Come and say hello to ting WHERE: Village Hall car park, Great Gidding WHEN: Friday 22nd October, between 13.20 and 14.20 hours The ting bus is visiting Great Gidding so we all have chance to see what this new on demand transport service is all about before
Read more →Our Harvest Festival service last Sunday was the first at which the congregation could sing, albeit still wearing masks, for nearly eighteen months. The church was beautifully decorated, and thanks to all who did the decoration. The service was made up of hymns and readings, and taken
Read more →Gidding resident and artist Geoff Goddard has sent us the fifth one of his beautiful paintings in the series called ‘Autumn Lights’ which at 90cm x 60cm is the largest painting so far. The location is in the field just behind Alconbury brook from Great Gidding, accessed
Read more →We had a fleeting visitor to Great Gidding on Tuesday, a cormorant, which was first reported outside the end bungalow in Mill Road and then walked and flew down Main Street.
Read more →Last seen in Alconbury. Nervous and scared so please don’t shout or chase. Please report any sightings by calling: 07917 680151 or 07557 655755
Read more →A few aerial photographs of St John’s Church, Ferrar House and the surrounding community in Little Gidding taken early May 2021.
Read more →This beautiful flowering cherry tree was planted in the Jubilee Wood in October 2014, firstly in memory of Lois Jordan and secondly to thank Lois for all her efforts to make life in the Giddings such a joy. A dedicated Church Warden For twelve years Lois carried
Read more →Here is some information locally and from the CofE about arrangements for remembrance and condolence about the passing of HRH Duke of Edinburgh There is info on the Cof E website: There are options to add your own condolence if you wish: – our Book of Condolence – Church of England
Read more →Great Gidding artist Geoff Goddard has sent the latest painting of Ashlea, once again set near the bridle path off Luddington Road. Commissions Geoff is pleased to accept commissions and people can contact him at and at his website View Geoff’s other paintings of Ashlea on
Read more →Although there will not be a service at St.Michael’s on Easter Sunday, the church will be open for private prayer.
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