2022-08-16 Great & Little Gidding Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held at Great Gidding Village Hall on Tuesday 17th August 2022

Present:  Cllrs Hodson, D’Altilia, Moody, Hargrave and Maciag, and the Clerk. 2 members of the public were present.

076.22 Councillor Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting.

077.22 To receive apologies and reasons for absence:

            County Councillor Gardener – another meeting

            District Councillor Alban – another meeting

            Councillor Bolton – family commitment

078.22 There were no Member’s declarations of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda

079.22 2 members of the Public were attending to discuss item 085.22 – see details below.

080.22 Minutes of the meeting held on 21st July 2022 were confirmed as a true and correct record – proposed by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr Maciag               

081.22 Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item.

            Clerk – confirmation received of submission of AGAR and of exempt status.

082.22 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk:

            Cllr Macaig has compiled a document and spreadsheet to assist with making Planning Application decisions.  In future this will enable Councillors to assess the grounds on which Planning Applications can be considered and then respond in a manner that is in line with Planning Department criteria.  This was unanimously approved of as a “tool” to assist in making such decisions.


            a) Up to date Barclays Bank statements for Parish Council account was shared at the meeting

b) PAYMENTS – the following online payments were approved for payment:

 WhoWhat forTOTALInvoice includes this VAT amountAuthorisedAuthorised
 J R TroloveWages for June (28  hours)Xxx~JRT 
 Bradgate Ground Maintenance (788)Grass cutting of Rec Field199.3233.22JRT 
 CAPALC Invoice no 3415Training session for JM75.00NILJRT 
 CAPALC Invoice no 3509Training session doe FD75.00NILJRT 
 Income Received HMRCVAT refund383.75   
 Village Hall payment   PRS/PPLAnnual submission payment139.2023.20JRT 
  • Clerk’s working hours for July, a total of 30, was approved by all.

084.22 Neighbourhood Plan – The Clerk had shared a draft email to be sent to neighbouring parishes, inviting them to join the process – some additions and amendments were suggested.  Clerk will send a revised email to Councillors.  Dependent on responses from other parishes, interested residents would meet up to discuss the potential collaborative project.

085.22 Planning Applications and Planning matters –

            a) Received by email on 20 July 2022

            Proposal: Erection of new warehouse with associated drainage, landscaping and groundworks
Site Address: The Central Depot 1 Hemington Lodge Road Great Gidding
Reference: 22/01403/FUL     

Decision required by  10th August 2022 – extension requested, no response from HDC

Messrs Rory and Matt Halligan, owners of the site, were present at the meeting to answer any questions from Councillors.  They advised that Adshell/Clear Channel, manufacturer and supplier of street furniture, have been their tenants since 2001 and they are now supporting the company remaining on site by enabling the provision of a warehouse for additional secure storage, under cover, which will also act as a showroom for prospective buyers.  They hope to have the facility completed before this winter.

Questions were raised by Councillors about future development at the site (none required at present), the height of the proposed building (lower than the existing building on site with a shallow pitch roof), drainage (feature pond would also act as drainage facility), use of container units (the proposed warehouse would replace these and they will be removed, the site to be tidied up overall), increase in traffic both during construction and when operational (during construction excavators would remain on site as they are utilising what materials/soil they have rather than bringing in more, the building materials would be brought in and construction takes place on site, there would be no additional vehicle movements once the building is complete), landscaping/planting (as this is to be the “showroom”, there will be extensive planting around the new building).

Cllrs had no further questions and felt that they could support the application as it provides rural employment and adds to the local economy (see planning reasons)

086.22 Training opportunities for Councillors and Clerk:

            Councillor Training (online via ZOOM)

            Saturday 3rd September

Tuesdays – 11/18/25 October

Saturday 8th October has been added as a training date today and Cllr Hargrave will attend this session

087.22 Cllr D’Altilia’s attended the Councillor training session via ZOOM – he commented were that he felt a “workbook”, setting out terms and processes would be a useful addition to support the information given during the training.  Clerk will obtain updated copies of the Good Councillor Guide from NALC, and send a link to the NALC website where it can be read online.

088.22 Recreation Ground:

            MUGA – the next step is to research ways of funding the project, either through grants, donations, fund raising or a combination.  Also contact School to ask for their support.  Clerk will support Cllrs Hargrave and Moody to compile information.

