Message from the organisers:
Firstly a huge thanks to you for submitting a photo or 3: they were excellent and very varied from the humorous to the beautiful. In total we had 75 entries so there was a lot to view. They made the coffee morning a huge success (along with the fantastic cakes) and gave people a lot of enjoyment and difficult decisions on who to give their vote to.

As promised all will be displayed either individually as the 4 winners based on the popular vote or together with others. We had 68 voting slips returned to us:
– 62 of the 75 photos received at least 1 vote
– 31 of the 75 photos were awarded first place by one or more people
The 4 winners
In 1st place

In 2nd place

In 3rd place

In 4th place

Thanks again for your brilliant photos. I know some of them have been converted into Christmas cards in the past and perhaps we should create a calendar. If we decide to do this we will obviously ask permission first.
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