Visitors thronged in from 5.30pm on the dot and a combination of events held during the evening raised funds for Jubilee Wood Projects – a beautiful area for everyone to enjoy.
Alongside the plant sale there were information stalls on bee keeping and local wildlife, a children’s craft stall, a bird quiz and stalls selling garden bric-a-brac and garden metalwork by Ped Baker Metalcraft.
Food and drink
Tasty barbecue wraps were provided by Andrew Underwood and Dick Downer and Michael Trolove stoically manned the ‘Percy Thrower’ bar.
Gardeners’ questions and raffle
The Gardeners’ Question Time was well attended and a whole selection of topics were covered by two very experienced and knowledgeable professional gardeners, George Thorpe and Tony Arnold (often to be heard on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire) helped by our own village expert Margi Comeau. The evening finished with the obligatory raffle with a wonderful selection of garden-themed hampers as prizes, kindly organised by Jan Downer.
Bird quiz winners
The winner of the Under 12’s Bird Quiz was Meredith from Great Gidding. Her prize was a beautifully illustrated RSPB book of wildlife poetry signed and donated by local artist and illustrator Carry Akroyd, along with a soft toy owl.
The winner of the Over 12’s Bird Quiz was Vi McCarthey also from Great Gidding. Her prize was a hand crafted blue tit nest box kindly built and donated by Dick Downer.
A big BIG ‘thank you’
A big thank you to everyone who came and supported the evening and a really BIG thank you to all those behind-the-scenes organisers who helped to make the event run so smoothly and so successfully.
Remaining plants
There are still some plants for sale outside the Village Hall until Tuesday morning (14.5.19) – please pop your money into the Honesty Box.
Busy plant sales Busy plant sales Busy plant sales Busy plant sales Tim selling his wares and imparting his knowledge Information stands on bee keeping and wildlife Craft stall Bird quiz Beautiful garden metalwork by Ped Baker Metalcraft Beautiful garden metalwork by Ped Baker Metalcraft Garden bric-a-brac Top chefs at work Tasty!! Errr….. Gardeners’ Question Time Raffle winner Mr Hodson ‘picks up’ his raffle prize.
what fantastic pictures, sorry i could not be there, but what a team. Well done guys x