These draft minutes will not be agreed as a true reflection of the meeting until the December meeting
Minutes of the Meeting of Great & Little Gidding 
Parish Council
held on 17th November 2015, 7.30pm


Minutes of the Meeting of Great & Little Gidding
Parish Council held on 17th November 2015, 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chair), James (Vice-Chair), Hodson, Howden, Giddens and the Clerk
Members of the public: 1
Key: CCC Cambridgeshire County Council
HDC Huntingdonshire District Council
PC Parish Council
253.15 Chairman’s Welcome
254.15 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
It was understood that Cllr Hayden was unwell.
255.15 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
256.15 Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
257.15 To confirm and accept minutes of 20th October 2015
Minutes were, unanimously, agreed as a true record of the meeting. The Chairman signed and dated them.
258.15 Matters arising from minutes (information only)
Min ref. 235.15(c) – Clerk advised that the History Group would not be sending the Parish Council a revised request re the September meeting and thanked the PC for agreeing to fund the payment for the regular History Group meetings.
Min ref. 228.15 – Clerk reminded the PC that the Speedwatch Co-ordinator’s details needed to go on the website. Cllr Alexander offered to action this.
259.15 Communication from District and County Cllrs
Apologies sent from D Cllr Tuplin.
C Cllr Bywater addressed the council with these key points:
– Winter Maintenance (gritting) funding being reduced from 45% to 30%, essential roads will be maintained.
– Mobile libraries are under threat of closure.
– Spending review to be announced in the next couple of weeks.
At this point C Cllr Bywater was thanked and he left the meeting.
260.15 Communication from Parish Cllrs Cllr Giddens reported that she had met with the new school Head which was a positive meeting. She had offered to be involved in the school’s new road safety project.
Cllr James reported that the first Care Network coffee morning had taken place and that this would be called the ‘Friendship Group’ ongoing. Open to all residents and their guests.
261.15 Communication from Village Hall Committee (VHC) Minutes had been circulated prior to the PC meeting.
Cllr Alexander gave a brief overview of the meeting on the 9th November.
262.15 Clerk’s report, inc:-
The Clerk reported that she would be taking training on Friday 4th December.
She also reported that she had received notification that 59 Main Street was now to be named ‘The Barn’.
263.15 Correspondence received, inc:-
a) Letter – Connecting Cambridgeshire, Superfast Broadband connection update
PC noted.  Clerk to add to the noticeboards.
b) Letter – SLCC, Membership renewal, £88.00
To be discussed in agenda item, 263.15.
c) Letter – Local Government Boundary Commission for England, further limited consultation in Cambridge
PC noted.
d) Email – Flood & Water Team, CCC, Riparian Responsibilities for Flood Risk
PC noted
e) Email – HDC, Huntingdonshire District Council Elections
PC noted and decided not to respond to the consultation on whether to hold the elections every 4yrs or by 1/3s.
f) Email, HDC,Community Infrastructure Levy
PC noted.
g) Emailed letter – CGM, confirmation of Liability Insurance 19/10/15 – 19/10/16
The Clerk advised that the following had been received after the agenda was published
h) Tel/email – Policing in the Boundary Area
The Parish Clerk at Hemington informed the PC that a burglary had taken place on the boundary between Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire and the caller who had dialled 999 had been transferred to Cambridgeshire Police incorrectly. The Hemington Clerk was informing the PC in order to advise residents near the border to ensure they are speaking to the correct policing area. Cllr James requested the Clerk advise the Hemington Clerk to report this to the Police and Crime Commissioner.
264.15 Approval of membership renewal with Society of Local Council Clerks @ £88.00 Approved.
265.15 Finance, inc:-
a) Payment of accounts
£305.21 – Salaries (STO)
£21.67 – C Bradley, additional 2 Hours (CHQ 100927)
£15.64 – (£2.60 VAT) BT October payment (DD)
This budgeted payment was not on the agenda, however, the PC accepted the payment being made.
