Just a reminder that there’s less than a week to go before the village show and BBQ on Sat 6th September from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. We hope that there will be plenty of entries this year and know that it’s been a difficult year (again) but don’t be put off from entering your produce even if it isn’t up to the standard you would like. Remember, it’s the taking part that counts and people are only allowed to laugh at their own entries – Gidding rules.
Don’t forget the BBQ
Don’t forget the BBQ starts at 4.00 p.m. and all are welcome, whether you have entered the village show or not. We will be asking for a small contribution towards a drink and a burger (delicious veggy options will be available , even if true carnivores find the ‘delicious’ bit hard to believe) and there will be plenty for everyone to enjoy. Hopefully the sun will be shining and it will be time for the lucky winners to enjoy their glory and the rest of us to discuss what went wrong.
The sealed envelope auction will also take place then and for those of you who haven’t come across this before (like most of the committee) it SHOULD go something like this. You put an unspecified amount in an envelope, mark it with your name and produce preference e.g. cakes rather than veg, and we will endeavour to match your envelope with a bag of goodies. It sounds relatively simple but I suspect there could well be a few amusing glitches along the way so come along and be part of the fun.
Hope to see you there, just remember to get your entries in by mid-day on Sat, and if you haven’t got a schedule you can check the classes out on this website. Good luck!
The Show Schedule
Public Viewing 3.00 to 4.OOpm
Presentation of Cups and Certificates at 4.00pm followed by B.B.Q. and brown envelope raffle.
Everyone welcome!
Vegetables and Fruit
- Carrots – 3
- Potatoes (white) – 5 on a plate
- Potatoes (coloured) – 5 on a plate
- Courgettes – 2
- Shallots – 5
- Onions – 3 (each over 125g)
- Runner Beans – 6
- Longest Runner Bean – 1
- Leeks – 3
- Dwarf French Beans – 6
- Beetroot – 3
- Sweetcorn – 2
- Tomatoes – 5
- Cherry Tomatoes – 8
- Vegetable marrow – 1
- Apples (dessert) – 5
- Apples (cooking) – 5
- Pears – 5
- Plums – 5
- Collection of cut herbs, 4 varieties in one container
- Biggest Pumpkin
- Largest Onion
- Largest Marrow
- Top Tray, collection of 3 kinds of vegetables on a tray, selected from the following, number as indicated in brackets. Onions (3), Potatoes (3), Runner Beans (6), Tomatoes (6), Carrots with tops (6), Parsnips with tops (3).
Plants and Flowers
- Three decorative Dahlias
- Cut Chrysanthemum – single stem
- Gladioli – 3 stems of same variety
- Vase of crocosmia – 3 stems
- Cactus or succulent – 1 specimen
- Best pot plant
- Top vase – between 5 and 10 stems of at least 2 varieties of any flower
- Five cut roses
Jam and Chutney – made since 2013 Village Show
- Jam – Any fruit
- Jelly – Any fruit
- Chutney – All ingredients to be listed on label
- Marmalade – Any fruit
- Curd – Any fruit
- Blueberry Muffins – 3 on a plate
- Fruit cake – any size /type of fruit
- Plain Scones 5 on a plate
- Cheese Scones 5 on a plate
- Sausage Rolls 5 on a plate – shortcrust pastry
- Bread – 5 White rolls,made by hand
- Bread – Wholemeal loaf
- Millionaire Shortbread 5 on a plate
Ingredients and instructions for Blueberry Muffins
Craft Section
- Knitted handicraft item completed since last year
- Hard handicraft item completed since last year (woodwork/pottery/metal)
- An item of patchwork or quilting
- A hand-made greetings card.
- Any sewn item, including clothes
- Photography – Title – People’s pets
- Six Brown eggs
- Six White eggs
- Bottle of Home made wine
- Bottle of home made sloe gin. Made in last 2 years
- Bottle of home made miscellaneous liquor, any flavour/type
Children’s Section (under 15)
- Photograph Title ‘People’s pets’
- Animal made from vegetables and/or flowers
- A scarecrow (as big as you like)
- A decorated ginger bread man Age up to and including 10 years
- A decorated ginger bread man made by entrant Age 11 and over
- A decorated hard boiled egg
- Something made from a kit eg. Woodwork,models, Soft toy
- Painting Title ‘My house’ Age up to and including 10 yrs
- Painting Title ‘My house’ Age 11 and over
- Food for Life Lunch box (not more than 6 items total)
- The show will be under the management of the Great Gidding Show Committee 2013.
- It is not necessary to live in Great Gidding to exhibit at the show.
- All exhibits must be the work of/or grown by the exhibitor.
- The Committee cannot be held responsible for the loss of any exhibit.
- Entry Fee is 20p per exhibit. There is no restriction on the number of entries in any one class but only the highest placed points will be counted towards cup awards.
- The schedule will be strictly adhered to and any exhibit not according to the schedule will be disqualified.
- Exhibits may be brought to the Village Hall on the day of the show between 10 am and 12 noon. No entries will be accepted after 12 noon.
- Cups/Trophies will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points in all sections. The winner will hold the cup for 1 year. The Cups/Trophies remain the property of the Committee.
- Certificates will be awarded for 1st 2nd and 3rd in all classes, except those of the longest, heaviest, etc, when a certificate will be awarded to the winner only.
- Point scoring will be: 1st 6 points, 2nd 4 points, 3rd 2 points. The best entry of multiple entries to score.
- The Judges’ decision is final and the committee reserves the right to cancel or amalgamate classes.
All exhibits will be raffled unless exhibitors indicate otherwise at registration. Exhibitors must remove non-raffle items immediately after the prize giving. The proceeds of the raffle will be given to a Parish Charity.
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