Present: Councillors Hodson, Hargrave, Moody, Maciag and D’Altillia, and the Clerk.
037.23 Councillor Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting
038.23 Apologies were received from:
County Councillor Gardener – holiday
District Councillor Alban – at another meeting
Councillor Bolton – holiday
039.23 There were no declarations of Disclosable Interests from Members for items on the Agenda
040.23 No members of the Public or Press were present
041.23 Minutes of the meeting held on 16th May 2023 were confirmed as a true and correct record – proposed by Cllr Maciag and Cllr Moody
042.23 Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item:
Clerk had emailed (on 14 June) the organisers of Tour of Cambridgeshire and requested they arrange collection of the traffic cones.
Clerk will resend the Hunts DC Members Interest Form A to Councillors for completion.
Clerk updated Councillors on the proposals for changes to the parking spaces on Main Street.
Clerk reminded Councillors of the invitation to the Church Service in celebration of the School – Clerk and Cllr Moody will attend.
The TING roadshow bus had visited the Village Hall on 2nd June – 1 resident from Winwick came to take a look. Leaflets are available from the Parish Office.
Cllr Hodson had received a resident’s complaint regarding several bonfires being lit by the tenant at the stables at the back of Fox & Hounds PH – resident will be advised to refer this to Milton Estates who is the landlord.
Cllr Hodson asked if the Clerk has heard anything further regarding 65 Main Street – she will follow up with the Enforcement Officer.
043.23 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk:
Speed awareness sign – Paul Hargrave has found that the speed awareness unit is incompatible with Apple operating platform, further investigation required.
Cllr Maciag advised that there has been no further news on the funding in respect of the Neighbourhood Plan project (see payments listed below). Response to the surveys has been very good. Reports are being compiled and, it is anticipated, that a public meeting will be held to share the outcomes, possibly in September.
a) Barclays Bank statements for Parish Council account was shared at the meeting
Parish Council (everyday) Account – balance as at 19/6/2023 £18,786.04
Parish Council Deposit Account – balance as at 19/6/2023 £16,061.85
b) PAYMENTS – the following online payments were approved – proposed by Councillors Maciag and D’Altillia :
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised | |
J R Trolove | Wages for April ( 32.5 hours ) | Xxx | NIL | JRT | ||
Catalyst Design Partnership | Neighbourhood Plan Logo | 480 | 80 | JRT | ||
Print-Out Invoice no 78880 | Neighbourhood Plan – survey questionnaire printing | 802.80 | 133.80 | JRT | ||
Bradgate Ground Maintenance Ltd (no 1231) | Grass cutting of Recreation Field | 216.00 | 36.00 | |||
Catalyst Design Partnership | Website hosting | 300.55 | 50.09 | |||
Bradgate Ground Maintenance Ltd (no 1292) | Grass cutting of Recreation Field – April | 216.00 | 36.00 |
- to approve Clerk’s working hours for May – total of 43
- AGAR (due in by 1st July). The Clerk and internal auditor had an online meeting – auditor’s report is awaited, delayed by ill health (auditor reminded 16/6/23).
- VAT claim made and refund received on 26th May – £306.01
- Cllr Hodson advised that the bank mandate change, adding Cllr Maciag as a signatory in place of Cllr Pudney, is ongoing.
045.23 PLANNING applications and other planning matters:
There are no new planning applications as at 13 June 2023
Huntingdonshire District Council Local Plan Call for Sites – there are 3 x Great Gidding submissions from Milton Estates – field adjacent to the Village Hall, area of land between semi detached cottages and 50 Main Street, and a large site spanning Chapel End to Back Lane. There was discussion regarding the school site, as it is understood that CambsCC have submitted an application for this site, but this application does not show up on the Hunts DC public website, so possibly is closed to public view. It was agreed that this Parish Council wishes County Councillor Gardener, on his return from holiday, to follow this up and raise a concern regarding any proposal for this site, as in discussions with CambsCC about the school future, this Parish Council had been assured that they would be kept informed of any considerations for the site.
ALSO the Clerk had attended the online meeting with Hunts DC regarding the Local Plan 2036 and passed on the request for the Parish Council to submit comments on “issues of interest to your parish” . The Clerk asked Parish Councillors to look at the website and advise her of any submissions by 1st July (the deadline is 5th July)
046.23 Correspondence received since 16th May 2023:
a) NALC newsletters – Chief Executives Bulletin, NALC events list, Star Council awards,
b) Cambridgeshire County Council – nothing
c) Huntingdonshire District Council – press release, HDC supports youth mental health in Brampton, Huntingdonshire Market Survey, Summer Activity programme, Library events for July and August
e) Economic Development Huntingdonshire DC – weekly Business News – I have unsubscribed as the emails appear to be directed to businesses in the County.
f) Cambs Acre – Tuesday 4 July 2023 at 2pm online via Zoom – affordable rural housing event
g) Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough –
h) Parish Online newsletter for May
i) Neighbourhood Alert/ECOPS etc – News from the Courts emails, protect your home over summer, sending secure emails, surveys
j) Greater Peterborough Partnership – update on bus consultation, and same from Greater Cambridge Partnership
047.23 Items for next meeting:
Review of Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and any other policy documents that are currently in force – these have been emailed to Parish Councillors prior to the next meeting.
048.23 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 18th July 2023 at Great Gidding Village Hall
Meeting closed at 20.12
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