£120.00 – PKF Littlejohn (CHQ 100930)
£88.00 – SLCC (CHQ 100928)
b) To note the reconciled bank account balance
£7,742.77 plus £15,780.14 = £23,522.91
All payments were, unanimously, approved and all associated paperwork was initialled by two signatories.
266.15 To approve the budget for 2015/16 and to complete the application for the precept A thorough budgeting process took place and with the benefit of the parishioners in mind, it was decided to request a precept of £10,835.00, as per last year.
267.15 Planning, inc:-
a) 17 Mill Road
App. ref. 15/01766/HHFUL
The PC discussed and unanimously, agreed to recommend APPROVAL for the following reason:
No impact on neighbouring dwellings.
b) 6 Luddington Road
App. Ref. 15/01766/HHFUL
The PC discussed and unanimously, agreed to recommend APPROVAL for the following reason:
No impact on neighbouring dwellings.
Clerk to inform HDC of these decisions.
268.15 Health & Safety matters, inc:-
Update on :
a) Fallen branch from poplar tree on the recreation ground – Cllr James
Cllr James reported that the branch had been removed by Highways after she had contacted them after the last meeting.
b) Gains Lane, overhanging branches – Clerk
The Clerk reported that Highways did not view this as an emergency, however, it was noted that a resident had cleared the concerning area. Resolved.
c) Brook at the back of the jitty, update – Clerk
The Clerk reported that she had chased this and was waiting for the report. To be reported at the next meeting.
d) Overgrown vegetation on the bend, leading to Winwick – Cllr James
Cllr James reported that this had been programmed in to hedge cutting season. Cllr James monitoring.
269.15 Update regarding the recent drain work in Gains Lane –Clerk
Cllr James advised that Highways did not perceive this as a current problem. If, however, in wet weather, the drains are not fit for purpose, Highways should be advised. Cllr Alexander to contact the resident who notified the PC regarding this matter.
270.15 Update on Chapel End surface dressing – Cllr James
As before, the work will be subject to an end of season survey. Cllr James monitoring.
271.15 Discussion of Parish Councillor’s/Trustee’s training needs – Clerk
The Clerk reported on two reference books for Trustee training. A discussion was had and it was decided not to pursue training and to instead, search online for advice, when it was required.
272.15 Tree Survey, update –Clerk
The Clerk reported that a hard copy of the report had been received as was an invoice for £701.74. Cllr Alexander advised that he would like to read the report more fully before the PC agreed to pay the invoice. Cllr Alexander to also request a PDF copy of the report.
273.15 Poplars on the Recreation Ground
It was, unanimously, decided to discuss this after the tree survey, above, had been reviewed.
274.15 Update on village sign work – Cllr James
Cllr James reported that RB Woodworking had been commissioned and were soon to begin the restoration work.
275.15 Policy review, inc:-
To adopt the Risk Assessment -Cllr James
Cllr James advised that she had almost completed the Risk Assessment and that she would email it to Cllrs ahead of the next PC meeting.
276.15 Grit/Salt box order and siting confirmation
The PC instructed the Clerk to order a green box and confirmed the siting on the triangle of grass near the top end of Chapel End.
277.15 Parish Council Election, May 2016 – All
The PC discussed and agreed to communicate the PC Election in the CLARION and on noticeboards.
278.15 Items to be included in the next CLARION
Between meetings the Clerk had produced a CLARION, however, Cllr James had decided that it would be more beneficial to hold off sending this out until there was more information to go in it. The Clerk was requested to add the following:
The sad passing of ex Cllr Rosie Foster.
The Clerk was requested to make this addition and to pass the CLARION to Cllr James for editing.
279.15 Items for discussion on next agenda
It was, unanimously, agreed for the December meeting to be a reduced agenda, covering only essential matters.
280.15 Date of next meeting 15th December 2015.
At the end of the meeting, Cllr Alexander announced that he had received the Clerk’s resignation.
The Clerk was requested to advertise the position in the shop and on the noticeboards. Cllr Alexander offered to add the vacancy to the website.
The Clerk was requested to take her two days holiday owing.
Meeting closed 9.15pm


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