Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 19th May 2020
Present: Cllrs Hill, Hodson, Pudney
015.20 Chairman’s Welcome
016.20 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
Cllr Dear – unable to access internet
County Cllr Gardener – family bereavement
District Cllr Alban – will join the meeting as soon as possible
017.20 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
There were none
018.20 Public & Press participation session with respect to items on the Agenda
There were none
019.20 To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 21st April 2020
Cllr Hodson proposes acceptance, seconded by Cllr Pudney
District Cllr Alban joined at this point.
020.20 Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item.
There was nothing that will not arise later in the meeting.
Clerk advises that a notice regarding the cancellation of the Annual Parish Meeting was posted on the Noticeboard at the Village Hall on Monday 11th May 2020.
To receive reports from Councillors:
District Cllr Alban advised that grants are available from Huntingdonshire District Council regarding the Covid19 lockdown for Village Halls – he suggested contacting Glatton Parish Council for further information.
County and District Councils are proposing to join forces on grass cutting within the county/district to ensure there are no overlaps or omissions of areas being kept tidy.
During the period of “lockdown” incidents of fly tipping have increased and “activity” regarding cannabis farms has also been increasing.
a) to note Barclays Bank statements – viewed online
b) to note the Budget control statement – Cllr Hodson presented the proposed spending for 2020/21 via a spreadsheet, viewed onlin
c) PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNTS – to approve and sign cheques in respect of the following:
1) LGS Services – payroll services £72.60 (12.10 VAT)
2) SLCC subscription –subscription charge £35.00 (no VAT)
3) Catalyst Design website hosting £132.77 (22.13 VAT)
4) J R Trolove – Clerks working hours for January (36 Hours) £xxx (no VAT)
5) to approve Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 30th April = 35 hours
Other payments since the last meeting:
Wave (Anglian Water) Recreation Field water rates £33.03
Huntingdonshire District Council Recreation Field council tax £22.53 CR
d) to view the AGAR documents prepared for the Internal Auditor’s visit – there have been some last minute changes, this will be shared online (and in paper format) and will be ready for minuting and signature at the June meeting. The Internal Auditor has written, setting out how she will carry out the audit should “lockdown” continue over the next few months.
*** Village Hall payment to S R J Landscapes in respect of repair to the fence surrounding the grass area.
*** District Cllr Alban left the meeting.
023.20 Recreation Ground Update:
The play equipment remains off limits at present.
Risk assessment by Cllr Hodson on 11/5/2020 identified that the grass was in need of a cut. Clerk advised that Bradgate had been contacted on 18th May and will cut sometime this week.
A hirer of the Village Hall for yoga sessions had enquired if she may use the Recreation Ground for 1:1 sessions and, if so, what fee would be charged. After discussion, there were no objections, but it was agreed that the Jubilee Wood should be offered as an alternative venue and a nominal charge be applied per session. Clerk will discuss with the hirer.
Jubilee Wood update:
The organiser of 2019 Plant Sale has been requested to choose a style of bench/seat – to be purchased as soon as possible. See https://rusticcarpentry.co.uk/ – curved green oak backless bench, preferably 2 to make semi-circle or 4 to make circle @ £425 each.
Paths have been cut through the Wood using the lawnmower that is on loan.
Orchard Update:
The nursery will not be lifting fruit trees until November 2020. All donors of apple trees for the site have been advised by email (30/3/2020). Cllr Hodson and Clerk will discuss further how to maintain this area.
The Village Pound, opposite Townsend Pond – Clerk advised Councillors that a resident has cleared the undergrowth from this area and sown a bird seed mix to encourage wildlife.
024.20 Planning Application for Disabled Persons Parking Bay in Main Street.
See attached plan – Approval/refusal/observations.
There were no objections to this proposal, but the bus stop must be retained and kept clear of vehicles – Clerk will advise the County Council
025.20 Insurance for Parish Council – renewal due 1st June 2020
Approval of Asset Register to enable quote to be obtained.
Clerk has completed an online request to BHIB for the renewal papers, to date these have not been received.
026.20 Local Highways Initiative Bid – 2021-22 Luddington Road and Mill Road extension of 30MPH
Cllr Hill is working on the bid and will present this at the June meeting.
027.20 Co-option of Parish Councillors – how to attract Parish Councillors.
As it was not possible to hold an Annual Parish Meeting, Cllrs Hill and Pudney will devise the wording for an issue of Gidding News (formerly known as The Clarion), to be distributed to all Parishioners. This will update residents on the work and achievements of the Parish Council over the past year and act as a reminder about support that is available locally during lockdown. A request will be made for residents to join the Parish Council and/or the Village Hall committee
028.20 Correspondence received since 20th April 2020 (other than that discussed in agenda items above). Correspondence will be available to view at the meeting, including the following:
Clerk: NO written correspondence has been received since the last meeting
029.20 Items for decisions at next meeting:
Prepare for Election or Co-option of Parish Councillor
Review of the TO DO lists, to establish works to be carried out, timescales
and funding requirements.
030.20 Date of next meeting – Tuesday 16th June 2020,
starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding, unless we are still restricted to holding online meetings.
Meeting closed at 20.39
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