There will be a service of Holy Communion in St Michael’s Church this coming Sunday 6th September starting at 11.30am – please note the later start time of 11.30am. This service will also include the baptism of Annika Welman.
Everyone is very welcome, and it is hoped as many as can will come along to support and welcome Annika into the church community. We trust this service marks the start of a return to some form of regular worship in St Michael’s church. However, sadly singing is still not permitted.
The church will be set up to allow for safe distancing. Hand sanitization will be available. However all people attending must wear masks in the church.
As a consequence of this service and to meet Risk Assessment requirements and to ensure people’s wellbeing, St Michael’s will not be open for private prayer on Thursday 3rd September this week or in the afternoon of Sunday 6 th September.
If you have any questions, please contact John De Val [tel: 293417].
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