The weekend of 11th & 12th June sees two musical events in St Michael’s Church.
‘Summer Music’
Firstly, on Saturday 11th June, there is a concert called ‘Summer Music’. We welcome back the St Peter’s Singers from Peterborough, who will be singing beautiful choral music from Handel, via folk songs, to Cole Porter. Their musical director, Jeremy Jepson, will also play a couple of organ pieces,
The concert starts at 7.30pm.
Tickets are £10 (purchased in advance) and £12 (available at the church door on the night). To purchase your tickets in advance, contact Sue Shepherd (tel: 293479) or email her (shepnsue@btinternet.com). Your ticket price includes a glass of wine and nibbles in the interval.

Please make sure you tell your friends!
‘Songs of Praise’
Then the next day (Sunday 12th), there is a ‘Songs of Praise’, starting at 4pm. This is the opportunity to sing your favourite hymns. and to learn something about the people who wrote these hymns.
If you have a favourite hymn you would like sung, then please contact Michael Keck (tel: 293357) or email (mpk357@hotmail.co.uk).
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