Minutes of the meeting held at Great Gidding Village Hall on Tuesday 16th November 2021
Present: Cllrs Hodson, Maciag, Hill, and Bolton
109.21 Chairman’s Welcome
110.21 To receive apologies and reasons for absence:
County Councillor Gardener – at another meeting
District Councillor Alban – at another meeting
Councillor Cotton – has resigned due to personal commitments
Councillor Pudney – excessively delayed by accident traffic
111.21 There were no Member’s declaring a Disclosable Interest for items on the Agenda
112.21 No members of the Public or Press were present
113.21 Minutes of the meeting held on 19th October 2021 were confirmed and accepted by Cllrs Hill and Macaig
114.21 Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item:
Cllr Bolton – following on the from climate change discussion (0103.21) at the October meeting, he had contacted a provider of electric charging points and was advised that, at present, they were installing on major roads and urban areas.
Cllr Macaig – has ordered the wood for the Recreation Ground bench, he presented the invoice, and will advise when delivery received.
115.21 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk:
Cllr Hill – the proposed plan for the 2021-22 Local Highways Improvement Bid has been received (extension to the speed limit areas on Mill Road and Luddington Road and to include Milking Slade Lane and Chapel End). The second post for the Speed Awareness Device has also been included in this scheme. Those present unanimously approved the scheme. Cllr Hill will confirm to Highways Department and request costings for the scheme. The 2022-23 for Little Gidding will be presented in spring 2022.
Cllr Hodson – a parishioner has advised him that the field gate on the Public footpath adjacent to Chapel End Pond has a lock on it (new owner of the field is presently unknown). Clerk will report the restriction to CambsCC.
Cllr Hodson encouraged Councillors to identify new Parish Councillors.
a) Barclays Bank statements noted
b) Cashflow spreadsheet and Budget Forecast were presented by Cllr Hodson, also VAT return had been submitted to HMRC by Clerk
Who | What for | TOTAL | VAT | Authorised | Authorised | |
41 | Bradgate Fencing (No 340 ) | Grass Cutting | 195.12 | 32.52 | JRT + | |
42 | J R Trolove | Wages for September (30 hours) | Xxx | ~ | JRT |
d) to approve Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 30th October (27.5 hours) Payments and Clerk’s hours approved by Cllrs Hill and Maciag
e) Community Infrastructure Levy Statement for 2020-2021 (deadline for submission 31/12/2021) – approved by Cllrs Hodson and Hill
117.21 Planning Applications and Planning matters:
21/02299 TREE – 8 Dells Close – crown reduction to ash tree
There were no observations, either for or against.
118.21 Recreation Field Update:
a) monthly inspection – Cllr Hodson will forward his written report
b) water supply to toilet – Clerk will complete the paperwork provided by Anglian Water
c) grass cutting contract – Clerk has reminded the contractors that they had completed the number of cuts as set out in the contract.
119.21 Training opportunities for Councillors and Clerk – there were no requests for training this month.
120.21 Gidding News – it was agreed that the next edition would be sent out in Spring 2022 – suggested items to include a report on the results from the Speed Awareness device, update on the Local Highways Scheme, final call for ideas for events etc for the Queens Platinum Jubilee and/or tree planting, request for residents to join the Neighbourhood Plan group, MUGA fundraising
121.21 Correspondence received since 19th October 2021 (other than that discussed in agenda items above).
a) Email dated 22/10/2021 – email re The Queens Platinum Jubilee
b) Email dated 25/10/2021 – Neighbourhood Watch “say no to ASB”
c) Email dated 25/10/2021 – Balfour Beatty street light survey – Clerk has responded – Cllr Macaig remarked on the brightness of street lights and enquired if they were LED, the survey was regarding repairs and service provision
d) Email dated 27/10/2021 – Cambs ACRE re. Queens Green Canopy – – Cllr Bolton was interested in a tree planting exercise. Clerk advised that there will be a working group in Jubilee Wood in early December, this will identify spaces for trees. Clerk will research what species of trees are available.
e) email dated 29/10/2021 – Neighbourhood alert cyber crime survey 2021
f) email dated 1/11/2021 – Cambs & P’boro combined authority update no. 7
g) email dated 3/11/2021 – Mayors office(combined authority) regional transport
h) email dated 5/11/2021 – Chairman of Winwick Parish (Council) re traffic
i) email dated 8/11/2021 – The Library Presents – arts events
j) email dated 8/11/2021 – The Pensions Regulator – re-enrolment – Clerk enquired whether there was a need to re-enrol. This Parish Clerk has declined the offer of a Pension and/or was not eligible, re-enrolment will not be necessary
k) email dated 8/11/2021 – CambsCC – Childrens Christmas Holiday Scheme
l) email dated 11/11/2021 – Neighbourhood alert – webinar on ASB
122.21 Items for decisions at next meeting:
Prepare for Co-option of Parish Councillor
Queens Jubilee 2022 – tree planting, village event, other ideas.
123.21 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 21 December 2021
starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding
Meeting closed at 20.12
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