2023-03-21 Minutes of the Great & Little Gidding Parish Council meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21st March

Present:  Councillors Hargrave, Moody, Hodson, Maciag, D’Altilia and Bolton, and the Clerk.

208.22 Cllr Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting

209.22 Apologies and reasons for absence:

            County Councillor Gardener – at another meeting

District Councillor Alban – at another meeting.  He has sent a report for distribution to Parishioners

Councillor D’Altilia – work commitment.

210.22 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda

211.22 Mr Iain Nott and his colleague from Milton Estates (Peterborough) joined the meeting, together with Paul Hargrave representing the Neighbourhood Plan group.

212.22 Minutes of the meeting held on 21st February 2023 were confirmed as a correct record by Councillor Hargrave, seconded by Cllr Bolton    

213.22 There were no matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item.                       

214.22 There were no reports from Councillors and Clerk. 


            a) Barclays Bank statements for Parish Council account were shared prior to the meeting and Cllr Hodson had shared his balance sheet too

            The Precept Notice has been received and shared prior to the meeting.

b) PAYMENTS – the following online payments were approved:

 WhoWhat forTOTALInvoice includes this VAT amountAuthorisedAuthorised
 J R TroloveWages for December (29.5 hoursXxxNILJRT 
 FiretextMessaging Service14.402.40JRT 
 Great Gidding Village HallHire of hall and Parish Office£550.00NILJRT 
  • Clerk’s working hours for December, a total of 40, were approved by Councillors Hargrave and Bolton
  • Additional storage was required for the website at a cost of £40.00 +VAT per year.  A few questions arose which the Clerk will raise with Catalyst Design but it was agreed to purchase.
  • Toilet hire for the Coronation weekend – the LHL quote was considered to be the best option

216.22  No planning applications or other planning matters to discuss.

217.22 Mr Nott, agent for Milton Estates (Peterborough) gave an outline of the Estate involvement in the village – there are currently 3 sites being considered for development.  The Estate are willing to discuss the aspirations of the village, also be willing to discuss options for the future of the school site and its environs, should the consultation outcome advise that the school is to close.  It was felt that the Neighbourhood Plan will be an indication of what parishioners want in terms of change

218.22 The formal consultation document notification in respect of the future of Great Gidding School has been displayed on the Village Hall noticeboard since Tuesday 14th March.  A note to the online link will be included in the next Gidding News.  It has been indicated that the decision will be taken and made known on 28th April.

            Should the decision be taken to close the school, a request for Parish Councillors to visit the school will be made to the governors.

            Councillor Hodson advised that a number of children moved to other local schools at half term, others will be moving at Easter.  

219.22 Neighbourhood Plan group will meet on 22nd March.  3 x residential questionnaires have been compiled, one for each parish, together with a questionnaire for businesses.  Printing will take place in April.  Online completion will be available too.

An application will be made to Locality (a central Government department) for funding.  Clerk has advised that, to comply with this Parish Council’s financial regulations, where any element of cost is over £500, 3 comparative quotes should be obtained.      

220.22 Communication with Parishioners:

            Spring 2023 Gidding News – a draft was shared at the meeting and, after the suggested changes, this will be sent to printers next week.

221.22 A spreadsheet of the events and activities was shared at the meeting with details of Coronation Weekend.  Cllr Hargrave added more information – she and the Clerk will liaise with Pub and Church regarding activities and advertise/promote events.

Cllr Bolton agreed to liaise with the company who quoted for hire of equipment to enable the viewing of the Coronation Concert on Sunday evening, and to check insurance of such equipment.

Parish Council will fund the following:

  • Hire of television, sound system and other equipment for the Concert (+insurance?)
  • Giant games for Jubilee Wood event, and stored at the village hall for future use.
  • Proscecco and fizzy soft drink for the toast to King Charles.
  • Food for the Concert evening.
  • Toilet hire for the Jubilee Wood event, + insurance for the weekend.
  • Cleaning materials for the “Help Out” session on Monday, plus tea/coffee etc
  • Contribution towards flowers for the Church display

The total cost is estimated at £1500 and would be funded from Section 137 – this was approved by all present.

Events are open to all parishioners, and their visiting guests. Details of the activities will be included on the Gidding News and village website.

“What goes on in Great & Little Gidding parish” –Cllr D’Altillia will continue compilation.

222.22Correspondence received since 21st February 2023:

            a) NALC newsletters – dated 22/2 + 1/3 + 8/3 +15/3, 24/2 Chief Exec bulletin, 28/2 + 7/3 + 16/3 NALC events,

b)Cambridgeshire County Council – 27/2

Cambridgeshire Matters March newsletter, 20mph area applications are open, see 28/2 for forms – details will be forwarded to Councillor Bolton,

1/3 Local Highways surface treatment programme (nearest is Hamerton in May or June), 2/3 Easter holiday provision (poster on noticeboard), 

7/3 Think Communities information for Huntingdonshire area – Clerk suggested that, should the school close, this group should be consulted for advice and signposting

 13/3 Cambridgeshire Flood Action Programme – report a flood,

c)Huntingdonshire District Council – 23/2 press release, District Council adopts climate change, 10/3 Energy Bill Support Scheme Alternative Funding, 10/3 Grant for health activities for older residents,

d)CAPALC – March newsletter (forwarded on 16/3)

e) Economic Development Huntingdonshire DC invest@huntingdonshire.gov.uk – weekly Business News – 2/3 + 9/3 + 13/3

f) Cambs Acre –  1/3 Cambs & Pboro Parks Partnership

g) Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough –

h) Parish Online newsletter 8/3

i) Eden Project – 22/2 and 25/2 Big Coronation lunch pack and various supporting emails

j) NHS integrated care system communications newsletter

k) Keep Britain Tidy – spring clean campaign digital resource pack

l) E-COPS – stolen white VW Golf, catalytic converter thefts, 28/2 + 6/3 + 13/3 news from the Courts, 1/3 scrap metal checks, 1/3 STOP suicide, 6/3 Neighbourhood Watch recruitment drive, 13/3 March newsletter,

m) Middle Level Commissioners – 2/3 unregistered/abandoned boats

n) 11/3 East Northamptonshire Local Plan consultation document

223.22 Items for next meeting:

             Coronation –  general update

            Neighbourhood plan – update

            Audit and AGAR process                                            

224.22 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 18th April 2023

starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding.

This meeting closed at 21.25

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