We are delighted to announce that St Michael’s Church will re-open on Sunday 5th July. However, in line with safeguarding rules, the church will only be open for private prayer, and this will be limited to the south aisle, the area to your right as you come into the church. The rest of the church (nave, north aisle, chancel etc) will be closed off and inaccessible.
The church will only be open for two days a week:
Sunday 1pm – 5pm
Thursday 9.30am – 1pm
There will be a sanitation station in the porch, and you are asked to wash your hands on entering and leaving the church. At all times, social distancing of two metres should be observed, and this is especially relevant in the porch area. To help maintain this protocol, certain pews will be marked as ‘out of use’. We have had to remove all prayer books, bibles and other literature.
Whilst churches are allowed to open for public worship (subject to social distancing) from 4th July, we still have to complete a Risk Assessment and other arrangements before we can open up the rest of St Michael’s church for public worship, and this will not be before the beginning of August.
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