Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th June
The last 70 years in the Giddings…
What do you remember? Were you there for any of the many events that took place?
Did you know about the pig club, the dinner dances, the football club, the music society, the sports days, the village plan (the original one), the jazz club, the fruit and veg shows, the celebrations for the Queen’s silver jubilee, and of course the pantomimes (‘Oh yes I did,… Oh no you didn’t!’), to name just a few of the many community events that have taken place over the years.
Perhaps you were there, or would just like to know more about the history of the village if you’ve just moved in. If so, this display in the village hall will inform and bring back the memories through photographs, books and newspaper cuttings, programmes and original drafts of pantomimes, the fascinating photos of which must NOT be missed… (Oh yes they should, …Oh no they shouldn’t!)* and many other bits of memorabilia.
On both afternoons of Friday 3rd June and Saturday 4th from 2pm until 5pm, the village hall will be open for you to come and have a look. Enjoy a cup of tea and a cake as you walk around and reminisce…even if you weren’t in the village at the time it might bring back other memories of the reign of our queen for you.
We look forward to seeing you there and perhaps you can help us fill in any gaps in the history of the Giddings… This is not ‘just’ an exhibition, this is a part of the Giddings colourful history, and we hope you’ll come along and enjoy it.
*Apologies for the script writer getting carried away but that’s what reading too many pantomime scripts does to you………….’Oh no it doesn’t…!!’

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