Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 17th November 2020

Present:  Cllrs Hodson, Hill, Cotton, Maciag and Pudney and the Clerk, Cllr Dear joined via phone link

115.20 Cllr Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting

116.20 Apologies were received from County Councillor Gardener and District Councillor Alban, both were attending other Parish Council meetings.     

117.20 There were no member’s declarations of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda

118.20 There was no Public & Press participation.   

119.20 Minutes of the meeting held on 20th October 2020 were accepted as correct by all present.                        

120.20 Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item.

            Cllr Hodson thanked Cllr Cotton for offering to present the wreath at the Remembrance Service.  The service did not take place due to lockdown restrictions and the wreath will be stored for 2021 event.

            Cllr Hodson advised that the work on the website has been completed and its content is now accessible to all.

            Cllr Pudney – requested that articles for the next issue of Gidding News are submitted to him that are “ready to go” to enable him to compile the content.  Cllr Hill will write a piece on the Village Hall and Clerk will submit further items to Cllr Hill for wording/layout.


Cllr Hill – had corresponded with Jo Challis of CambsCC Highways Dept, she has been seconded to another team during lockdown and therefore there would be a delay on starting the works.

Cllr Hodson – allotments are very wet, the new allotment holder has started preparing his allotment, a sculpture has been donated and installed on the orchard site. In the Jubilee Wood the blackthorn undergrowth is being cut back by Michael Trolove, the thinnings will be chipped and used as mulch on the orchard site.

Cllrs Cotton, Maciag, Pudney and Dear – nothing to report.           


a) to note Barclays Bank statements

b) to note the Budget control statement and cashflow forecast

c) PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNTS – to approve online payments in respect of the following:

 WhoWhat forAmountVATAuthorisedAuthorised
44J R TroloveWages for September –  32 hours£xxxNONEJRTPH
43Bradgate FencingGrass cutting Invoice no 846599.6616.61JRTPH
45Royal British LegionRemembrance wreath38.50NONE  JRTPH
46Catalyst Design PartnershipMaking village website accessible to all480.0080.00JRTPH

d)  Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 30th October (29  hours) were approved.   

123.20 Precept – the precept amount of £11,052 was approved and will be forwarded to  Huntingdonshire District Council. The proposed future budget shows overspends in years to come, some of this funding will be met by general reserves and additional funding from outside organisations.

            Cllr Pudney proposed acceptance of the 3 year budget, as discussed at the October meeting, this was seconded by Cllr Cotton.

124.20 Planning matters:

a) 65 Main Street – removal of hedgerow (Andrea Dollard, Enforcement Officer at HuntsDC) – a request has been made to re-instate a mixed woodland hedge on the site.   Ms Dollard will update the Parish Council in 4 weeks time.

b) Report no 34428 (Zaria Bettles) Blocked public footpath (No 6) between Chapel End and Mill Road reported online – Parish Clerk has given details of field owners to Footpath Officer to enable her to pursue this matter.

c) London and Luton Airport Authority – proposed holding area for aircraft.  Documents regarding this matter had been forwarded to Councillors by email.  Cllr Hill had carried out further research and advised that there would appear to be no noise impact implications for our parish, due to a flying height of 8000ft being imposed in the nearest zone to Great & Little Gidding.  Cllr Hodson agreed that information regarding the flying height appeared to imply negligible effect on this parish.  County Councillor Gardener had requested our comments on this proposal and the Clerk will forward details to him.

d) 2 Gains Lane –  Chorus Homes had responded and advised that both aerial and conservatory issues would be addressed.  Cllr Hodson advised that the aerial has been taken down.

e) adjacent to 21 Mill Road – Clerk has received no response and suggested that District Cllr Alban should be contacted for advice.  This was agreed.

f) Neighbourhood Plan requirements – Clerk has checked the District Council website and advised that few parishes have started this process, so far it is mainly the towns and larger villages, and/or villages where large scale development is proposed, that currently appear on the list.  The process requires a Parish to register their interest in setting up a Neighbourhood Plan via the District Council.  Funding is available to assist and support the Parish in this project which appears to have a 4/5 year timeframe.  Clerk has been in conversation with Sawtry Parish Clerks, who have recently started on a Neighbourhood Plan for their Parish, this is led by a sub committee made up of Parish Councillors and interested residents, who report back to their Parish Council as the project progresses.  Cllr Maciag advised that the current Government White Paper which proposes changes for planning practice, whereby there will be greater local level involvement in planning consultations, would indicate that it is better to have a planning policy in place rather than being forced into a “situation” in the future.  Cllr Maciag recommended registering an interest with the District Council. 

Cllr Hodson proposed that the Parish Council register an interest in devising a Neighbourhood Plan with Huntingdonshire District Council, this was seconded by Cllr Maciag.  Clerk will complete the paperwork

125.20 Recreation Ground Update:

            Cllr Maciag advised that the development of a Multi Use Games Area would cover an area of 30m2.  A planning application to Huntingdonshire District Council is required and the cost, where a Charity is involved, would be £462.00.  The application with Great Gidding Village Hall and Recreation Ground Trustees as the applicant.  Clerk will liaise with Cllr Maciag to provide required information and maps.  The start date for this project is likely to be spring of 2021.

126.20 Vice Chairman – Cllr Hodson proposed Cllr Pudney as Vice Chairman.  There were no further nominations, this was accepted by all and Cllr Pudney accepted the role.

127.20 Correspondence received since 20th October 2020 (other than that discussed in agenda items above). 

Clerk:   NO letters have been received since the last meeting.  Due to COVID 19 restrictions emails have been shared almost immediately.

128.20 Items for decisions at next meeting: 

            Dog fouling within the Parish

            Planning matters – update on all outstanding issues.

131.20 Date of next meeting – Tuesday 15th December 2020,

starting at 1930 hours ONLINE via ZOOM

The meeting closed at 20.06

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