Latest District Council report from Cllr Tim Alban

Latest District Council report from Cllr Tim Alban

Floods  Although not primarily a District Council matter, I have again worked played my part in trying to tackle the immediate and medium term issues which were experienced in the ward – especially around Christmas.   I am grateful for the feedback I received which I used as

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Update: Another beautiful portrait of Ashlea, our new Giddings postie

Third painting of Ashlea (our Postie) in my Autumn Lights series Third in my Autumn Lights series, still more to finish. This was set near the bridle path that runs up to the gallops just past Alconbury Brook. Second painting in the ‘Autumn Lights’ series Gidding resident

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UPDATE to: We Shall Remember Them

UPDATE to: We Shall Remember Them

UPDATE from Michael Keck following lockdown announcement: You will have seen the Act of Remembrance for Remembrance Sunday next week advertised in St Michael’s Church. Sadly, events have now overtaken us, and this service can no longer take place. However, whilst congregational worship is not permitted, private

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