Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 21st October 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Chair: Andrew Alexander
Councillors: Paul Hodson, Rachel Giddens, Robin Hayden, Chris Howden
Clerk: Caroline Bradley
C Councillor: Simon Bywater
D Councillor: Dick Tuplin
Members of the public: 1

426.14 Chair’s Welcome
427.14 Apologies and reasons for absence
Cllr James sent apologies and reason for her absence and these were accepted by the Parish Council (PC).
428.14 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
429.14 Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
Member of the public, who is also a member of the Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity Committee, requested the PC address the trees on the recreation ground due to them having reached their 40yr lifespan.
430.14 To confirm and accept minutes of 16th September 2014
The PC unanimously agreed these to be a true record of events.  The Chair signed each page.
431.14 Matters arising from minutes (information only)
432.14 Communication from District and County Cllrs
The PC asked advice from the Cllrs regarding tree maintenance and liability.  Their advice was to follow guidelines regarding commissioning aboricultural surveys every 5yrs and have a, working, tree log.  They suggested a couple of contacts which the clerk logged.
The Clerk asked for advice regarding the Winter Maintenance Volunteering Scheme with regards to gritting public footpaths.  Whilst this was seen as a productive task, the PC were still cautious of liability and the Clerk reminded the group that she was unable to locate a document negating the PC of liability if an accident occurred after a volunteer had attempted to grit a footpath, adequately.
C Cllr Bywater then informed the PC of savings of 32m needed to be made by Cambridgeshire County Council, which might see street lighting turned off at certain times.
D Cllr Tuplin followed with an update on developments at Sawtry Community College.
433.14 Communication from Parish Cllrs
Cllr responsible for Rights of Way reported that she had cleared brambles making accesses safer.  The bridleway off Winwick Road was reported as clear of concrete, however, it was still very wet.
Cllr responsible for Highways/Police/Public Transport was not in attendance.
The Trustee responsible for Farm Business Tenancy/Grazing Land had nothing to report.
434.14 Communication from Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity Committee (VHRGCC)
The PC thanked the committee for their minutes which the Clerk had already circulated.
There were no issues raised.
435.14 Clerk’s Report
Walk of the village with Tony King – the PC discussed and agreed that the Chair should speak to an ex Cllr to ascertain whether he is still keen to aid the PC with tree matters.  Clerk to address all matters raised in her report and feedback to the PC.
Clerk informed the PC that she had received notification that the ash tree opposite 19 Chapel End is due to be felled on 9th December.
Clerk advised that the junction signpost near the Hemington Lodge T junction has some corrosion.  She added that Tony King (CCC) had advised that he was aware and waiting for it to fall over.
Clerk informed that she had had a reply from Anglian Water re a fault report at 87 Main Street, standing water beside the road – Anglian Water advised that it was not mains water.
The Clerk informed that she had agreed to two more cuts of the rec ground grass, for the remaining year.  CGM to advise the Clerk when this will be actioned.
Lastly, Clerk advised that she had information regarding the Winter Maintenance Volunteer scheme if any Cllrs wanted to read.
436.14 Purchase of a wheeled strimmer
A discussion was had regarding useful applications and storage.  The PC unanimously agreed to purchase at a cost of £480.00 excl. VAT.
437.14 Finance inc:- bank reconciliation and payment of accounts
£298.57 – Salaries (BACS)
£617.31 – CGM grass cutting of rec ground (CHQ)
£300.00 – VHRGCC contribution towards a new sound system (CHQ)
£204.00 – History Group, use of Village Hall (CHQ)
£41.77 – Anglian Water, rec ground (DD)
All payments were unanimously agreed by the PC and two Cllrs signed the cheques and the accompanying paperwork.
A Cllr advised that the second half of the precept had been deposited and suggested the budget for the new financial year be deliberated in the November PC meeting.
438.14 Review of grass cutting contract
Clerk advised that she had seen this on the schedule of duties for September, however, it did not need to be reviewed until Dec 2016.
439.14 Correspondence received inc:-
The Clerk apologised that she had not detailed the correspondence on the agenda and advised that if there was anything contentious, she would make the public aware before a decision was reached by the PC.
Adult Social Care (CCC) – an online survey was agreed to be added to the website.  Clerk to action.
Cambs Home Improvement Agency – request for financial assistant.  Clerk to inform that the PC are unable to contribute, at this time.
440.14 Planning
441.14 Health and Safety matters
Clerk advised that she had had no communication from Aragon Homes following the letter she sent re excess water spilling onto the pavement.  Chair also informed that he had called them and had had no response.  The PC agreed to leave the matter for the moment and discuss again as winter begins.
Cllr Giddens reported that dog mess on the new part of the bridleway leading down to the brook is still an issue.  Cllr Giddens to add a piece to the website and a notice in the shop window, for public information.
The discussion of horse signage was agreed to be differed to the next meeting.
442.14 PC Policies review – Financial Regulations
The Clerk informed that she had previously circulated the new model financial regulations.  A Cllr raised some points and these were agreed by the PC.  Clerk to amend the model regulations and recirculate.  Financial Regulations to be adopted at the November PC meet.
443.14 Village Hall notice board replacement
Chair advised that he hopes to get the current notice board at the Village Hall repaired.
Chair to price cost of materials and report back to the PC for agreement.
444.14 Resignation of Cllr Trolove/Parish Council Vacancy
Chair to prose a letter thanking Mr Trolove on behalf of the PC.  PC agreed to postpone advertising the vacancy until the election in May.
445.14 Feedback from meeting with School Head
Clerk and Chair fedback regarding the meeting.  It was agreed that Cllr Giddens be the liaison between the school and the PC and to meet with the Head every term at an agreed time.  Clerk to supply Cllr Giddens with the relevant info from the initial meeting.
446.14 Discussion of a Facebook page for the Parish Council
Clerk advised that she had produced a page for another Parish Council which seemed to have received a positive reaction.  PC agreed to discuss again in the spring and would take advice from the Clerk’s experience.
447.14 Remembrance Sunday
Cllr Hayden offered to attend the service at the Church and to lay the poppy wreath on behalf of the PC.  The PC thanked him.
448.14 Office management inc:-
Revision of office filing systems – Clerk reported that she had been unable to achieve the 2hrs filing that she had been requested to do, however, she did feel that she was slowly becoming more productive and hoped to achieve this task by the next meeting.
Purchase of shredder for sensitive material – it was agreed for the Chair to purchase a mid-range option and he supplied 3 quotes.
449.14 Staffing matters inc:-ILCA training – Clerk reported her concerns over time to action this training whilst also completing the tasks expected of her.  It was agreed to continue this discussion.
Pension scheme – Clerk advised that she had not achieved any work towards this, as yet.
450.14 Items for the CLARION
451.14 Items for discussion on next agenda
No new items.  Continuing discussions of those already indicated.


