starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding    

Meeting closed at 21.25

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