Parish Council Offices, Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding Huntingdon PE28 5NU

Tel 01832 email:

Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 19th November 2013 at 7.30pm.

Present:   Cllrs Alexander, Hodson, Howden, James, Trolove, Giddens, District Cllrs Tuplin, Tysoe and clerk.


Public Forum – Prior to the meeting a Neighbourhood Watch presentation had been given and 6 members of the public had attended


203.13 Apologies for absence were received from County Cllr Bywater and Cllr Hayden

204.13 Minutes of the meeting held on 15th October 2013 were agreed and signed

205.13 Matters arising (information only)

206.13 Members declaration of interest for agenda items – none

207.13 Community Pay Back work on path to pond dipping platform and village pound – Cllr James had met with the  supervisor and the team had carried out a good job clearing the path and cutting back saplings in the area of the pound.  They are willing to come back to lay new bark chippings on the path and offered to paint the fence around the pond and would also consider further work.   Cllr Alexander agreed to obtain prices for the bark and paint.

208.13 Hunts Forum of voluntary organisations recognition awards 2013 –Cllr Hodson had been nominated but no results had been received

209.13 History Society request for loan to fund reprint of Village History book – It was agreed that the Parish Council could not make a loan for this project but would consider further proposals should they be put forward.

210.13 Installation of replacement and new equipment at Recreation Ground – Cllr James reported that work to install the equipment was due in the first week of December.

211.13 Risk Management Review amendments by Cllr Howden had been incorporated and the review agreed

212.13 Lone working risk assessment – Cllr Alexander referred to January agenda

213.13 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)- Meaningful Proportion response form was completed and signed by Cllr Alexander

214.13 Polling District Review 2013 Huntingdonshire District Council – no observations put forward

215.13 Recreation Ground – removal of pavilion and skip hire. Three quotes had been received and it was agreed to accept the quote from Woodford of £160 + VAT.   Clerk had checked that glass, roofing felt, wood and plastic sheeting were all acceptable.   It was agreed that Cllr Trolove would liaise directly with the skip hire company when he was ready to take down the pavilion.   The two benches in the pavilion are to be removed and placed in the metal container – decision on resiting of benches on next agenda.   The water connection to the pavilion would also need cutting off.

216.13 Village maintenance – litter collection at recreation ground.   The two bins at the entrance to the recreation ground are not being emptied by HDC.   District Cllr Tysoe agreed to investigate this on our behalf to see if they should be emptied or alternative arrangements could be made.

217.13 Local Highway Improvement Initiative 2014/15 (application by 9th December).   It was agreed that there was no project already identified for which this funding could be applied for.

218.13 Grass cutting contract – review for 2014.   A quote had been requested from the existing contractors but had not arrived in time for the meeting

219.13 Cambridgeshire Future Transport meeting 7th Nov – Cllr James had attended the meeting and reported that a questionnaire is to be circulated and drop in events planned to consult with as many people as possible over the future of local buses

220.13 Anglian Water – paying bills by Direct Debit.   It was agreed to pay the water bill for the Recreation Ground by Direct Debit – form completed and signed by Cllr Alexander

221.13 Parish Precept – Parish Council expenditure 2014/15 (return by 20th December).   Cllr Hodson had produced a draft budget which was then discussed, amended and agreed.   The amount requested £10, 835 – no increase on the last two years

222.13 County & District Cllrs update- County Cllr Bywater had sent an email update which had been circulated.   District Cllr Tysoe reported on the strategic review to save more money at the District Council.

223.13 Reports of Cllr Responsibilities

Rights of Way – Cllr Giddens had attended a Parish Paths meeting prior to this meeting which had been a useful forum with suggestions for advertising ROW on websites and meetings with Highways officers at local libraries.   Bridlepath No 2 is to receive a covering of road planings and the Black Bridge has been  repaired

Tree Warden & Jubilee Wood – Cllr Trolove reported that the HDC offer of trees would not be taken up this year.   It was noted that another tree had been felled at the school.

Highways & Police – Cllr James had organised the Neighbourhood Watch presentation prior to the meeting and it was hoped that some members of the public may take up this initiative.   ECOPs had been replaced by Parish Alert which gives individuals email contact to receive updates.

Finance & Charities – Cllr Hodson had reported on the budget previously and there were no charity updates

Village Hall & Recreation Ground – Cllr Howden had received the new Fields in Trust plaque which would now need to be discussed for agreement on siting at the next meeting.

Allotments – A half plot is to become available in the spring and this would then be re-allocated.

Community Liaison – Cllr Alexander reported that the property to the rear of the village hall was for sale and it was noted that the access to this is the grass strip to the side of the car park.

224 .13 Planning – Application 1301716LBC restoration of external walls, Crown Cottage, 36 Main Street – recommend approval

Notification of allocation of addresses to two new dwellings on redeveloped site, following demolition of redundant agricultural buildings adjacent Laurel Farm – noted

225 .13 Reconciliation of accounts and payment of cheques

S Dalley (clerk)                                                                  £298.68

S Dalley postage                                                                     £6.00

CGM grasscutting October                                                   £90.27

St Michael’s Parochial Church Council S137                    £200.00

Village Hall (History Society meetings) S137                   £100.00

226.13 Correspondence received

. AON policy guidelines re Snow Clearance, Salting and Gritting – noted

. Huntingdonshire Parish Conference – Communities First, Tuesday 3rd December 1-4.30pm – clerk attending

. War Memorials Trust – Call to remember: does anyone care about your local war memorial?   The war memorial in the village is on the wall in the church and it was agreed to consider funding a wreath for the memorial at Remembrance 2014.

. Cambridgeshire Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) – noted

. Huntingdonshire Environmental Capacity Study: Additional site assessments -noted

. CARESCO – Christmas Day lunch – it was agreed to advertise this


227.13 Parish Council corporate responsibilities.   This forms part of the Risk Assessment which is reviewed annually and part of the internal audit.   It was agreed that current procedures are adequate with the additional back up of hard copies of bank statements available in the office.

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