g g p a r i s h c o u n c i l @ o u t l o o k . c om | 0 1 8 3 2 2 9 3 0 6 8
The current Parish Councillors are Paul Hodson (Chair), Jan Maciag (Vice), Jack Bolton, Fabio D’Altilia, Andrea Hargrave, Karen Moody and Lee Sanders who can be contacted via the Parish Council email, detailed at the bottom of the page. The Clerk can be contacted through the same email, or you can call in to the Parish Office on Fridays between 2pm-4.30pm. Alternatively you can telephone and leave a message, which will be answered at the earliest opportunity. Enquiries relating to the Village Hall or the Recreation ground should also be made through these contact methods.
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The Neighbourhood Plan Group has held a series of public events (in Great Gidding, Winwick and Hamerton) to discuss the initial responses to the Neighbourhood Plan. Further events will be held in 2024.
There have been many and varied planning matters throughout 2023, details (of most) can be found on the Huntingdonshire District Council website:
https://www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/planning/ planning-applications/search-comment-or-track-an-application/
OR a list appears in the Hunts Post each week.
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The speed awareness camera data makes interesting reading – the changes in traffic movements connected with the school day, occasional crazy speeds by individual drivers but, in the main, most drivers are doing 30MPH (in both directions) at the Village Hall/Church Farm area of Main Street.
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Anglian Water are not convinced that our village needs replacement water mains – please provide dates, details and photographs to the Parish Clerk, who has compiled a list of leaks so that we can keep up the pressure (even if water pressure is lacking).
Contractors are still busy emptying the contents of the School (most of the equipment has been relocated to other schools). We understand that the portacabins are to be relocated too. In the meantime, what would you like to see happen to the school house and playground? The Parish Council remains in conversation with Cambs County Council and Milton Estates regarding the site and would be interested to hear residents’ views to guide them in the ‘next steps’ to take.
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Coffee Mornings continue to take place on the first Wednesday of every month between 10.30am and 12pm in the Village Hall.
Huntingdonshire District Council’s ‘Action on Energy’ campaign wishes to provide our communities with advice on how to maximize the energy efficiency of their homes, save money on their energy bills and cut their carbon emissions. The Parish Council will invite a representative from ‘Action of Energy’ to a future Coffee Morning. Details of this will be published when a date has been confirmed. To assess your eligibility for financial support, please complete the survey on the website:
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We are aware that there are several residents in the Parish who do not have access to the internet, therefore missing out on information that the Parish Council shares on the village website (we do not use social media platforms). If you are one of those residents, please put a note of your name and address through the Parish Office letterbox and we will endeavor to get a paper copy to you if you are housebound, or make copies available for you to collect from the Parish Office.
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Dog mess, particularly from owner(s) of large dogs has increased. It is not pleasant for anyone to find on the walkways, worse still if they tread in it. PLEASE be considerate – deal with it, remove it and take it home to place in your own grey bin or in one the Huntingdonshire District Council bins located around the parish.
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