No ill effects to report. I could see the potential of a nightmarish dream of being engulfed in continuous wall of beery froth. Thank you everyone for your support.
On the beer front the consensus of opinion was of a lack of choice of Christmas beers in the shops, last years selection was particularly good.
Just to recap:
Mr Andrew Underwood won this months Killer competition.
Mr Patrick Jarvis was presented with the Ale’d & Aimless trophy for his sterling performance with the Yard of Ale.
Muppet of the month must be me for failing to recognise the need to use the Joker card when it was plain to see that my skittling skills were lacking in aim and direction.

Michael Trolove Dec 2011
I think we managed a cup of ale before we both needed a breather. Well done to Patrick for reaching the bottom of the bulb. Ho hum.