Minutes of the Meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council held on Tuesday 21st June 2016 at 7:30pm

Present: Cllrs A Alexander (Chair), R Giddens, R Hayden, P Hodson, P Jarvis and E Richmond

In Attendance: L Ellis (Clerk), County Cllr S Bywater, District Cllr D Tuplin and three members of the public

CCC = Cambridgeshire County Council
HDC = Huntingdon District Council
PC = Parish Council

Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies and reason for absence

Cllr L James (holiday)

Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
Mr Cliff Richmond addressed the Council reporting that the Speed Watch equipment is shared with four other villages and it was difficult to find volunteers to participate on the one week when the equipment becomes available to them. He advised that a leaflet drop had taken place requesting volunteers come forward. Councillor Giddens reported that unfortunately no new volunteers were recruited at the coffee morning event.

He reported that speed had reduced by 50% with an average captured at 35-40mph

Councillor Hayden stated that having our own equipment and being independent would be ideal as the statistics show this works. Council were concerned at the implications of any owned equipment breaking down as currently this isn’t an issue. Any equipment acquired would need to be included on the asset register and insured.

Mr Richmond agreed to provide Council with the statistics and co-ordinates from all of the sessions undertaken for discussion at the July meeting; he stated the equipment was just not available enough to undertake more sessions. It was possible that the Police could withdraw their equipment at any time.

Councillor Hodson stated that we needed to raise awareness and to fund raise where possible. It was suggested that the four other participating villages should get together to fund raise.

Councillor Hayden extended his appreciation to all of the volunteers.

To confirm and accept minutes of meetings held on 10th May 2016
To take the minutes of the Annual Meeting and the Full Council meeting as read and approve them as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr Hayden and seconded by Cllr Richmond. The minutes were then duly signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising from minutes
It was noted that Sawtry PC pay a fee to HDC for litter picking to be undertaken in their village.

Communication from Councillors
Cllr Tuplin reported that Devolution was still a big topic of discussion at HDC with a new document arriving on 17th June with a decision required by 1st July. It indicates an additional inner layer of Government with an elected Mayor involving a great deal of money. If agreed the election for a Mayor would take place in May 2017.

Cllr Bywater reported that CCC would again be discussing Devolution and whether or not to accept the proposals. The main issue is the introduction of the new role of Mayor and what funding would be made available, it is all very complex.

Cllrs Bywater and Tuplin left the meeting at this juncture (8:02pm)

Cllr Giddens reported at the May meeting that the gated byways at Bullock Road and Gypsy Lane were still locked. This had been due to the wet conditions, however they are now open.

Councillor Giddens also reported that the ‘welcome leaflet’ had been delivered to the new residents in Chapel End.

Councillor Richmond reported that she had made contact with the School Headmistress and lines of communication were open and working.

Planning application – 16/00840/1HH – 84 Main Street
Council considered the planning application for a single storey extension. No objection.

Electoral Review of Cambridgeshire
Council noted the new draft recommendations from the Local Government Boundary Commission for England and had no comment to make. The Clerk to advise the Boundary Commission accordingly.

To consider traffic calming measures
The Clerk reported that she had obtained information and prices on ’30 mph’ stickers for wheelie bins as an aid to reduce speed in villages. It was thought that Speed Watch is the only enforceable deterrent.
Councillor Hayden stated that roundabouts would slow the traffic but these would be extremely costly to introduce. It was agreed that the PC should seek to get the 30 mph signage moved as the parishes of Glatton and Holme had managed to make these changes.

It was agreed that this matter should be discussed further at the July meeting when Councillor James would be present.

Councillor Giddens reported that the British Horse Society had agreed to hold an event which would be open to motorists, walkers, cyclists and the horse fraternity to raise awareness of safer riding on the highway and gain a better understanding of road craft following a near miss. It was agreed that the event would be useful and will be held on Saturday 10th September at 3:00pm, a question and answer session will be included at the event. Councillor Giddens offered to produce a poster to advertise the event. It was noted that British Horse Society publications would be available on the day.

S137 request for funding for Speed Watch equipment
Fully discussed and action agreed at item 75.16

Dog fouling issues
Councillor Jarvis stated that although dog fouling was not a big problem it was still an issue as some owners were not taking responsibility and removing their dog’s waste from public areas. It was agreed that Councillor Jarvis should present a proposal of action at the July meeting.

Review of the Clarion
Councillor Jarvis requested clarification on the current arrangements for the production of the Clarion. It was noted that historically it had been produced quarterly but that content material was a problem. It was agreed that the next edition should be arranged for August/September and it would include: British Horse Society event, Dog fouling issues, Allotments and Speed Watch/traffic calming. Prior to distribution all Councillors will be required to proof read the article and inform the Clerk of any incorrect content.

Grass cutting update
The Clerk reported that CGM had not explained why the first cut of the season had been inadequate. It was noted that the 3 year agreement with CGM was ending in December. It was agreed that the agreement would be reviewed in September and a tender process set-up.

Correspondence duly noted
New bus timetables would be available shortly introducing a new bus service to/from Huntingdon, Monday to Friday starting 25th July 2016.
Network Rail public consultation on the proposed closure of up to 33 level crossings across Cambridgeshire.
Response from HDC on legislation relating to the burning of waste/horse manure.
Invitation from HDC to attend a local Highways Depot Open Day – 18th July 2016.


a)Payment of accounts
£118.23 – Catalyst Design (100948)
£105.00 – HDC (100949)
£228.94 – CGM Group (100950)
£323.30 – Salaries/stationery (100954)
£80.00 – Accountancy & Book-Keeping Services (100955)
£49.99 – Stationery (100956)
£1.00 – Milton Estates (100957)

b) To approve the annual governance statement 2015/16

c) To approve the 2015/16 annual audit return
All payments were unanimously approved and all associated documentation was initialled by two signatories.

Council unanimously agreed that the statement should be signed. The Chairman and the Clerk duly signed the statement.

Council reviewed the 2015/16 year-end accounts and unanimously agreed that they should be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk accordingly.

Items for discussion at the June meeting
Speed boundaries/zones including Speed Watch statistics
Dog fouling

Date of next meeting
Tuesday 19th July 2016

Meeting closed
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending, the meeting then closed at 9:08pm

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