Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 20th December in Great Gidding Village Hall
PRESENT: Cllrs Hodson, D’Altilia, Hargrave, Moodya and the Clerk. Joined by 3 members of the public – 1 for 160.22 and general enquiry, 2 for 164.22
150.22 Cllr Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting.
151.22 Apologies were received from:
County Councillor Gardener – another meeting
District Councillor Alban – another meeting
Councillor Maciag – illness
152.22 There were no member’s declarations of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
153.22 Public & Press participation session with respect to items on the Agenda:
TM was in attendance to discuss concerns about the parking along Main Street, particularly around the School, and the speed of traffic along the same stretch of road. Cllr Hodson advised that parking by school parents/staff/visitors had been a problem for decades and it was difficult to see how this could be resolved or improved as the availability of parking at the Village Hall was not utilised fully and the recent installation of the MVAS sign to monitor traffic in this area was ongoing. Cllr Moody requested the Clerk to enquire of Highways Department what measures could be taken to improve this area of Main Street.
JD and MK, representing the PCC, joined at the request of Cllr Hargrave to discuss the Coronation of King Charles and ways in which the village could mark the event and celebrate together. A list of suggestions had been shared prior to the meeting. It was agreed that it was not necessary to close the road as there were other areas in the Parish where events could be held. The Church particularly would be involved and local businesses would be invited to join/support too. Residents will be informed and asked to help out, and a meeting will be held in January to put together a plan.
154.22 To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 15th November 2022. Clerk had missed the recording of the decisions regarding Planning Applications – this has been amended and therefore Cllr Bolton recommended acceptance, seconded by Cllr Hargrave.
155.22 There were no matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item.
156.22 Reports from Councillors and Clerk:
Cllr Hargrave commented on the Gains Lane property that has remained empty for over a year – Clerk will write to Chorus Homes and request that they take steps to resolve this matter.
a) Barclays Bank statements for Parish Council account had been shared prior to the meeting.
b) PAYMENTS – the following payments were approved:
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised | |
J R Trolove | Wages for October (36.5 hours) | Xxx | NIL | JRT | ||
Viking Direct | Office supplies for Parish Council | 97.36 | 16.23 | |||
Firetext payments x 2 (refund to FD) | Messaging service | 62.40 | 10.40 | |||
Firetext – monthly payment | Refund to FD | 14.40 | 2.40 | |||
CAPALC | Training AH | 75.00 | NIL | |||
CambsACRE | Annual membership fee | 57.00 | NIL | |||
VILLAGE HALL account | ||||||
A C Cleaning Services | Village Hall Cleaning | 13.00 | ~ | |||
Viking Direct (for Village Hall) | supplies | 99.24 | ~ | |||
Defibrillator account *** | ||||||
WEL Medical (paid prior to meeting) | replacement pads | 85.85 | ~ | JRT | PH |
*** Cllr Hodson advised that fund raising may be required to top up the account.
- Clerk’s working hours for November – total of 34 – approved
- The increase in the Clerk’s hourly rate by £1.00, backdated to 1st April 2022, was proposed by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr Bolton.
- It has been confirmed that PKF Littlejohn remain as the external auditors and, providing we stay within the £25,000 income/expenditure band, there will no fees applicable for the audit.
- CIL tax return had been completed and returned, and will appear on the Huntingdonshire District Council website.
158.22 Planning Applications and Planning matters –
a)Further correspondence re. Telecommunications mast and base station in Thurning/Luddington/Hemington Parish has been received and shared prior to the meeting – an objection had been raised and an alternative site suggested.
b) Proposal: Single storey rear extension, demolition of existing conservatory and external works to property frontage.
Site Address: 50 Main Street Great Gidding Huntingdon
Reference: 22/02176/HHFUL – deadline 19th December, advised our response will be available on or before 23rd December
An email had been received from neighbour regarding this and other matters.
OBJECTION as the visibility splay onto B660/Main Street will be further obstructed by the proposed wall and fence, at a point where there is a bend in the road, creating an unsafe exit from the Village Hall car park. This will also be the comment from the Village Hall Trustees who, as a neighbouring property, were consulted on this application.
159.22 Training opportunities for Councillors and Clerk – none at present.
160.22 LHI bid for 2023/2024 – DEADLINE for bids 6th JANUARY – bids to exclude 20MPH zones/limits (which had been proposed for Little Gidding)
a)Little Gidding junction – to improve safety and signage (see County Councillor Gardener’s email clarifying stages for application). Further clarification is required regarding the road between Great and Steeple Gidding and speed limits approaching the Little Gidding junction but, when the 20MPH scheme is open for applications, this may be applied for in respect of the lane down to the houses/Church at Little Gidding.
b)Main Street – double yellow lines down one side between various points – Cllr Hargrave had measured the width of Main Street from the T junction with Mill Road, to the crossroads with Chapel End/Luddington Road (see attached map) – there was a narrowing from Church Farm/Village Hall to the bank up to the Church – after much discussion it was decided that an LHI bid would not be submitted for this project, but to await the response from Highways Department to see what measures were recommended (see 153.22 above).
