Rogationtide walk and picnic, Sunday 5th May

Rogation Sunday is traditionally the Sunday when the rural community walk around their village to places where crops grow and animals are kept, to seek God’s blessing on their work, and especially to pray for a good harvest.

Rogation Sunday falls on 5th May this year, and we are marking  it with a Rogationtide Walk, followed by a picnic.

We meet in St Michael’s Church at 11am, and then walk around the village stopping at a number of points for readings and prayers. Please come dressed for all weathers! Some rain won’t put us off.

Afterwards, we go to Churchside House (John De Val’s home next to the church) where we will enjoy our picnic – outdoors if fine, indoors if wet!

Please come and join us and bring your own picnic – drinks (of all sorts) will be provided.

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