Beer and Skittles – 14th March 2012

The theme for the final beer and skittles, local ales, did not disappoint. “Duck!” The Cambridge Brewery, Oakham Ales, Bateman’s, Elgoods and the Pot Belly brewery all featured along with Thwaites outpost brewery in the Sawtry hinterland. Citra  and JHB from Oakham ales was well received along

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Polio and the ‘Purple Pinky’ and crocuses in front of the church

Polio is a terrible crippling disease.  It was once the major cause of disability.  Before 1988 there were over 350,000 cases reported per year worldwide.  Now it is down to about a 1,000 cases per year.  India use to have more cases than anywhere else.  Now it

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Bateman’s, Hook Norton and Fullers beer and Skittle’s night.

Bateman's, Hook Norton and Fullers beer and Skittle's night.

It’s the bleak mid winter, snow lying deep and crisp and even. Well you get the picture, so thank you to those who braved the cold for the February B & S night. As usual it was with great interest to see what the various offering would

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Review of Christingle service 2011

Our Christingle service in December was a great success – lots of children came along to the Christingle-making session at the school beforehand, and then Mary welcomed us at the gate through to the churchyard and we all went up to the service. Led by Mary, the

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