Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 17th July 2012 at 7.30pm.


Present:   Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hodson, Howden, Giddens, Trolove, District Cllrs Tuplin, Tysoe and clerk


District Cllr Tuplin updated the council on the changes to bus route 46 following an enquiry from a member of the Parish.


District Cllr Tysoe reported on the proposed changes to refuse collection in 2013


908.12 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hayden and accepted


909.12 Election of vice Chairman was deferred to the next meeting


910.12 Minutes of 19th June 2012 were amended 901.12 from £89.94 to £89.84 and signed


911.12 Matters arising (information only)


912.12 Members declaration of interest for agenda items – none


913.12 Parish Councillor Vacancy – interest had been registered – agenda co-option next meeting


914.12 Representative reports


Rights of Way – Cllr Giddens had walked the paths and County Council grass cutting had taken place


Tree Warden – Cllr Trolove reported all of the new trees were doing well .It was agreed to add report on the stewardship of the Jubilee Wood to future agendas


Highways & Police – Cllr Alexander requested Police figures on accidents occurring at the Lutton crossroads.   Clerk to request information


Finance & Charities – Accounts had been produced for the Jubilee Celebration Dance – previously agreed sum of £500 to be donated to the event plus outstanding expenses of £5.80p = £505.80 made payable to Sue Shepherd.   A letter of appreciation for organising this successful event to be sent.   Budget update produced and noted


Village Hall & Recreation Ground – some minor maintenance jobs outstanding in the hall.   Recreation Ground in good order despite inclement weather


Allotments – in good order despite the wet weather


School Liaison – no news forthcoming from the school


915.12 Annual Audit – Annual return boxes 7 and 8 amended – figures rounded up to £12,347 rather than down to £12,346


916.12 Rural Broadband meeting 22nd June.   It was agreed that this was a good meeting and that information should be cascaded through the Clarion, Shailesh Vara to submit an article for inclusion.  Everyone to be encouraged to sign up to this campaign.


917.12 Anglian Water – Recreation Ground amended bill – this was due to the addition of the sewage charge


918.12 The Gidding Website – Hosting for one year including setting up MySQL database Apr 12 – Mar 13 with Fasthost Internet Ltd £94.66. Updating site with Parish council information May 11 – Feb 12 £150 – payment agreed


919.12 Code of  Conduct – defer to next agenda for adoption of new code


920.12 Back up of PC laptop – suggested that clerk look at using dropbox


921.12 Reconciliation of accounts and payment of cheques

S Dalley (clerk)                                                                  £295.70

S Dalley (postage 12 x 2nd class stamps, audit

paperwork 90p register of interest paperwork 90p               £7.80

Anglian Water (Recreation Ground)                                    £59.41

Paul Crank                                                                          £244.66

Sue Shepherd (Jubilee Celebration Dance)                        £505.80


922.12 Village Hall & Recreation Ground audited accounts were presented and accepted


923.12 Clarion – articles for inclusion to be submitted to clerk for next issue


924.12 Planning – application H/05008/12/CW Sewage Treatment works, Great Gidding – work had already commenced.


925.12 Correspondence – none received


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