Ash Dieback Disease

Ash trees are under serious threat from a fungal disease that has spread to the UK from Continental Europe.

Chalara  Fraxinea or Ash Die-back Disease has been noted in East Anglia and Scotland. If the disease takes hold  as expert’s predict it will then it will be particularly devastating  for our area as every third tree is an Ash.

It is important however to identify the disease accurately as many Ash trees are suffering the effect of last years drought and signs of dead branches can sometimes be attributed to natural die back or age.

Ash tree disease











To help you identify the disease correctly here is a direct link to the Forestry Commission 

An  interactive app called Ashtag is available free for both Android and iphone users to help you identify and report suspected Ash Dieback disease.

These are available for download at Google Play and the app store.

Update 1

Further information can be found at the Ash Tag website  which includes an interactive map to show current  geo photo reports.

Update 2

A picture of this diseased tree has been sent to the Forestry Commission via the University of East Anglia Ashtag app.

We are awaiting official confirmation that this tree has Chalara Fraxinea.

Update 3

Part of the trunk of this tree has been sent for analysis

Early December 2012 and a visit from fera (The Food and Environment  Research Agency)to gain samples of potentially infected Ash trees.








 Sticky tape left on an Ash tree to show which ones might be infected or sampled

  1. avatar

    The app is available for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad – just downloaded it. The iPad couldn’t find it – had to download it via the Mac for some strange reason!

  2. avatar

    Its available on the ipad classic.
    I have used the android app in the field and it does work. You input your email address, take a picture of the suspected tree, activate your gps and send (prompts tell you what to do). An automated email response confirms your data which is analysed in due course.

  3. avatar

    Update, link to now added.

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