Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th November 2012

Present:   Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hayden (Vice Chairman), Hodson, Howden, Trolove, Giddens, James, clerk and 3 members of the public.   981.12 Apologies for absence – none 982.12 Minutes of 16th October 2012 were agreed and signed 983.12 Matters arising (information only) 984.12 Members declaration of interest for

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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 16th October 2012

Present:   Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hodson, Howden, Giddens, James, Trolove, District Cllr Tuplin, Julie Byard (School Governor) and clerk   963.12 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hayden and accepted 964.12 Minutes of 18th September 2012 were agreed and signed 965.12 Matters arising (information only) 966.12 Members

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Townsend Pond

The big clean out Townsend Pond or the Horse Pond as it is known in the village had reached crisis point. Almost completely silted up and giving off a foul smell when the water was low, it was becoming a bit of an environmental hazard. Long gone

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