Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council on Tuesday 20th May 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs James (vice chair), Hayden, Howden, Giddens, Trolove, District Cllr Tuplin, Tysoe, clerk and one member of the public

325.14 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Alexander, Hodson and County Cllr Byawater

326.14 Election of Chairman 2014/15 It was proposed by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr Hayden that Cllr Alexander be re-elected – all agreed

327.14 Election of Vice Chairman 2014/15 It was proposed by cllr Trolove and seconded by cllr Giddens that Cllr James be re-elected – all agreed

328.14 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests – notice had been received from the District Council of an amendment to the Code of Conduct and updated Register of Members’ Interest forms. These will be brought to the next meeting.

329.14 Minutes of 22nd April 2014 were agreed and signed

330.14 Matters arising from minutes (information only)

331.14 Review of Standing Orders – it was agreed to ask the new clerk to review these as it would be a good way to see how the council works.

332.14 Review of Financial Regulations – it was agreed to ask Cllr Hodson if there were any changes to be recommended

333.14 Audit Commission Annual return to complete Section 2 – Chairman and Clerk to sign section 1 and 2. Cllr James read out the annual governance statement, completed the form. Cllr James and clerk signed section 1 and 2.

334.14 It was agreed to continue to pay the councils Direct Debit Payments to BT and Anglian Water

335.14 Review Risk Management – this had been reviewed in October 2013

336.14 Procedure for handling £1,000 grant from Milton Estates on behalf of History Society. Notification had been received that the History Society are opening a bank account. It was therefore agreed that the grant given by The Earl Fitzwilliam Charitable Trust could be accepted and transferred to the History Society to administer for recording the history of Great Gidding

337.14 Village Hall and Recreation Ground AGM 12thMay 2014 – With a new management committee elected it was agreed that Parish Councillors would take it in turns to attend meetings. Once dates of meetings are known, parish councillors can then indicate which meetings they can attend – making sure that PC is always represented.

338.14 Neighbourhood Watch street signs – request for funding at £12 each. It was agreed to fund the purchase of 6 signs to be placed at the entrances to the village. Clerk to contact Kim Wells, Neighbourhood Watch to organise.

339.14 Reconciliation of accounts and payment of cheques were agreed with the addition of the annual rental of the room in the village hall for the Parish Council office of £550

S Dalley (clerk) – £298.68
CGM( grass cutting) – £205.77
Aon UK Limited (insurance renewal) – £492.58
Village Hall and Recreation Ground – £550.00

340.14 Planning –
It was noted that HDC had written to the Fox and Hounds with reference to the yellow sign that had been attached to the gable end of the building.
The vegetation at 48 Main Street had been cleared from the front of the property and a large tree taken down. Access to the property would need to be monitored as this is on the boundary of the village hall land.

341.14 Correspondence received – notification of Bromswold Bike Fest 14th June

342.14 Staffing matters – the applicant who had been offered and accepted the post has since declined. The position has been advertised again on the noticeboards for 2 weeks – closing date 22nd May with interview 29th or 30th May.

NB. Agenda item 326.14. Cllr Hodson was not in attendance at the meeting. This should read Cllr Howden.

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