Minutes of the Meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council held on Tuesday 21st February 2017 at 7:30pm

Present: Cllrs A Alexander (Chair), R Giddens, R Hayden, P Hodson, L James and E Richmond

In Attendance: L Ellis (Clerk) & District Councillor D Tuplin

CCC = Cambridgeshire County Council
HDC = Huntingdon District Council
PC = Parish Council

Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies and reason for absence

C.Cllr S Bywater (other commitments) & Cllr P Jarvis (other commitments)

Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda


To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 21st January 2017
To take the minutes as a true and accurate record.
Proposed by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr James. The minutes were then duly signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising from minutes
The Clerk reported that the Internal Auditor had advised that it is permissible to accept payments on behalf of residential groups for projects in the village. It would however need to have a zero impact to the Council’s accounts.

Communication from Councillors
D.Cllr Tuplin reported:
i) that HDC would be holding a budget setting meeting on 22nd February with a view to increase Council Tax by 2%.
ii)the Tree Warden post has been saved for a further six months.
iii)a Scrutiny Panel is being set up to review the work of the Mayor’s new department.

The Clerk reported on behalf of C Cllr Bywater:
i)CCC members voted recently to increase Council Tax by 2% but ring fenced for adult Social Care.
ii)in May there will be C Cllr and Mayor elections. C Cllr Bywater will be standing for re-election but in the new Division of Sawtry and Stilton which sadly does not include the Giddings.

Cllr James reported:
i)the horse signs will be in place shortly.
ii)it is anticipated that the applicants for a highways improvement grant will be notified in March.
iii)it may be possible to apply in the next round for a highways improvement grant to extend the 30mph limit, and to possibly apply for third party funding.

Cllr Giddens reported:
i)bridleways and footpaths are in a good condition.
ii)a large vehicle had driven down the bridleway off Luddington Road. The drive was made aware this is illegal.
iii)the new residents at 45 Main Street have been advised that in the interest of safety they could park their vehicles in the village hall car park if they wished to do so. The Clerk to confirm this in writing to the residents advising that they park there at their own risk and that we accept no responsibility or liability for theft or damage. This is not a right and as such can’t be claimed as one.

Cllr Richmond reported:
That the school website is excellent.

Cllr James reported:
That filled dog bags have been found discarded on the ground and these have now been removed, better quality bags are required, Cllr Richmond agreed to obtain a supply.

D Cllr Tuplin left the meeting at this juncture (7:45pm)

To consider the content of the next edition of the Clarion
Councillors considered the draft document submitted by Cllr Jarvis and amended as agreed.
It was agreed that residents should be reminded of the benefits of the village hall.
The Clerk to prepare the draft edition and forward to Cllr Jarvis for him to review.

Hedge cutting
Council agreed that hedge cutting should be undertaken annually and that £400 should be included in the budget.

Clothing bank
It was noted that the Council no longer receive funds although it was noted that the provider of the clothing bank (Planet Age UK) have been in partnership with HDC since April 2016. Council agreed that as residents do not any benefit the bank should be removed. Cllr James to make the necessary arrangements.

Ludington Road dyke
It was noted that the two ponds in the church field overflow then it naturally flows across the road. The pipe under the road may be blocked. As the culvert may be blocked this should be reported on the highways on-line fault reporting system. The Clerk to contact Joliffe Daking for an update.

Correspondence duly noted.
It was noted that the grass cutting contract had a number of anomalies that needed further clarification. The Chairman agreed to review the document in greater detail.

It was noted that CCC had confirmed in writing that the extent of the highway maintainable at public expense is to the top edge of the carriageway which is approximately 1m in from the carriageway edge.

a)Payment of accounts
£390.00 – T M Trolove (100976)
£305.21 – Salaries (SO)
£16.82 – BT (DD)

All payments were unanimously approved and all associated documentation was initialled by two signatories.

Items for discussion at the March meeting
Annual Parish Meeting

Date of next meeting
Tuesday 21st March 2017

Meeting closed
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending, the meeting then closed at 8:40pm

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