Minutes of the Meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council held on Tuesday 18th October 2016 at 7:30pm

Present: Cllrs A Alexander (Chair), R Giddens, P Hodson, P Jarvis and E Richmond

In Attendance: L Ellis (Clerk) and Jan Maciag (Jan Maciag Architects)

CCC = Cambridgeshire County Council
HDC = Huntingdon District Council
PC = Parish Council

Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies and reason for absence

Cllr L James (illness)

Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda

Mr Maciag introduced himself to Council as the Architect working on behalf of the Milton (Peterborough) Estates Company in support of a full planning application for the demolition of some existing disused agricultural buildings and the redevelopment of the site to provide 2 detached dwellings – Nos 72 and 74 Main Street. Mr Maciag indicated that he would be the owner of one of the properties and one of the existing agricultural buildings as an architectural studio wing to the house, he was unsure regarding the ownership plans for the other property.

Council thanked Mr Maciag for attending the meeting and he then left the meeting at this juncture (7:50pm)

To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 20th September 2016
To take the minutes as a true and accurate record. Proposed by Cllr Jarvis and seconded by Cllr Giddens. The minutes were then duly signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising from minutes

Communication from Councillors
Cllr Giddens reported that she had attended an HDC meeting to discuss the Tree Warden Co-ordinator’s post. HDC are making savings and this post will cease to exist on 31st March 2017 unless an alternative can be found to fund the post. Funding options for the post are being explored. One suggestion is for Town/Parish Councils to make a financial contribution by including funding via the precept. Council agreed that it was a valuable role but did not agree at this time to make a financial contribution.
Cllrs Giddens and Jarvis agreed that they would consider becoming Tree Wardens for the village.

Cllr Jarvis reported that he was concerned at the welfare of a number of dogs that were not on leads in an area where it is a requirement. The Clerk stated that photographic evidence should be obtained and forwarded to HDC for them to take the necessary action.

The Clerk reported on behalf of Cllr James who has indicated that every property in Gt Gidding has received a 30mph bin sticker with a covering note. Little Gidding residents will receive their stickers shortly.

Planning application –

16/01874/FUL – Agricultural buildings, 76 Main Street,
Gt Gidding

Council considered the planning application:

Redevelopment of site to include demolition of redundant farm buildings and erection of two dwellings and reuse of existing barn as studio. Council recommend approval as a development of brownfill site

Highways issues
The Clerk reported on behalf of Cllr James that she has contacted the local highways officer as agreed and he is currently looking into a number of the points raised at the September meeting. He did stress that members of the public should be encouraged to report any faults via the online system if possible.

To review the Clarion article
Council reviewed and agreed the draft with the required amendments.

Cllr Richmond agreed to arrange for the distribution of the Clarion.

To agree the litter and dog waste clearance risk assessments
Council agreed the two risk assessments produced by the Clerk. Cllr Jarvis suggested that the same form should be used for uniformity and familiarity.
The equipment required to undertake the dog waste clearance to be supplied by the Council as required.
Cllr Richmond agreed to undertake the dog waste bin assessment with the resident who had volunteered to be responsible for emptying the bin.

To review the grass cutting contract

Council considered the quotation received from the current contractor (CGM Group) and noted a 15% increase in their charges for the period 2017 – 2020. It was agreed that Cllr Alexander would obtain a further quotation for consideration at the November meeting.

To discuss the condition of the village noticeboards

The Clerk asked for clarification on why the Council has three noticeboards in Main Street, two of which are in need of attention. It was agreed that the noticeboard at the village hall would contain agendas and minutes, the remaining noticeboards would only contain general information and contact details, both to remain unlocked
for ease of access.

Correspondence duly noted.
Council agreed to make a donation to the RBL poppy appeal, the Clerk to raise a cheque for £25.
Council considered the quotation received to cut the hedge in the recreation ground. It was agreed that an alternative option would be sought.

a)Payment of accounts
£85.00 – Milton Estates (100967)
£461.44 – Fenland Leisure (100968)
£120.00 – PKF Littlejohn (100969)
£114.08 L Ellis (100970)
£205.77 – CGM Group (100971)
£25.00 – RBL Poppy Appeal (100972)
£305.21 – Salaries (SO)
£32.42 – Anglian Water

b)Update on the 2015/16 annual return

All payments were unanimously approved and all associated documentation was initialled by two signatories.

The Clerk reported that the external auditor had completed the audit and had requested that Box 4 of the governance statement be amended to reflect that insufficient time was provided for electors to exercise their rights to view the accounts.

Items for discussion at the November meeting
Tree Warden Scheme
Grass cutting quotation
Hedge cutting quotation
Village maintenance – hedge laying
2017/18 Budget

Date of next meeting
Tuesday 15th November 2016

Meeting closed
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending, the meeting then closed at 9:14pm

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