September at St Michael’s Church
September sees us welcoming our new Associate Priest, the Revd Canon Fiona Brampton
The North Leightonstone Benefice (the group of parishes which includes the Giddings) has been enlarged. Revd Mandy Flaherty has been appointed Benefice Rector (i.e. senior priest), and has been joined by the Revd Canon Fiona Brampton as Associate Priest. Fiona has also been appointed Chaplain to Little Gidding. Fiona will have the care of the parishes of Hamerton, the Giddings and Winwick.
Sunday 15th September at 11am

Everyone is very welcome to come to that lunch. However to help with the numbers for catering, it would be helpful if you could let Jane Edwards know if you are coming [tel: 293555]. There will be no charge for the lunch.
Sunday, 22nd September at 4pm
There will be a service of Evensong at St Michael’s. At this service, there will be the formal licensing of Fiona as Associate Priest and Chaplain to Little Gidding by the Archdeacon of Huntingdon & Wisbech. The service takes place at 4pm, and will be followed by tea at Ferrar House, Little Gidding.
Saturday 28th September at 4pm
There will be a Choral Evensong on the eve of St Michael’s Day; the day when we celebrate the dedication of our church.

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