Sunday 6th May 11am Holy Communion Tuesday 8th May 8am Matins Sunday 13th May 2.30pm Rogationtide Procession & Service at Baptist Chapel Tuesday 15th May 8am Holy Communion Sunday 20th May 6pm Evensong Tuesday 22nd May 8am Matins Sunday 27th May 11am Holy Communion Tuesday 29th May
Read more →With an east wind howling down Main Street, villagers scurried along to the warmth of the Village Hall to do battle once again at the Quiz & Chip Night. Quiz supremo Lois Jordan set the tone of questions that would sort the wheat from the chaff. Fortified
Read more →General information about the Group: Meetings take place on the third Wednesday (September to April) and are very informal (no committee or agenda) and quite often we are just chatting about times past and memories, you don’t have to attend each one but would be really pleased
Read more →Great Gidding Baptist Church Our Purpose – Love God Love People Serve the World The Baptist Church is in fellowship with Grace Fellowship Little Stukeley; Grace Fellowship is part of the International Baptist Convention (I B C) and affiliated to Baptist Union of Great Britain My Wife
Read more →Polio is a terrible crippling disease. It was once the major cause of disability. Before 1988 there were over 350,000 cases reported per year worldwide. Now it is down to about a 1,000 cases per year. India use to have more cases than anywhere else. Now it
Read more →Welcome to Pete and Penny Bourne “If you see us working at the Manse please stop and introduce yourself to us. We are hoping to hold our first service Easter Sunday 3pm please come and join with us” Pete Bourne For the time being the contact details are
Read more →Our Christingle service in December was a great success – lots of children came along to the Christingle-making session at the school beforehand, and then Mary welcomed us at the gate through to the churchyard and we all went up to the service. Led by Mary, the
Read more →I am sure you have all heard the expression ‘the past is all around us’, and I am sure that we would all acknowledge the truth of these words, living where we do. Ancient churches, homes, bridleways and footpaths all speak of times long past, and then
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