Jubilee Wood long term maintenance project

Certain areas of the wood have now grown to a point where removing the under growth and thin trees should be considered for removal. This is best seen on the side nearest the main road where the majority of trees have grown strongly probably because the soil is better. As the tree canopy has grown so the scrubby growth under the canopy is less. There is also the need to thin certain trees, before you cry foul and environmental vandalism consider that the original  tree density was kept deliberatley high to ensure sufficient survivability in the early years. This has been accomplished.

What we should set out to do is work our way across the wood over the next 10 years removing and clearing scrubby growth in 4m strips through the winter period. It will probably take longer but this is purely a self help activity in which the community does the work as it always has done for the Jubilee Wood.

If you have some hours to spare and the means to safely help with this long term project you know who to contact.

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