Minutes of the Meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council held on Tuesday 17th January 2017 at 7:30pm
Present: Cllrs A Alexander (Chair), R Giddens, R Hayden, P Hodson, L James, P Jarvis and E Richmond
In Attendance: L Ellis (Clerk) & one resident
CCC = Cambridgeshire County Council
HDC = Huntingdon District Council
PC = Parish Council
Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies and reason for absence
C.Cllr S Bywater (other commitments)
Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
The resident wished Councillors a Happy New Year and then updated Council on the recently installed dog bin, it is being used by residents and is emptied on a regular basis.
The resident offered to clear the leaves from the footway at the same location. Further consideration on this matter would be required.
Councillors thanked the resident for her efforts which are appreciated.
To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 20th December 2016
To take the minutes as a true and accurate record.
Proposed by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr Jarvis. The minutes were then duly signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising from minutes
Grass cutting quotation – Council considered the two quotations received. It was proposed by Cllr James and seconded by Cllr Hodson to accept the quotation from the CGM Group for a three year period and Council unanimously agreed. The Clerk to notify the contractors accordingly.
Update on meeting with CCC Officers – the Chairman reported that he had met with Officers to discuss the tree survey. It was noted that CCC indicated that they own one metre of land from the road. The Clerk to obtain this statement in writing.
Cllr James reported on her meeting with a CCC Highways Officer – the Officer indicated his concern at the condition of trees at Chapel End. The Landowner to be advised as a bough from one of the trees is overhanging the footpath.
Highways are proposing to refresh the white lines in Main Street and at the junction with Mill Road.
Due to the slippery surface in Mill Road it was noted that warning signs had been installed. CCCs project team are planning a full resurface from Mill Road to Hamerton when the weather improves.
Patch-works in Little Gidding have been carried out but due to lack of funds no further works are planned for this location.
The Officer agreed to look at the roadway from Great Gidding to Glatton and any faults highlighted will be resolved as necessary. Residents should continue to use the on-line reporting system.
Communication from Councillors
Cllr Richmond reported that school members were down.
Cllr Giddens reported:
i) that as a resident she had used the highways on-line fault reporting system. A response has been received deeming the fault as low priority
ii) parking on/off the footway in Main Street is still an issue. This is considered a criminal offence and the Police should be contacted on 101.Traffic using Main Street is constantly travelling too fast
iii) a request has been received to lock the gate to the church field to protect their stock. Request denied
iv) website not up-to-date with agendas and minutes. The webmaster to be contacted.
Cllr Hayden reported that he was concerned that Speed Watch had stopped when the Co-ordinator stood down from the role. Additional volunteers are required in order for Speed Watch to operate regularly.
Cllr Hodson reported:
i) the planned hedge laying has been completed, an excellent piece of work
ii) school numbers are down on the census but this is not due to the cancellation of the after school club. The new head teacher, Alana Brown spends 50% of her time at the school.
Cllr James reported:
i) an on-line application for a Highways Improvement Grant has been completed, the request for £4K is for the supply and installation of two mobile vehicle activated warning signs which would also record data. If the request is successful the Council would be required to make a 10% contribution. Successful applicants to be notified in March 2017.
Horse warning signs
Cllr James reported that in July 2016 the Council agreed that as a resident she could approach the Earl Fitzwilliam Charitable Trust for funding towards horse warning signs. The Trust was happy to make a contribution but this could not be to individuals. The cheque for £600 was therefore made payable to the Council. CCC will organise the provision and installation of the equipment. The Council thanked Cllr James for obtaining the funding.
The Clerk to provide advice on the legality of receiving payments on behalf of residents and local groups.
Cllr James agreed to investigate with CCC the extension of the 30mph zone with costings.
Road issues
It was noted that the B660 through Glatton Folly is currently in a very dangerous condition.
A burst water pipe in Main Street near the Village Hall continues to cause flooding issues for residents. It was proposed by Cllr Hayden and seconded by Cllr Richmond that Council write to the Chairman of Anglian Water, the Head of Highways at CCC and the local MP to request a new water main through the village to replace the ageing asbestos pipe to rectify the problems we have had for the last decade. Council voted five in favour, one against and one abstention. It was therefore agreed that a letter is written by the Clerk.
Council minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr Jarvis that Council that minutes should be simpler and only contain proposals and decisions reached. Council agreed that debates are no longer to be recorded.
Correspondence duly noted.
a) Payment of accounts
£1600.00 – Ayres Tree Care (100975)
£305.21 – Salaries (SO)
£33.88 – Anglian Water (DD)
All payments were unanimously approved and all associated documentation was initialled by two signatories.
Items for discussion at the February meeting
Clothing bank
Luddington Road dyke
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 21st February 2017
Meeting closed
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending, the meeting then closed at 8:42pm
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