This is a message sent via eCops. This information has been sent on behalf of Cambridgeshire Constabulary

Last Monday afternoon an elderly lady was approached by a male in the car park of a supermarket in Ramsey.
Male approached her and thrust a £10 note towards her
The lady was about to load her shopping into her car when the male approached her and thrust a £10 note towards her. The male was described as of Mediterranean appearance, average height, smartly dressed and spoke with an eastern European accent. The lady was quite taken aback and tried to wave him away. The male spoke very little English and kept pushing the money towards her, all the while ensuring that she was facing away from her trolley which had her handbag on top of the shopping. Eventually the lady deduced that the male might be after some change so she checked in her purse. she saw that she had none and informed him of this, the male then left. The lady loaded her shopping into her car and went home.
Suspicious looking blond haired woman
Later on she realised that her debit card was missing and had been used in some large value transactions. Investigations on the store CCTV show that the male had been in the shop and watched the lady use her card at the checkout. He would have had an accomplice and the lady recalls seeing a suspicious looking blond haired woman hanging around by the trolley bay when she returned her trolley.
Please be aware of this type of distraction which will usually be targeted against lone, elderly victims.
Police Sergeant Andrew Street, St.Ives and Ramsey Neighbourhood Problem Solving Team.
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