Great Gidding Charity Trustee meeting

3.14 Reports from Trustees inc:-
Allotments – unworked plots
A Trustee apologised for not producing the letter sooner.  He offered to email this to the Clerk tomorrow.  Clerk to send to allotment holders of those plots that appear to be unworked.
Clerk reported a DD payment of £23.05, Anglian Water, for the allotments.
Jubilee Wood – winter maintenance and pond risk assessment.
It was reported that some maintenance work had taken place.
Chapel End Pond – winter maintenance and padlock possibility
It was agreed for a Trustee to buy a coded padlock and apply to the gate.
Dipping Pond – Gate possibility.
Clerk to correctly rename this as Horse Pond.  A Trustee was requested to speak to the person maintaining the ponds to ascertain maintenance and resources needed.


Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity Committee

Member of the VHRGCC committee, attending as a member of the public, requested the PC appoint one representative for the committee to communicate with.  The PC explained that this was not possible as no, one, Trustee could speak on behalf of the body of Trustees.  The PC expressed that they understood the committee member’s point of view and offered to ensure the communication process was as easy as possible.

 1.14 Reports from Trustees inc:-

48 Main Street boundary
This was discussed in detail.  It was reported that a Trustee spoke to some representatives from Carter Johnas last week and was informed that they had a written, signed document, indicating an historical right of way to the property, across the Village Hall land.  A VHRGCC member, present at the meeting, expressed the committee’s wish to send the letter, written by the Chair of the committee, on behalf of the Trustees.  It was agreed for the Clerk to send this, at her earliest opportunity.  It was also agreed for a Trustee to pay £40.00 to register the land with ‘The Land Registry’ from the possessory title to absolute title.  He informed that the original title deeds had been located and held in archive.
Lastly, the Trustees discussed and unanimously agreed to put in a suitable fence to mark the boundary and access.  A trustee offered to cost a wire and poled fence and report back.  It was agreed that the cost for the fence should be taken from the Great Gidding Charity account for an amount of up to £300.00, on the basis that this contributed to protecting a village asset.
Siting of benches on recreation ground
Clerk to contact the committee and request that this be addressed under their agenda.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm

The following wording changes were made to these minutes at the Parish Council meeting on 18th November 2014, as, unanimously, agreed by the council.

The Parish Council (PC) discussed and agreed the following amendments:
Item 429.14, “…due to them having reached their 40yr lifespan”, wording was removed.
Item 432.14, second sentence should read, “They advised that there were no guidelines supplied by Cambridgeshire County Council and that the PC should follow advice from insurance companies regarding commissioning aboricultural surveys…”  At this point D Cllr Tysoe arrived.
Item 432.14, the second to last paragraph should have the following sentence added at the end, “…turned off at certain times and some roads not gritted where they have been in the past”.
Item 435.14, second to last paragraph regarding extra cuts of the recreation ground, it was believed that this was not discussed at the meeting and so the wording was removed.  Chair added that the agreement for extra cuts was in accordance with the CGM contract.
Item 443.14, the word “repaired” was removed and the word “replaced” was entered in its place.
All amendments were initialled by the Chair and the PC then, unanimously, agreed these to be a true record of events.  The Chair signed each page.

End of minutes.


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