Parish Council Offices, Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding Huntingdon PE28 5NU
Tel 01832 email:
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 20th August 2013 at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs Alexander (chairman), James (vice chairman), Hodson, Howden and Giddens, County Cllr Bywater and clerk
140.13 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Trolove and accepted
141.13 Minutes of 16th July 2013 were agreed and signed
142.13 Matters arising (information only)
143.13 Members declaration of interest for agenda items – Allotments Cllrs Hodson and Howden
144.13 Charles Arnold Baker Local Council Administration – 9th edition had been published. It was agreed not to purchase a copy (£60) as clerk had access to one at Sawtry but this would be reviewed should circumstances change
145.13 HDC community chest fund – proposal for equipment on Recreation Ground. It was agreed to allocate £119.85 recycling credits and £114.66 Jubilee funds to the £1,851 grant towards this project. Cllr James will now work within this budget to get quotes for suitable equipment.
146.13 Risk management review – amendments for approval at next meeting
147.13 Lone Working Risk Assessment – Cllr Alexander will undertake the risk assessment
148.13 Grievance Policy – it was agreed to look again at the policies held by the PC and report back to the next meeting
149.13 Pond maintenance – quote for path to dipping platform- two quotes had been requested but only one received from CGM for £324 + VAT. It was agreed to ask if the community pay back scheme could undertake this work.
150.13 Village maintenance ‘the pound’ it was agreed to ask the Community Pay Back Scheme if they would undertake the clearing of this area of land. Leaving the boundary hedges intact and initially just clearing the undergrowth. The clerk has arranged a site meeting with the offender manager on Wed 21st August
151.13 National Salary Award 2013/14 for Local Council Clerks. It was agreed to award the new rates of pay with effect from 1st April 2013.
152.13 Smartwater – Cllr James had obtained this and a list is to be drawn up of items to be marked for agreement at the next meeting. Clerk to complete statement of registration.
153.13 Cambridgeshire Future Transport – update. No cuts in service will be made until further consultation – still waiting on a date for meeting.
154.13 Allotments – boundary and paths maintenance was discussed and it was agreed that a path should be left between plots and around the boundary. Clerk to write and remind tenants of this. The hedge that borders the allotments from the field needs cutting back and will be discussed at the next meeting
155.13 Parish Council contribution to 2012/13 Jointly Funded Minor Improvement Scheme – Chapel End. This was agreed as part of the application process and payment had now been requested for the Parish Council contribution of £1,100.
156.13 County and District Cllrs update Cllr Bywater reported on his role with County Council committees, his interest in the Parish and wish to help as and when required.
157.13 Reports of Councillor Responsibilities
Rights of Way – Cllr Giddens reported that signs are still to be replaced by the CC
Tree Warden & Jubilee Wood – no report
Highways & Police – Cllr James reported on the latest information received and is looking into promoting Neighbourhood Watch as there has been some interest shown in the village.
Finance & Charities – Cllr Hodson had produced a budget update and there have been no major changes.
Village Hall & Recreation Ground Cllr Howden reported that apart from some minor jobs in the Village Hall all was in order. The pavilion on the Recreation Ground was discussed and the management committee have recommended to the Parish Council that it is now no longer fit for purpose and a decision needs to be made as to its disposal/removal. This will be discussed again at the next Parish Council meeting.
Allotments – Cllr Howden reported that one plot may become vacant – we have one person on the waiting list once confirmation has been received
Community Liaison – Cllr Alexander had no news to report
158.13 Payment of accounts were agreed and signed
Cambs County Council £1,100.00 (Jointly Funded Scheme)
S Dalley Clerk payment July £295.70
Data Protection renewal fee £35.00
CGM grass cutting x 3 July £270.81
L James (smartwater) £29.50
159.13 Planning – amended plans to 76 Main Street had been received and PC recommendation for approval still agreed as before
160.13 Correspondence received
. HDC budget consultation from Cllr Jason Ablewhite – noted
. Connecting Cambridgeshire – Broadband update – noted
. East Northants Council – Validation of Planning Applications – noted
. Council for the Protection of Rural England request for support – it was agreed to advertise this for individuals to support.
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