Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 17th June 2014 at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chair), James (Vice-Chair), Hayden, Hodson, Giddens, Trolove, County Cllr Bywater, District Cllr Tuplin and Clerk

343.14 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Howden. These were accepted.

344.14 Chair 2014/15 signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office, as per item, 326.14.

345.14 Cllrs provided with Declaration of Pecuniary Interests forms, as per item, 351.14. To be returned to Clerk.

346.14 Minutes of 20th May 2014 were approved and signed.

347.14 Matters arising (information only) – Cllr Hodson requested his name be struck from item 326.14, because he was not in attendance at the meeting.

348.14 Introduction of new Clerk.

349.14 Annual update from the Police and Community Support Officer (PCSO). Approximately 30 members of the public attended. Aaron Murphy (PCSO – Cambridgeshire) and Paul Richardson (PCSO – Northamptonshire) addressed the public. Two useful addresses were provided, as below.

www.neighbourhoodalert.co.uk (public awareness of crime in the area)
ctu@northamptonshire.gov.uk (Countrywide Traveller Unit to report crime and nuisance) – leaflets in Parish Council offices (village hall).

Public were reminded to also call 101 if non-emergency and 999 if emergency. PCSO advice was to report all crime, no matter how minor, as it is numbers that make the difference.

350.14 District and County Councillors updated the Parish Council and public.

351.14 The Parish Council adopted the amended Code of Conduct.

352.14 Anglian Water discussion regarding water pressure issues. Parish Council requested that Clerk investigate how data for leaks is recorded and report back. Parish Council raised concern for the future of the village given plans for increase in population.

353.14 Planning – none. Parish Council requested Clerk to investigate if Gains Lane will be resurfaced once works are complete. Clerk to report back.

354.14 Internal Audit to be circulated to all Cllrs, to be discussed at the next meet. Parish Council agreed to pay Internal Auditor, £184.50, as per invoice.

355.14 Reconciliation of Accounts and payment of cheques were agreed and signed by two Cllrs. One Cllr raised that there may be a discrepancy with the Recreation Ground fund. Clerk to investigate and report back.
Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch – £72.00
CGM Grass Cutting – £205.77
Salaries – £116.60
Salaries – £159.00

356.14 Adoption of Parish Cllr responsibilities, as below.
Cllr Giddens – Rights of Way
Cllr Trolove – Tree Warden
Cllr James – Highways/Police/Public Transport
Cllr Alexander – Community Liaison

357.14 Adoption of Great Gidding Charity Trustees responsibilities, as below.
Cllr Howden – Allotments
Cllr Trolove – Jubilee Wood
Cllr Hayden – Farm Business Tenancy/Grazing Land

358.14 Village Hall & Recreation Ground Charity. New members and responsibilities announced.
Steve Smith – Finance
Lesley Alexander – Social Secretary
Richard Downer – Maintenance
Clerk to add information to the Parish Website.
Boundary of village hall discussed. Clerk to write letter advising the owner of the bungalow that access must be gained via their land. Parish Council to mark out boundary with fencing. Options to be costed and discussed at the next meet.

359.14 Members of the public were asked to leave and staffing of the new Clerk was discussed. A contract between the Parish Council and the Clerk was signed and it was agreed that the Clerk will draft a letter of confirmation to include the start date of 9th June 2014, to be signed by the Chair at the next meet. It was agreed that the Clerk should investigate pension scheme options and report back. The Parish Council also agreed for the Clerk to enrol on the ILCA training course at a cost of £99.00 plus VAT. Clerk to investigate a bursary option and report back.
Meeting closed at 9pm

Date of next meeting 15th July 2014, 7.30pm


Agenda item 347.14 – Cllr Howden should replace Cllr Hodson’s name.

Agenda item 349.14 – Aaron Murphy is a Police Sergeant at Cambridgeshire and Paul Richardson is a Police Constable at Northamptonshire.

Agenda item 359.14 – “Clerk to write letter advising the owner of the bungalow…”, should read, “A discussion was had suggesting the Clerk write a letter advising the owner of the bungalow… It was unanimously agreed not to go ahead with this, at present. To be reviewed.”

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