Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 20th August 2024
Present: Councillors Hargrave, Bolton, D’Altilia and the Clerk.
069.24 Cllr Hargrave, acting as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting
070.24 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
County Cllr Gardener – at another meeting
District Cllr Alban – other commitment
Cllr Moody – holiday
Cllr Hodson – holiday
Cllr Maciag – work commitments
Cllr Sanders – has resigned due to work commitments
071.24 There were no Declarations of Disclosable Interests.
072.24 No members of the Public or Press were present
073.24 Minutes of the meeting held on 16th July 2024 were confirmed and accepted – Cllrs Bolton and D’Altilia, signed by Cllr Hargrave.
074.24 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk
Clerk re. Chapel enquiry – will not be pursued.
Clerk will commence the Co-option process and requested Councillors to forward contact details of any interested residents.
Cllr Hargrave updated on the Village Hall:
It would be too expensive to go through the Alcohol Licensing process, therefore they will continue applying for TEN for events.
MacMillan Coffee Morning will take place on 28th September – already advertised and assistance offered.
Suggestion of table tennis sessions will be investigated.
Parking at the village hall – request to be added to newsletter to advise Parish Clerk, signage to be re-instated.
a) to note Barclays Bank statements for Parish Council account.
- Parish Council (everyday) Account – balance as at 4/8/2024 £9590.25 (includes £500 bequest)
- Parish Council Deposit Account – balance as at 4/7/2024 £26,385.30 (1.85% interest applicable)
- Defibrillator account – balance as at 4/7/2024 – £249.77
b) PAYMENTS – the following payments were approved.
*** Clerk is checking whether this Parish Council qualifies for free subscription to Parish Online through insurance company renewal.
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised |
J R Trolove | Wages for June (33 hours) | Xxx | NIL | JRT | |
Great Gidding Village Hall | Rental of the village hall and Parish Office | 800.00 | NIL | ||
Parish Online | Subscription *** | 48.00 | 8.00 |
- Clerk’s working hours for July, a total of 24, were approved.
076.24 PLANNING applications and matters:
None, as at 16th August
077.24 Recreation Field – tree surgeon and hedging contractor are aware of works to be completed (DEFRA prevent any cutting until 1st September).
Wicksteed have advised a delay in carrying out safety inspections, but will make contact before they visit.
078.24 Village Maintenance
a) Cllr D’Altillia proposed noticeboards to be installed at either end of the village – various locations were discussed, some discounted, and others will be investigated (JB and Clerk).
Clerk requested:
- a larger noticeboard for Parish/District/County Council information to be sited at Village Hall so that the newsletter could be included(and existing board to be relocated to Jubilee Wood for community use)
- OR a second noticeboard, one for Council notifications, the other for village
- Clerk – the noticeboard, sited on the approach to School and Church, she has been advised it was not Church property. If it was School property, it is no longer needed, therefore it was agreed not to replace this in the future.
b) Bench refurbishment takes place at end of August. *Bench in Churchyard, purchased with Bertha Green’s bequest, is a Parish Council asset. Clerk will now check to see if it is in good order.
c) model biodiversity policy from NALC, in association with DEFRA – Clerk had read through and, in the main, our Parish is compliant with requirements and suggestions.
d) Soil improver available from HuntsDC – it was agreed this offer should be taken up, tipped at the allotment site (vacant half plot). This will be offered to the village through the monthly newsletter and then, after one month, the remainder will be available to allotment holders.
- water leak outside 48 Main Street reported to WAVE on 11th August – repaired
- AWA/WAVE work currently taking place a treatment plant for phosphorus filters to be updated (soaps and cleaning products).
- Chapel End will be closed on 31st October between Mill Road and Back Lane to flush out system and camera research.
079.24 Allotments – a draft rental renewal letter had been shared prior to the meeting, the content was approved and this will be sent out to allotment holders in September.
080.24 Review of Financial Regulations – document shared prior to meeting. Clerk will amend and update for final approval at a future meeting.
081.24 Newsletter – various items had been forwarded to Cllr D’Altillia for the September issue.
There had been no Parishioner feedback from August issue.
082.24 Correspondence received since 16th July 2024:
a) NALC newsletters – dated Chief Executives Bulletin NALC events,
b) Cambridgeshire County Council –Cambridgeshire Matters monthly edition, Road Safety Education Newsletter, Traffic Management Centre incident report for roads, chemical weed treatment reinstated within 40MPH areas, Proposed road closures during next 18 months, including Great Gidding (email dated 11/7), Community Energy action plan, Micro Asphalt programme – nothing in the Giddings or surrounding villages, Highways Department Active Travel Survey to be completed, (via CAPALC),
Briefing Note: The Kings Speech – Legislative Programme for this Parliament, Local Highways 2025/26 Capital Maintenance projects – nothing for our parish or any local villages is planned,
c) Huntingdonshire District Council – Green flags awarded to various venues, Shop Front Grant Scheme, Town and Parish Council newsletter, Street Cleansing Team – explanation of their service, Oliver Morley invites to sessions ‘What makes a good life in Huntingdonshire?’ , Wild about Huntingdonshire events – 28/29 September at Hinchingbroke, Save the date for Annual Climate Conference – Burgess Hall, St Ives on Weds 6th November, Temporary Traffic Restriction Order for Chapel End (see 078.24 above).
d) CAPALC –newsletter, training dates for August, Remembrance Sunday survey – Clerk completed form to advise no events in our parish.
f) Cambs Acre – Staying in Touch newsletter
g) Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough/Greater Cambridge Partnership – links to online meetings, invitation to bus franchising consultation meetings (19th September – Huntingdon, 3 October – P’boro).
h) Parish Online newsletter
i) 17 July – email from Fields in Trust – survey about environmental issues that have been implemented, or plan to introduce – Clerk will complete for the Rec. Field.
083.24 Items for next meeting:
Request for Section 137 funding (PH)
Resident request re ANPR cameras
Co-option of Councillor
084.24 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 17th September 2024
in the Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding.
Village Hall payments were approved
Meeting Closed at 20.41
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