2022-05-17 Great & Little Gidding Parish Council meeting

Minutes of the meeting held at Great Gidding Village Hall on Tuesday 17th May 2022

Present:  Cllrs Hodson, Pudney, Bolton, D’Altilia and Maciag,  and the Clerk.

2 members of the public were present  

 Annual Parish Council Meeting

  1.  Parish Council Chairman – Councillors Bolton and Pudney proposed Cllr Hodson as Chairman, who accepted the office
  2. Parish Council Vice Chairman – Councillors Bolton and Hodson proposed Cllr Pudney as Vice Chairman, who accepted the office
  3. Acceptance of Office forms – were completed. In addition Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest forms and Election Expenses forms were completed

018.22 Cllr Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting.

019.22 Apologies were received from County Councillor Gardener and District Councillor Alban, who were both attending other meetings.        

020.22 There were no declarations of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda

021.22  There was no participation from members of the public. 

022.22  Minutes of the meeting held on 19th April 2022  were confirmed as a correct record by Cllrs Pudney and Hodson                       

023.22  Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item:

            Cllr Hodson wished to thank Nick Hill for his help and support with the Speed Activation Sign.  A solar battery has been installed on the post outside Church Farm and the sign located at that position.

            Clerk advised that, following the Annual Parish Meeting, the resident who highlighted the danger of leaving the Village Hall car park had forwarded examples of proposed signage and a copy of his request to Highways Department.  A response from Highways Department is awaited.     

024.22 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk:

            There were no reports from Councillors.      

025.22 An application for Co-option to the Parish Council has been received from Ms Karen Moody.  Cllr Hodson proposed acceptance of the application and this was seconded by Cllr Bolton.


            a) Barclays Bank statements was shared

b) PAYMENTS – the following online payments were approved:

 WhoWhat forTOTALVATAuthorisedAuthorised
 Elan City Paid outside of meetingPurchase of additional solar panel for MVAS469.12~JRT 
 BHIBInsurance renewal566.80~JRT 
 Village Hall (&Recreation Ground CommitteeHire of Parish Office and Village Hall550.00~JRT 
 J R TroloveWages for March (29 hours)Xxx~JRT 
 Bradgate Ground MaintenanceGrass cutting of Rec Field (623)199.3233.22JRT 
 Jan Maciag *** (UK Timber Ltd)Refund of payment in respect of oak for Rec Ground bench188.2831.38JRT 
 Jubilee events S Jarvis  *** A Underwood ***Posters for Village Hall display Funding for BBQ and drinks  45.72 Up to £300  ~ TBA  

***     BACS details required to enable payments to be made

( discussion followed regarding the Jubilee events – up to £300 for food and drink for the BBQ and Boules event, no charge to those attending but any donations (and any remaining funds) received will be forwarded to the Great Gidding Charity).

  • Clerk’s working hours for April, a total of 36, were approved by Cllrs Bolton and Hodson
  • The Annual Governance Statement and Certificate for Audit were reviewed and completed.  A Certificate of Exemption will be requested from the External Auditor
  • CANALBS will carry out annual internal audit (arranged for Tuesday 7th June)
  • The Parish precept payment has been received into the bank account

027.22 Planning Applications and Planning matters – there are currently no applications

                In response to the Planning Application for a MUGA, Tim Alban has advised :

I have just received the following from the Senior Planning Officer covering the north of the district, which looks like good news.

“I’ve liaised with Debra on this. The application is on target be issued by 27th May and can confirm that it will not have to go to DMC for determination.”

Cllr Maciag advised that (as an architect) he has several planning applications that are outstanding for long periods of time with the District Council.

028.22 Huntingdonshire District Council’s revised Code of Conduct – this had been shared prior to the meeting and was unanimously approved by Parish Councillors.      

029.22 Asset Register – this had been shared prior to the meeting and was agreed as a correct record by Parish Councillors.

