Minutes of the meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council
held on 21st April 2015, 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chair), James, Giddens, Hodson, Hayden and the Clerk
Members of the public: 4
70.15 Chair’s welcome
71.15 Apologies and reasons for absence
Cllr Howden, apology accepted.
72.15 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
73.15 Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
A member of the public addressed the PC and spoke on behalf of 3 households regarding the surface water outside 23 Chapel End. As per the emailed correspondence below, the resident requested a salt/grit bin for winter maintenance to reduce the potential danger to the public that an icy road surface may cause.
For the benefit of the residents, the PC discussed the matter at this point. It was agreed that the Clerk would arrange a meeting with CCC, Highways, to discuss the matter, at site, to assess the situation. Clerk to invite the resident speaking to attend the site meeting. Matter to be addressed at the next PC meet.
At this point the members of the public left the meeting.
74.15 To confirm and accept minutes of 17th March 2015
Minutes were approved and signed and dated by the Chairman.
75.15 Matters arising from minutes (information only)
76.15 Communication from District and County Cllrs
Reports were heard from C Cllr Bywater and D Cllr Tuplin.
77.15 Communication from Parish Cllrs
Reports were heard from the Parish Councillors.
78.15 Communication from Village Hall Charity Committee, inc:-
To receive end of year accounts Minutes were communicated ahead of the meeting. Clerk advised that she was waiting on the new schedule of meeting dates.
Received and noted.
Cllr Alexander advised that he had attended the last meeting of the committee and reported that they were attempting to host more cycling events, that the front of the village hall had been cleared and that the hall would host the polling day on the 7th May.
79.15 Clerk’s Report, inc:-
ILCA, update of progress made
Clerk reported that she had not managed to complete any more of the ILCA training course and advised that due to workloads and personal circumstances that she would not be able to complete any more modules until the beginning of June.
Clerk added that she had invoiced allotment holders.
80.15 Finance, inc:-
£305.21 – Salaries (BACS)
£169.90 – BT 12 months line rental, refund to Cllr Alexander (CHQ)
£31.54 – BT March payment (DD)
£21.69 – Council tax, rec field (CHQ)
£41.77 – Anglian Water, rec field (DD)
£4.64 – Recreation field loo water connection part, refund to Cllr Alexander (CHQ)
£8.86 – Stationery refund to C. Bradley (CHQ)
£404.16 VAT Received in March (BACS)
All payments were, unanimously, approved. Paperwork and cheques were signed by two signatories.
It was noted that this item was, incorrectly, listed as a (DD) payment on the agenda.
It was noted that the bank reconciliation and cash flow forecast that the Clerk had produced was incorrect and she was requested to address this. Clerk requested assistance with this and Cllr Alexander agreed to help.
Clerk also reminded Cllrs of their individual responsibility to be familiar with the accounting process and associated documents.
81.15 Correspondence received, inc:-
Letter from Post Office
Letter from CAPALC offering a years’ membership at £164.00
PC agreed not to take up membership.
Email from resident requesting a salt grit bin for Chapel End
Discussed above in agenda item, 73.15.
Email from resident regarding bins for dog mess
Clerk requested to contact HDC to enquire as to cost of bins and the possibility of replacing current bins in certain areas of the village.
Email from resident volunteering for a Speedwatch group
The PC discussed and requested the Clerk invite Brian Robins, the leader of Speedwatch in the area, to the Annual Parish Meeting. Clerk to email resident to advise them.
Email from Tom Cadwell regarding cycle race through Gidding
PC discussed and unanimously agreed that correspondence from residents should be itemised as separate agenda items as well as be listed as correspondence. Clerk to action.
82.15 Planning
83.15 Health and safety matters
Cllr James reported that she had received an offer of help regarding health and safety matters. PC noted.
84.15 Insurance, inc:-
Review of Parish Council register of assets
Discussion of linking with other local councils for insurance review – Cllr Alexander
It was agreed that this could be reviewed in the future if the PC felt necessary.
Cllr Alexander to review the asset register.
85.15 Play equipment on the recreation ground, update, inc:-
Receiving a quotation from Fenland Leisure Products Ltd for repairs, new equipment and annual inspection Cllr James advised that she was still investigating funding and would review the Fenland play equipment quote.
86.15 Tree survey, update
Cllr Alexander reported that a map of parish owned trees needed to be produced with the trees numbered. It was, unanimously, agreed that the trees around the recreation ground were to be included in the future survey.
87.15 Village Hall notice board replacement, update
Cllr Alexander reported that the noticeboard had been temporarily fixed and that work on the new one was progressing.
88.15 Update regarding use of Community Payback Team
Cllr James reported that she had not had any communication from Keith Mansfield, probation officer. It was agreed for her to try and contact him again and report back.
89.15 Policy review, inc:-
Risk Assessment
In progress, Cllr Alexander dealing.
90.15 Items for the next CLARION
None at present due to the recent publication.
91.15 Items for discussion on next agenda
Continuing discussions plus Cllr James requested a discussion regarding the state of the village sign.
92.15 Date of next meeting
19th May 2015.
Meeting closed 9.10pm
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