It may be necessary to set up a separate bank account, under the Parish Council umbrella, to accommodate the finances for this project.  Residents will be updated on progress of the project via the next issue of Gidding News. 

089.22 Cllr D’Altilia had researched the potential for a bulk short messaging service (SMS) for Parish Council to use to inform residents of urgent/important/necessary notifications.  It was felt by Cllrs that this would reach more residents than social media platforms or website.  Using this system, a message would be sent via phone by the Clerk or a Councillor, responses from recipients would not be possible/available.  Parishioners would opt into the system by providing their mobile number only, names would not be shown, and the system would be fully GDPR compliant.  The cost would be approx. 3p per message (one charge for one message to all participating residents) and invoiced monthly.

            It was felt by Councillors that there should be a “sender” name attached to each message, ie Great & Little Gidding Parish Council, so that recipients could identify genuine messages.

Clerk enquired whether Vodaphone provide such a service, to link to our existing telephone and internet supply.

Cllr D’Altilia will obtain further details and prices.

Details of this service will be announced on the next issue of Gidding News.

091.22 Cllr D’Altilia had proposed a logo/coat of arms for use by the Parish Council and had drawn up some ideas, based on history/locality and activities in the Parish.  Ideas will be shared on the next issue of Gidding News, asking residents to vote for their preferred option.

092.22 Correspondence received since 19th July:

            a) NALC newsletters – dated 22/7 and 29/7 and 5/8 and 12/8 Chief Executives bulletin, 26/7 and 2/8 and 8/8 NALC events, 27/7  and 3/8 and 10/8 newsletter, 11/8 Star Council awards – list of nominees,

b) Neighbourhood Alert –  email dated 25/7 and 1/8 and 8/8 Latest from the Courts, 26/7 Burglary in Huntingdonshire, 27/7 and 1/8 newsletter, 1/8 catalytic converter marking sessions, 2/8 means to contact the organisation, 9/8 – share your concerns, 10/8 keep your windows shut to stop burglars,

c) Cambridgeshire ACRE – email dated 20/7 re Platinum Jubilee Village Hall Improvements Grant, dated 29/7 re. high density heat pump installation, 29/7 funding for village halls and community buildings, 8/8 Charities Act 2022 – information about the changes being introduced, 12/8  Notice of Cambridgeshire ACRE’s AGM 
Date: Wednesday 28 September 2022
Time: 2.00pm – 3.00pm
To be held by: Zoom Video Conference

d) CAPALC email dated – 22/7 HR update, 9/8 monthly bulletin

e) Cambs CC email dated 22/7 – THINK Communities newsletter, 26/7 – Micro Asphalt programme (nothing listed for Gidding or surrounding villages) and updated 10/8, 28/7 Cambridgeshire Matters monthly newsletter, 29/7 – invite to Cambridgeshire Flood Groups Conference. This free event will take place on Thursday 22nd September 2022 at The Club in Alconbury Enterprise Campus, 11/8Cambridgeshire Local Authorities have established the Action on Energy Cambridgeshire scheme, various road closures within the County between 1/8/2022 and 1/1/2024 – includes Main Street,  Great Gidding – signs will be erected prior to closures.

f) Hunts DC email dated  21/7 – two new honorary alderman (includes Dick Tuplin), 22/7 – THINK Communities newsletter, 4/8 Update of Operation London Bridge

27/7 Green flag awarded to St Neots miniature railway, 8/8 Town and Parish Council update on Huntingdonshire Futures

g) Economic Development Huntingdonshire DC invest@huntingdonshire.gov.uk – weekly Business News – email dated 21/7, 28/7, 4/8, 11/8

h) Information Commissioners Office We confirm receipt of your payment and new expiry date of 23/08/2023. 

i) Keep Britain tidy email dated 29/7 – Love Parks Week, dog mess and free resources

j) Cambs and Pboro Combined Authorities update, received 1/8

If you wish to see items of correspondence or obtain the links to online surveys, please contact the Parish Clerk.

093.22 Items for next meeting:

Clerk’s annual appraisal

Planning spreadsheet and associated paperwork

Gidding News – draft issue for amendment and additions.

Neighbourhood Plan – joining with neighbouring parish(s)

094.22 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday  20th September  2022 o

starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding.

Meeting closed at 21.17