030.22 to discuss whether the Parish Council should engage with social media and, if so, with which providers, and types of information that could and would be shared:

            Cllr Hodson explained that the village website was available to other organisations and individuals to post items, including businesses and local activities – the hosting fee is paid by the Parish Council.  The “village” Facebook page was set up and by a resident, as is the WhatsApp group.  Gidding News is published and circulated to all residents 3 or 4 times each year.

            Cllr Pudney has offered to post Parish Council/items affecting residents that are deemed urgent or needing to be shared (ie road closure).

            Cllr D’Altilia proposed a text message system, sent out to those that sign up to the service, that contains information only – he will research further and establish GDPR requirements.

031.22 Training opportunities for Councillors and Clerk:

            Councillor Training (online via ZOOM)

Saturday 21st May

Wednesday 8/15/22nd June – 3 sessions

            Saturday 23rd June –

032.22 Recreation Ground:

            a) Trespass by motorbike users – there have been no further reports of noise or nuisance and it was agreed that the best course of action was to report future incidents to the Police.

            b) Cllrs will arrange a date to refurbish the slatted seat.

033.22 Correspondence received since 16th April 2022 (other than that discussed in agenda items above).

            a) NALC newsletters – dated 10/5, 4/5, 29/4, 26/4, 22/4,  21/4, 19/4

            email dated 12/5 –  online survey on local elections 2022 – closing dated 24/6/2022

            Chief Executive’s bulletin dated 6/5

b) Neighbourhood Alert – 3/5 newsletter

email dated 28/4 – online survey regarding Neighbourhood Watch

email dated 4/5 –  Latest News from The Courts

email dated 5/5 – Protecting your home this ‘National Garden Day’

email dated 12/5 –  online survey regarding crime in the area

email dated 21/4 – seeking volunteers for Crimestoppers Trust committee

c) Cambridgeshire ACRE – email dated 9/5 offering safeguarding training sessions

email dated 6/5 regarding risk assessments for Jubilee events.

d) CAPALC email dated –4/5 bulletin including available training sessions,

e) Cambs CC email dated 10/5 regarding County Transport Strategy Stakeholder Engagement Survey 2022 – online survey

email dated 4/5 – Cambridgeshire Local Heritage List, in conjunction with Neighbourhood Plan provision

email dated 29/4, Highways Department – regarding repairs to Footpath 4 through Churchyard – they will assess if work required.

email dated 27/4 – online survey from Highways Department regarding the service they provide

email dated 26/4 – Think Communities newsletter

email dated 26/4 – Cambridgeshire Matters newsletter

email dated 20/4 – Highways Dept report – 40MPH sign on Winwick Road – 12 weeks

f) Hunts DC email dated  29/4 – press release regarding £150 refund on Council Tax

g) Economic Development Huntingdonshire DC invest@huntingdonshire.gov.uk – weekly Business News – email dated 5/5, 12/5, 28/4, 21/4

h) The Combined Authority Local Transport and Connectivity Plan team – email dated 12/5 – consultation on a development plan for better transport

i) Zurich Insurance – organising a safe event (in relation to the Jubilee Celebrations)

j) email dated 10/5 – confirmation of auto enrolment with the Pensions Regulator for G&LG PC

k) North Northamptonshire – email dated 9/5 regarding Strategic Planning Scope – online – Clerk regularly checks planning applications due to being on the County Boundary and the increased activity of businesses along Hemington Lodge Road

l) Cambs and Pboro Fostering Service, email dated 6/5– raising awareness of service during Fostering Fortnight, start date 9/5

m) email with attached posters promoting Shakespeare at The George (in Huntingdon)

n) invitation dated 29/4 to join Henry Morris Centenery Conference – education through village colleges and community support and engagement – Thursday 30th June at Bottisham Village College

o) Grantway – email advising of new grant application portal

p) email from Edward Groome regarding Jubilee events – including message from HM The Queen regarding tree planting

If you wish to see items of correspondence or obtain the links to online surveys, please contact the Parish Clerk.

034.22 Items for next meeting:

Co-option of Parish Councillor

Review of Standing Orders

Review of Financial Regulations

Review of Budgets

035.22 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 21st June 2022

starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding.

Meeting closed at 20.48