‘Spring comes and it is May’ John Clare
How true those words are! Everything is full of life, grass and plants are growing almost visibly and the sound of bird song is everywhere. The cuckoo has arrived back in the area and has been heard several times although there is definitely a collared dove in the wood who is suspiciously good at imitating the sound of the cuckoo…..we once had a starling in the garden who imitated the sound of the telephone which was funny for a while…..
Hibernation for many animals will have finished and they will becoming active so it’s time to look out for hedgehogs, queen bees, grass snakes ,frogs and toads to mention just a few. The Huntingdonshire Fauna and Flora Society will be visiting the wood on the 16th so there will an opportunity to share local knowledge as well as perhaps learn something new about all of the above. There will also be a ‘knowledge share’ in the wood on Sunday 9th when the theme will be Grass Identification. These get-togethers are very informal, fun and for all the family so come along at about 2.30 pm and join in if you can. All are welcome.
Identifying flora and fauna is very satisfying in itself but it can also be extremely helpful to record what you see for general conservation work. Everyday records help us to keep in touch with how individual species and their habitats are doing and the Biological Records Centre has some useful information on free Apps which you can use if you want to help (http://www.brc.ac.uk/apps). The Jubilee Wood is such a wonderful habitat in which to record wildlife and plants and even if you find it difficult to keep records regularly, no information is wasted even if it’s a one off observation.
As we move on into summer the Wood seems to change every day, with the trees spreading out their canopies, the birds nurturing their young in the many bird boxes which have been generously placed around the wood, and sitings of Common Orchids, Common Swift moths and the beautiful Cinnabar moth with its exotic rosy pink markings on black wings. It’s a busy time and one which we can all enjoy, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Ten minutes quietly walking, watching and listening in Jubilee Wood might just be the medicine we all need, and if that might be a bit too difficult for you these days, the benefits are just as great if you sit on the welcoming bench at the entrance to the wood and take it all in. Might be worth bringing a cushion though!
The Wood Wanderer
Commom Orchid Cinnibar moth
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