161.22 Neighbourhood Plan update – Minutes of the meeting held on 23 November had been shared prior to the meeting, together with Minutes from Hamerton and Steeple Gidding’s Parish Meeting and Winwick Parish Meeting.
Proposal to join with Winwick and Hamerton/Steeple Gidding to produce a joint Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Hodson proposed and this was seconded by Cllr D’Altilia
Sawtry Neighbourhood Plan – pre-consultation document and open days on 10 December and 20 January
Clerk had made enquiries regarding GDPR requirements and insurance for this project and established that this will be under the Parish Council cover. She recommended that a dedicated email be set up for use by the group. She has requested sight of the budget for the project, as any payments will require approval through the Parish Council meetings.
The next meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Group, made up of residents of Great, Little Gidding, Hamerton and Winwick, will take place on 3 January 2023.
162.22 Recreation Ground – nothing to discuss
163.22 Review of Gidding News associated projects:
Coat of Arms “vote” – Of the votes received, 47% chose option E. Parishioners will be notified on the next issue of Gidding News.
Text Messaging Service – take up has been slower than expected. A reminder will appear on the next Gidding News.
164.22 Preparation for the Coronation of King Charles III – see 153.22 above
Street Party licence applications deadline is 10/3/2023
Highways Event licence applications deadline is 10/2/2023
165.22 NALC’s Civility and Respect policy – https://www.nalc.gov.uk/our-work/civility-and-respect-project
166.22 Review of noticeboards in the parish – Cllr D’Altilia had received parishioner comments regarding information sharing of Parish events. The Parish Council now only use the noticeboard at the Village Hall, the board at the Rec Field is for information associated with that site. Ownership of the board near the school is not clear, the board is open to the elements and unsuitable for notices. Clerk and Cllr D’Altilia will meet to explore what other means of communication with residents can be implemented.
167.22 Correspondence received since 15th November 2022:
a) NALC newsletters – dated 22/11 +29/11 re. Events, 23/11 + 30/11+15/12 newsletter, 25/11 Chief Exec bulletin, 14/12 newsletter, 12/12 NALC open letter (forwarded to Councillors)
b) Neighbourhood Alert/ECops etc – email dated 21/11, 22/11,22/11 stolen jewellery, 24/11 Christmas shopping fraud, 28/11+5/12 from the Courts, 6/12 fraud alert, 6/12 Christmas warning, 8/12 999 calls, 12/12 jailed in Cambridgeshire, – also weapons seized. c) Resident’s verbal report to Clerk regarding increase in dog mess, both on footpath and elsewhere in the village. There has been an increase in dog ownership during and since COVID lockdowns and Councillors were aware in the increasing problem throughout the village. The following comment from Huntingdonshire District Council’s website will be included on the next issue of the Gidding News, together with the link to the reporting page (https://forms.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/DOGFOUL/launch) “ Offenders may be issued with a fixed penalty notice of £100 or a fine of up to £1,000 if prosecuted under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.” Also a request for volunteers to empty dog waste bins, as the Parish Council has unused bins in storage due to lack of volunteers to empty them (health and safety briefing will be given). |
d) CAPALC email dated 9/12 – monthly update shared prior to meeting
e) Cambs CC email 24/11 Children’s Services newsletter, Think Communities newsletter dated 25/11, flood preparedness events and webinar on 14th December, 12/12 rights and responsibilities regarding watercourses, Highways Traffic Management training sessions (possible use for Coronation events),
f) Hunts DC email dated 23/11 Warm Spaces grants and more funding for this, and 14/12. 1/12, 25/11 + 6/12 changes to waste collection dates over Christmas/New Year, 2/12 Oxmoor tree planting,
g) Economic Development Huntingdonshire DC invest@huntingdonshire.gov.uk – weekly Business News – 24/11, 1/12, 8/12, 15/12
h) Cambs Acre – 23/11 safer recruitment and regulated activities, November newsletter,
i) Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough update 22/11, 5/12, 7/12 Making Connections, 12/12 Have your say on Medium Term financial planning,
j) Parish online – 1 year free subscription with BHIB insurance – signed up but advised we did not qualify for free access, unless we have 3/5 year package deal.
k) Greater Cambridgeshire – 24/11 + 7/12 Making Connections travel consultation – deadline 23 December,
l) Gigaclear – various emails around 22/11 re upgrade of service and enquiry regarding a property in Main Street.
m) response from T Branson & Son and further comments regarding the Milking Slade Lane highways improvements, additional information regarding rural crime and local vandalism. Councillors have noted the comments contained therein.
168.22 Items for next meeting:
Adoption of NALC’s Civility and Respect Policy
Review of Parish Council Policy documents – update and add new policies
Consider Speaker or subject for Annual Parish Meeting in April
Review of grass cutting contract and appointment of contractor
169.22 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 17th January 2023
starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding.
Meeting closed at 21.20
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