Minutes of the Meeting of the Trustees of Great and Little Gidding Village Hall and Recreation Ground Held on the 15th December 2015, 7.30PM start

PRESENT: Cllrs Alexander (Chair), James (Vice-Chair), Howden, Giddens and the Minute Taker (Mrs Julie Trolove)
Key: CCC = Cambridgeshire District Council HDC = Huntingdon District Council PC = Parish Council
Members of the Public: 3
82.15 To receive apologies and reasons for absence Cllr Hayden due to ill health.
83.15 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
84.15 To confirm and accept minutes of 17th
Minutes confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. The Chairman signed and dated them.
85.15 Matters arising from minutes
48 Main Street – Cllr Alexander had spoken to a legal adviser who advised that for between £200 and £500 a licence could be obtained that would permit variance of the access. This is a nontransferable licence.
Also agreement in principle has been given to tradesmen using the car park and the owner of 48 Main Street had offered to make a payment for this permission.
Member of the public asked about the future of the Village Hall. The Clarion will convey the information to the villagers that the Trustees have agreed to support and fund the Village Hall for at least 12 months. There will be no increase to the Parish Precept.
86.15 Items for discussion on next agenda
Discussions with owner of 48 Main Street
Meeting Closed 8.15PM

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