Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 20th April 2021

Present:  Cllrs Hodson, Hill, Cotton, Maciag and Pudney, District Councillor Alban and the Clerk

198.20 Cllr Hodson welcomed those present to the meeting.

199.20 No apologies for absence were received.

200.20  Cllr Hodson declared an interest in matters on the agenda regarding allotments.

201.20 No members of the press or public attended the meeting

   202.20 The minutes of the meeting held on 16th March 2021 were confirmed as a correct record by Councillors Pudney and Hill.                         

203.20 There were no matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item.


            District Councillor Alban advised that there has been no progress regarding the

            Land adjacent to 21 Mill Road.  He explained that the District Council had 4 officers dealing with approx. 1000 cases, coupled with COVID issues and therefore additional time is required.  He will continue to monitor the case.

            Cllr Maciag asked a general question of Cllr Alban regarding planning matters, namely regarding extensive delays to planning applications/site visits and the planning process.  Cllr Alban advised that COVID restrictions have had a major impact on the Planning Department and staff and the recommendation was to continue with contact/questions/etc.

            Cllr Maciag advised that the submitted planning application for the MUGA has not yet appeared on the District Council Planning List.

            Cllr Hill has spoken to Jo Challis of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Highways – the works to our village roads are not imminent.

            Cllr Hodson advised that the School are making a member of staff redundant due to low number of children on the school roll and funding issues.         


a) to note Barclays Bank statements

b) to note the Budget control statement and the cash flow forecast

c) PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNTS – to approve online payments in respect of the following:

 WhoWhat forAmountVATAuthorisedAuthorised
1J R TroloveWages for January – 28 hours£xxxNONE  
2SLCCAnnual subscription£36.00NONE  
3Bradgate FencingGrass cutting£99.6616.61  
4J R TrolovePurchase of Microsoft Office and anti virus package74.98tba  
5AWARec Field water rates30.83 Direct debit 

d)  to approve Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 31st March ( 28  hours)

      Approved by Cllr Maciag and seconded by Cllr Pudney

206.20 Planning matters – Clerk to obtain updates on all matters prior to meeting:

a) Ref: 20/00243/ENTRÉE 65 Main Street – the hedge is unlikely to be replaced in the near future, partly due to COVID restrictions and now the dry weather – this item will be removed from future agendas.

b) Report no 34428 – Blocked public footpath (No 6) between Chapel End and Mill Road.  Other Rights of Way outstanding matters

c) 2 Gains Lane –  the conservatory remains on Chorus Homes property, we have been advised that COVID has restricted access to the property.  This item will be removed from the agenda as now in the hands of the landlord.

d) land adjacent to 21 Mill Road – ongoing case for Enforcement Officer  (as discussed above).

207.20 Recreation Ground Update:

Planning application for a MUGA to be sited on the Recreation Ground has been submitted to HuntsDC – Cllr Maciag has submitted a Supporting statement and a revised location plan on 26/3/2021 (see 007.21 above).

Cllr Pudney advised that there had been an offer of help with the project.

Outside funding will be required, and potential fund raising events in the village too.

208.20 Social Media comment/statement – Cllr Hodson advised that his preference would be for the Parish Council to use a standard response to any posts made on social media, rather than enter into discussion.  Therefore the Clerk has circulated to Parish Councillors a proposed wording to be posted in response to comments made regarding the Parish Council on Social Media (Facebook).  The wording was unanimously approved and, as the Parish Clerk does not access Facebook, Cllr Pudney will post this response (copy attached) as and when required.

209.20 Request to Parish Council from the Great Gidding Charity Trustees in respect of rental of village Allotments on an annual basis (see attached report) – Cllr Hodson explained the requirement for a Parish Council to provide Allotments.  The village allotment site is owned by the Great Gidding Charity.  The proposal would be for the Parish Council to rent the Allotments from Great Gidding Charity for a sum of £400 per annum.  In return the Parish Council would receive income from annual rents.  The Charity would continue to pay water rates for the site.  The Clerk will check with Parish Council insurers if they would cover the allotments, making the insurers aware that the land was owned by another organisation, and report back to the May meeting – this will then clarify who should pay for insurance.

            The next Gidding Charity Trustees meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th May, at which a document will be drawn up to reflect the changes.

            Cllr Pudney proposed acceptance of the Proposal and this was seconded by Cllr Cotton.

210.20Appointment of an Independent Internal Auditor for 2020-2021  – Clerk requested that CANALBS be requested to carry out the annual audit

            Cllr Hodson proposed that CANALBS be instructed, Cllr Pudney seconded

211.20 Parish Clerk’s annual appraisal – Cllr Hodson offered to carry out the appraisal and if, as a result an appeals panel is required, this should be made up of other Parish Councillors.  Cllr Cotton agreed.

1:1 meeting, therefore delayed until COVID restrictions permit

212.20 Correspondence received since 16th March 2021 (other than that discussed in agenda items above).  Due to COVID 19 restrictions emails have been shared almost immediately.

a)         email from Elections Public, Hunts DC – re. 6th May 2021 – this will be discussed in the Village Hall meeting following this meeting

b)         email from TradeWasteTeam – re bin at crossroads – this falls within the remit of the Street Cleansing Team at Huntingdonshire District Council.  Clerk has contacted them asking for details of size/capacity type of bin and price for emptying (price given as £252.64, this would be a once weekly collection.)

c)         email from PFK Littlejohn regarding external auditor instructions

d)         email from County Councillor Gardener re. Highways Initiative Bid

e)         email from District Councillor Alban – report on various matters (this has been added to the village website)

f)          email from Wicksteed – follow up regarding work identified in annual report – Cllr Macaig had assessed the bench and felt that all slats should be replaced, the fixings are corroded and bench securely fixed in the ground.  Clerk will obtain a quote from Wicksteed to replace all the slats on the bench.

g)         email from BHIB Insurance brokers – renewal of insurance policy for 1/6/2021

212.20  Items for decisions at next meeting:

Renewal of Parish Council insurance

Parish Pound  

213.20 Date of next meeting – Tuesday 18th May 2021, starting at 1930 hours

It is to be confirmed if this is ONLINE via ZOOM or in the Village Hall

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