St Michael’s Church services May 2012

Sunday 6th May 11am Holy Communion Tuesday 8th May 8am Matins Sunday 13th May 2.30pm Rogationtide Procession & Service at Baptist Chapel Tuesday 15th May 8am Holy Communion Sunday 20th May 6pm Evensong Tuesday 22nd May 8am Matins Sunday 27th May 11am Holy Communion Tuesday 29th May

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Polio and the ‘Purple Pinky’ and crocuses in front of the church

Polio is a terrible crippling disease.  It was once the major cause of disability.  Before 1988 there were over 350,000 cases reported per year worldwide.  Now it is down to about a 1,000 cases per year.  India use to have more cases than anywhere else.  Now it

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Review of Christingle service 2011

Our Christingle service in December was a great success – lots of children came along to the Christingle-making session at the school beforehand, and then Mary welcomed us at the gate through to the churchyard and we all went up to the service. Led by Mary, the

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