Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 16th July 2024
Present: Councillors Maciag, Hargrave, Bolton, Hodson, D’Altilia, County Councillor Gardener and the Clerk.
052.24 Councillor Maciag, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting
053.24 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
District Councillor Alban not available
Cllr Moody – work commitment
054.24 There were no declarations of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
055.24 No members of the Public & Press were present
056.24 Minutes of the meeting held on 18th June 2024 were confirmed as a correct record by Councillors Bolton and D’Altilia
057.24 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk
- The Clerk had emailed CambsCC representative regarding the Parish Council response, sent in April, regarding the School playground, and in turn it was acknowledged that the response had been received and the Parish Council do not wish to accept the terms of the County Council proposal for that site. County Cllr Gardener offered to contact the County Council departments to find out what is proposed for the site
The Clerk contacted North Northants Council for an update regarding the Anaerobic Digester proposal and was advised that an extension of time has been given in respect of this application.
- Cllr Hargrave gave an update on the Village Hall and the meeting of the Committee on 15th July:
It was agreed that Village Hall matters can be included as part of the Parish Council agenda.
It was agreed that £2000 could be spent before Trustees need to be consulted – proposed by Cllrs Hodson and seconded by Cllr Maciag.
The committee are considering applying for an alcohol licence.
The committee are considering applying for Huntingdonshire DC Food Hygiene rating scheme for the Village Hall kitchen.
A request was made to increase the Village Hall rent to £800 (it has been £550 for some years, which was an amount set to cover the insurance premium). Approval was proposed by Cllr Maciag and seconded by Cllr D’Altilia.
The first event will be a McMillan Coffee Morning on 28th September.
- Cllr Maciag advised that work on the Neighbourhood Plan is ongoing.
- County Councillor Gardener advised that he is now on the Highways Committee, Environment committee, Communities committee and Fire Authority panel.
a) Barclays Bank statements were shared prior to the meeting.
- Parish Council (everyday) Account – balance as at 4/7/2024 £10949.65 (includes £500 bequest)
- Parish Council Deposit Account – balance as at 4/7/2024 £26,385.30 (1.85% interest applicable)
- Defibrillator account – balance as at 4/7/2024 – £249.77
- Councillor Hodson’s cashflow forecast had been shared prior to the meeting and there were no questions and comments.
b) PAYMENTS – the following payments were approved:
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised |
J R Trolove | Wages for May (33 hours) | Xxx | NIL | JRT | |
CANALBS | Annual internal audit | 99.00 | NONE | ||
Bradgate | Grass cutting (invoices 2108 and 2087) | 432.00 | 72.00 | ||
Catalyst | Website hosting | 311.85 | NONE | ||
Information Commissioners Office | Annual subscription | 40.00 | NONE |
- Clerk’s working hours for June were approved as a total of 33
059.24 PLANNING applications and matters:
None, as at 12th July
060.24 Recreation Field – Clerk had shared the risk assessment she carried out in June, there were no questions or comments.
She was asked to share the rota for risk assessments again.
Cllr Bolton, preferred a spreadsheet format and will devise one and share with Councillors.
061.24 Newsletter Feedback from July issue – one response of thanks via website, also an email to offer to deliver items around the village. Items for the August newsletter should be sent to Cllr D’Altillia or the Parish Office.
062.24 Village Maintenance – Cllr Maciag will accompany the tree surgeon to assess the works required.
The Clerk had failed to find a comparative quote for refurbishment of the benches and so the only contractor will be asked to carry out the work.
063.24 Allotments – Cllr Hodson and Clerk will devise and carry out risk assessments for this site.
064.24 Review of Standing Orders – document shared prior to meeting, no changes were felt to be necessary.
065.24 Review of Financial Regulations – deferred to next meeting. Clerk believes there are some changes to these but requires access to the NALC website and has contacted CAPALC, who provide the passwords to access documents.
066.24 Correspondence received since 18th June 2024:
a) NALC newsletters – dated Chief Executives Bulletin NALC events,
b) Cambridgeshire County Council –Cambridgeshire Matters monthly edition, Road Safety Education Newsletter, TMC incident report for roads – none in this Parish, chemical weed treatment reinstated within 40MPH areas, Proposed road closures, including Great Gidding (email dated 11/7), Community Energy action plan,
c) Huntingdonshire District Council – Shop Front Grant Scheme, Town and Parish Council newsletter, Street Cleansing Team – explanation of their service,
d) CAPALC –newsletter, training dates for July,
f) Cambs Acre – Staying in Touch newsletter
g) Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough/Greater Cambridge Partnership – links to online meetings
h) Parish Online newsletter
i) Neighbourhood Alert/ECOPS etc – News from the Courts email
j) Insurance renewal confirmation from Clear Councils Insurance
k) Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) – request to include article in a newsletter
l) Thank you to Parish Council, via village website see 061.24
m) Offer from residents to deliver newsletters etc – see 061.24
n) Ron Bailey, Parliament UK – Safety of Lithium ion Batteries and e-bikes and scooters – support for campaign requested (it had been put on hold for Parliamentary Election)
o) Church Growth Trust – email dated 8th July in respect of Great Gidding Baptist Chapel – Clerk will contact them and advise they should discuss their plans with the Conservation Officer for Huntingdonshire DC.
067.24 Items for next meeting:
Clerk’s annual appraisal – Cllr Maciag will undertake this.
068.24 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 20th August 2024
in the Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding.
Meeting closed at 20.57
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